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Simple COVID-19 simulation model with ABC-smc inference


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Simple COVID-19 simulation model with ABC-smc inference

Branches and releases

The most recently released code is always located on the master branch. The dev is the main development branch, containing the most recently developed pre-release features.

Releases are versioned using the semantic versioning scheme. Releases are tagged with the release number, in the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

Project structure

  • cmake/ Project CMake scripts
  • data/ Working input data directory: used to store inputs to a model run
  • doc/ Documentation associated with the model
  • external/ External third-party libraries
  • outputs/ Working outputs data directory: used to store outputs from a model run
  • scripts/ Utility scripts for setting up and executing model runs
  • src/ Model source code
  • test/ Model test code

Build dependencies

The project has the following dependencies, which must be satisfied by installing the relevant packages on the host system. Where the version is prefixed by '~', this version has been tested, but it is likely that earlier versions will also work.

  • CMake (>= 3.10)
  • GNU Scientific Library (~2.4)
  • PkgConfig (~0.29.0)
  • System threads package (pthread or other)

Third-party libraries

The project uses Google Test as its unit testing framework. It is downloaded and built automatically as part of the project build process. It is not required to be installed on the host system.

The project uses TCLAP for parsing of command line arguments. It is downloaded and built automatically as part of the project build process. It is not required to be installed on the host system.

The project makes use of a CMake-based version-tracking tool for encoding Git repository information in the project binary files. It was developed by Andrew Hardin (, and is licensed uder an MIT license.

The project makes use of an INI file parser to read values from parameter files. It is used under the terms of the license here.


The build follows the normal CMake procedure. To do an out-of-source build, from the root project directory:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

Running the model

Following build, the model executable is located at the pathbuild/bin/Covid19EERAModel relative to the root of the project directory. Its usage is:

$ ./bin/build/Covid19EERAModel  -m <inference|prediction>]
                    -s <original|irish|irish2>
                    [-i <integer>] 
                    [-d <string>]
                    [-l <string>] [--]
                    [--version] [-h]

The two mandatory options are -s for the model structure, and -m for the run mode. Omission of either of these options will cause the run to terminate with an error message. The index option specifies the parameter set that will be used in prediction mode: it is unused in inference mode.

At the present time, the -d and -l options are unused by the code and can be omitted.

The command line options used on a given model run are logged in the output log file (see below) for traceability and future reference.


The model requires a number of input files to run, in addition to the command line arguments. Input files must be placed in the data directory, and must be named according to the table below. The required contents of each file are described in more detail underneath the table.

Examples of each of the files below can be found in the data/example directory.

File name Description Usage
parameters.ini General parameters configuring model runs All
cfr_byage.csv Case Fatality Ratios, by age group All
scot_age.csv Proportion of health board populations in each age group All
scot_data.csv Timeseries of observed disease cases, by health board Inference only
scot_deaths.csv Timeseries of observed disease deaths, by health board Inference only
scot_frail.csv Probability of frailty, by age group All
waifw_home.csv Age Mixing Matrix (Home) All
waifw_norm.csv Age Mixing Matrix (All contact included) All
waifw_sdist.csv Age Mixing Matrix (Social Distancing) All
posterior_parameters.csv Posterior model parameters Prediction only


This file contains general model parameters, in .ini format. Parameters are grouped into sections. The required sections and parameters are as follows. This file is used in both inference and prediction runs.

Section name Parameter name Parameter type Description
Settings shb_id Integer Identifier for selected health board (1-15)
Settings tau Float Time step scale factor
Settings nHealthBoards Int Number of Health Boards (used to validate the input files - not used in a model run)
Settings nAgeGroups Int Number of Age Groups (used to validate the input files - not used in a model run)
Settings nCfrCategories Int Number of Case State Categories (used to validate the input files - not used in a model run)
Settings nCasesDays Int Number of days that observations are recorded for (used to validate the input files - not used in a model run)
Seed settings seedmethod String Seeding method ("background" or "random")
Seed settings nseed Integer Population seeding number
(Random seeding only)
Seed settings hrp Integer High Risk Period in days
(Background seeding only)
Seed settings use_fixed_seed Integer If 1, use fixed randomiser seed value
If 0, use time-based seed
Seed settings seed_value Integer If use_fixed_seed is 1, the randomiser seed value to use
Fit settings nsteps Integer Number of inference steps to run
Fit settings nParticLimit Integer Maximum number of inference particles to accept in an inference step
Fit settings nSim Integer Maximum number of model runs to execute per inference step
Fit settings kernelFactor Float Scale factor for inference parameter kernel window
Tolerance settings Key1..10 Float Tolerance factor for accepting inference particles
Fixed parameters totN_hcw Integer Total number of health care workers in Scotland
Fixed parameters day_shut Integer Time at which lockdown began
(days with respect to time series start)
Fixed parameters T_lat Float Mean latent period (days)
Fixed parameters juvp_s Float Probability of juvenile developing symptoms
Fixed parameters T_inf Float Mean asymptomatic period (days)
Fixed parameters T_rec Float Mean time to recovery if symptomatic (days)
Fixed parameters T_sym Float Mean symptomatic period prior to hospitalisation (days)
Fixed parameters T_hos Float Mean hospitalisation stay (days)
Fixed parameters K Integer Hospital bed capacity
Fixed parameters inf_asym Float Reduction factor of infectiousness for asymptomatic infectious individuals
Priors settings prior_pinf_shape1 Float Probability of Infection
Beta distribution shapre parameter 1
Priors settings prior_pinf_shape2 Float Probability of Infection
Beta distribution shape parameter 2
Priors settings prior_phcw_shape1 Float Probability of Infection (HCW)
Beta distribution shapre parameter 1
Priors settings prior_phcw_shape2 Float Probability of Infection (HCW)
Beta distribution shapre parameter 2
Priors settings prior_chcw_mean Float Mean number of HCW contacts per day
Poisson distribution mean
Priors settings prior_d_shape1 Float Proportion of population observing social distancing
Beta distribution shape parameter 1
Priors settings prior_d_shape2 Float Proportion of population observing social distancing
Beta distribution shape parameter 2
Priors settings prior_q_shape1 Float Proportion of normal contact made by people self-isolating
Beta distribution shape parameter 1
Priors settings prior_q_shape2 Float Proportion of normal contact made by people self-isolating
Beta distribution shape parameter 2
Priors settings prior_ps_shape1 Float Age-dependent probability of developing symptoms
Beta distribution shape parameter 1
Priors settings prior_ps_shape2 Float Age-dependent probability of developing symptoms
Beta distribution shape parameter 2
Priors settings prior_rrd_shape1 Float Risk of death if not hospitalised
Gamma distribution shape parameter 1
Priors settings prior_rrd_shape2 Float Risk of death if not hospitalised
Gamma distribution shape parameter 2
Priors settings prior_lambda_shape1 Float Background transmission rate
Uniform distribution shape parameter 1
Priors settings prior_lambda_shape2 Float Background transmission rate
Uniform distribution shape parameter 1
Prediction Configuration n_sim_steps Float Number of model iterations
(prediction mode only)


CSV file containing the Case Fatality Ratio, by age group. Each row is a different age group. The four columns are:

  • Column 0: Probability of hospitalisation
  • Column 1: Case Fatality Ratio
  • Column 2: Probability of Death, given hospitalisation
  • Column 3: Unused


CSV file containing the proportion of people in each age group, per health board population. Each row corresponds to a different health board, whicle each column is an age group. This file does not include HCW as a distinct age group. The proprotion of HCW in a population is estimated at run time.

scot_data.csv, scot_deaths.csv

CSV file containing the timeseries of cases and deaths, per health board. Each row corresponds to a different health board, while ach column is a day in the time series. The first column is the toal population of the health board.


CSV file containing the probabilities of frailty for each age group, by health board. Each column is an age group. Each row is a health board, with the exception of the last row, which is for the whole of Scotland.

waifw_home.csv, waifw_norm.csv, waifw_sdist.csv

CSV files containing the age mixing matrices for people (1) isolating at home, (2) behaving normally, and (3) socially distancing.


CSV file containing batched parameter sets (fixed and inferrred parameters). This file is only used in prediction mode. Its format is:

Index,p_inf,p_hcw,c_hcw,d,q,p_s,rrd,lambda, T_lat, juvp_s, T_inf, T_rec, T_sym, T_hos, K, inf_asym
0,0.153532,0.60916,37.9059,0.525139,0.313957,0.787278,0.516736,8.50135E-07,4,0.1, 1.5,11,7,5,2000,1

Each row in the file contains 17 entries: the first is the index of the row; the following 8 are the inferred posterior parameters; and the remaining 8 are model fixed parameters. The row selected for use in the prediction run will be that specified by the index argument on the command line (see Prediction Mode discussion below).

Prediction mode

The model can be run in a prediction mode, where a fixed set of parameters is supplied to the model, and the model is run for a fixed number of simulation steps.

To run the model in prediction mode, set the -m switch to prediction:

$ .build/bin/Covid19EERAModel -m prediction [-i <integer>]...

To configure the prediction run, three main pieces of configuration are required: a posterior parameters file (described above); a Prediction Config settings category in the parameters.ini file; and an index as a command line argument. The index should be provided by using the -i option on the command line. If it is omitted, it will default to 0.

The parameters.ini file must contain a category with the configuration of the prediction run, as below

[Prediction Configuration]

The setting n_iterations sets the number of model runs which should occur. The setting n_sim_steps sets the number of days each individual model run should should be run for.

When the model is run in prediction mode, all of the above configuration is logged to the terminal and the log file.

Inference mode

To run the model in inference mode, set the -m command line switch to inference:

$ .build/bin/Covid19EERAModel -m inference ...


The model generates a number of output files on each run. Output files are stored in the outputs directory.

Different output files are produced depending on whether the model is run in inference or prediction mode. These files are described in the section below.

Regardless of the mode in which the model is run, a log file is always produced. This file records the same information printed to the terminal while the model is running. The contents of the log file include command line arguments, versioning information, and copies of most of the significant input parameters. The log file is stored in the outputs/logs directory.

The log file includes a section listing Git repository version information, of the form

[Git Versioning]
    Commit SHA: xxxxxxx
    Commit Date: 
    Uncommitted changes:

Listed are the SHA of the HEAD commit, the corresponding commit date, the tag (if any), and a message to say if there are any uncommitted changes in the repository at the time of the last build.

Inference mode outputs

In inference mode, three types of file are produced in the outputs directory. These files have names of the form:

  • output_abc-smc_ends_step<n>_shb<m>_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm-ss.txt
  • output_abc-smc_particles_step<n>_shb<m>_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm-ss.txt
  • output_abc-smc_simu_step<n>_shb<m>_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm-ss.txt

In each case, the placeholder <n> will be the inference step number (a separate copy of each file is produced for each inference step), and <m> is the ID of the Health Board for which inference is being performed (this corresponds to the shb_id parameter in the input parameters.ini file).

End State File

The output_abc-smc_ends_step<n>_shb<m>_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm-ss.txt (hereafter referred to as the end-state file) records the state of the simulated population at the end of a simulation run. The format is:

0, 0, 0, 750169

where iterID is the simulation number, age_group is the age_group number, comparts is the epidemiological compartment number, and value is the population of that compartment at the end of the simulation run.

The number of each age group is defined in the table below:

Age group number Description
0 Under 20
1 20-29
2 30-39
3 40-49
4 50-59
5 60-69
6 70+
7 Health Care Workers

(Note that Health Care Workers are assumed in the model to have behaviour similar to the average of groups between the age of 20 and 59.)

The number of each epidemiological compartment number is given in the table below:

ID Compartment number Description
S 0 Number of susceptible individuals (not infected).
E 1 Number of infected individuals but not yet infectious (exposed).
E_t 2 Number of exposed individuals and tested positive.
I_p 3 Number of infected and infectious symptomatic individuals but at pre-clinical stage (show yet no symptoms).
I_t 4 Number of tested positive individuals that infectious.
I1 5 Number of infected and infectious asymptomatic individuals: first stage.
I2 6 Number of infected and infectious asymptomatic individuals: second stage.
I3 7 Number of infected and infectious asymptomatic individuals: third stage.
I4 8 Number of infected and infectious asymptomatic individuals: last stage.
I_s1 9 Number of infected and infectious symptomatic individuals: first stage.
I_s2 10 Number of infected and infectious symptomatic individuals: second stage.
I_s3 11 Number of infected and infectious symptomatic individuals: thrid stage.
I_s4 12 Number of infected and infectious symptomatic individuals: last stage.
H 13 Number of infected individuals that are hospitalised.
R 14 Number of infected individuals that are recovered from infection.
D 15 Number of dead individuals due to disease.

Particles file

The output_abc-smc_particles_step<n>_shb<m>_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm-ss.txt (hereafter referred to as the particles file) records the contents of each particle accepted as part of the inference process. A particle consists of a collection of inferred parameter values, and a weighting.

The format is:

0, 0.0866585, 0.126525, 0.157731, 0.425757, 37, 0.433313, 0.431202, 0.783405, 0.796279, 8.78239e-07, 1

where iterID is the simulation number for which the particle was considered, as before. The weight is the weighting of the particle. The remaining fields are described in the table below.

Particle Description
nsse_cases Normalised sum of square error for the number of cases.
nsse_deaths Normalised sum of square error for the number of deaths.
p_inf Probability of Infection
p_hcw Probability of Infection (Healthcare Worker)
c_hcw Mean number of Healthcare Worker contacts per day
d Proportion of population observing social distancing
q Proportion of normal contact made by people self-isolating
p_s Age-dependent probability of developing symptoms
rrd Risk of death if not hospitalised
lambda Background transmission rate

Simulation file

The output_abc-smc_simu_step<n>_shb<m>_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm-ss.txt (hereafter referred to as the simulation file) records the disease incidence at each day in each simulation run. Its format is:

0, 0, 0, 0, 0

where iterID is the simulation number, day is the day number, inc_cases is the simulated incidence of cases occurring on that day, inc_death_hospital is the simulated incidence of hospital deaths on that day, and inc_deaths is the simulated incidence of non-hospital deaths occurring on that day.

Prediction mode outputs

In prediction mode, two types of file are produced in the outputs directory. These files have names of the form:

  • output_prediction_full_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm-ss.txt
  • output_prediction_simu_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm-ss.txt

Full file

The output_prediction_full_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm-ss.txt (hereafter referred to as the full file) records the state of the simulated population on each day in each simulation run. The format is:

iter, day, age_group, S, E, E_t, I_p, I_t, I1, I2, I3, I4, I_s1, I_s2, I_s3, I_s4, H, R, D
0, 0, 0, 1266783, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

where iter is the simulation number, day is the day number, age_group is the age_group number, and the remaining fields are the population of the relevant compartment on that day in the given simulation run. The compartment names are the same as those described for the inference mode end-state file above. The age group numbers are likewise the same.

Simulation file

The output_prediction_simu_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm-ss.txt file (hereafter referred to as the simulation file) records the disease incidence at each day in each simulation run. Its format is identical to that of the inference mode simulation file described above.

Code Documentation Site

Code documentation generated using Doxygen and Code Coverage reports can be found here.

Automated Code Formatting

As part of GitHub actions clang-format-10 is run on the source code, this ensures consistency between code files without each developer having to worry about following a convention. Settings are given in the .clang-format file.


Regression tests

The regression tests can be found in test/regression. Each run uses a fixed seed value, fixed inputs, and a reference set of output data files. A regression test consists of:

  • Copying the input data from test/regression/runN/data to the working data directory data
  • Running the model executable ./build/bin/Covid19EERAModel
  • Compare the model outputs in outputs with the reference outputs in test/regression/runN/outputs

There are multiple sets of regression tests, which exercise different model structures in both inference and forward prediction modes. The table below lists the configuration of each test:

Test numbers Model Mode
1 - 6 Original Inference
7 - 12 Irish Inference
13 - 18 Original Forward Prediction
19 - 24 Irish Forward Prediction

The regression tests can be run automatically by running the script scripts/ from the top-level roject directory. Each test will be run consecutively, and on completion the script will provide a summary of successes and failures. The script takes the first and last tests to run as arguments i.e. to run tests 4 through 9, execute the command:

$ ./scripts/RunRegressionTests 4 9

The regression test script automatically configures each run in line with the table above: the user does not need to do this.

Note: The regression tests are an aid to refactoring with confidence: they should not be considered confirmation of the code's correctness. The reference outputs are updated periodically based on changes in the core model logic.

Unit tests

The unit tests can be found in test/unit. They are built using the Google Test unit-testing framework. CMake automatically downloads and builds Google Test as an external project, so it is not required to have Google Test installed on the build system.

Following build, the unit test executable is build/bin/Covid19EERAModel-unit_tests.

Code Coverage

Code coverage is now checked by lcov as part of the GitHub actions Ubuntu GCC workflow, a summary of the coverage percentage being given in the output. In addition percentage coverage for each source file are depicted graphically within the file coverage-output.pdf which is generated as a downloadable artifact available from within the GitHub action workflow window.

Check with CppCheck

As part of the validation procedure source and header files are checked with CppCheck. It is recommended you run this on your code before pushing to the remote repository, from the repository root directory run:

cppcheck --language=c++ --std=c++11 <address-of-code-file(s)>