Extract values from an Excel sheet to record fields while uploading
A Lightning Component that allows you to upload an Excel File to a record (e.g., Account, Opportunity, Custom Object), extracts certain cells (e.g., A1) from it, and sets them as field values in the record detail (e.g., Opportunity.Amount).
- Extract/parse values from a complex excel into a Salesforce record, while uploading the Excel sheet as an attachment to the record
- Build you regular Salesforce processes (e.g., approvals) on the record and reduce the e-mailing around those Excel files
- Combine the flexibility of Excel sheets with well-structured Salesforce processes
Use this component when you need to extract/parse values from an Excel File. It has been used mainly in approval processes, where users submit a complex Excel sheet as attachment to the to be approved record and certain header or otherwise important values should be taken over from that Excel Sheet.
See LICENSE file in this repository.
This component uses the SheetJS Community Edition library, which is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file in force-app/main/default/staticresources/sheetjs.