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new saved TEM models added
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LukeHollingsworth committed Jul 18, 2023
1 parent 2f7f2ba commit 9b12644
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12,000 changes: 12,000 additions & 0 deletions examples/Summaries/2023-05-16/torch_run0/report.log

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import numpy as np
import torch
import pdb
import copy

# Track prediction accuracy over walk, and calculate fraction of locations visited and actions taken to assess performance
def performance(forward, model, environments):
# Keep track of whether model prediction were correct, as well as the fraction of nodes/edges visited, across environments
all_correct, all_location_frac, all_action_frac = [], [], []
# Run through environments and monitor performance in each
for env_i, env in enumerate(environments):
# Keep track for each location whether it has been visited
location_visited = np.full(env.n_locations, False)
# And for each action in each location whether it has been taken
action_taken = np.full((env.n_locations,model.hyper['n_actions']), False)
# Not all actions are available at every location (e.g. edges of grid world). Find how many actions can be taken
action_available = np.full((env.n_locations,model.hyper['n_actions']), False)
for currLocation in env.locations:
for currAction in currLocation['actions']:
if np.sum(currAction['transition']) > 0:
if model.hyper['has_static_action']:
if currAction['id'] > 0:
action_available[currLocation['id'], currAction['id'] - 1] = True
action_available[currLocation['id'], currAction['id']] = True
# Make array to list whether the observation was predicted correctly or not
correct = []
# Make array that stores for each step the fraction of locations visited
location_frac = []
# And an array that stores for each step the fraction of actions taken
action_frac = []
# Run through iterations of forward pass to check when an action is taken for the first time
for step in forward:
# Update the states that have now been visited
location_visited[step.g[env_i]['id']] = True
# ... And the actions that now have been taken
if model.hyper['has_static_action']:
if step.a[env_i] > 0:
action_taken[step.g[env_i]['id'], step.a[env_i] - 1] = True
action_taken[step.g[env_i]['id'], step.a[env_i]] = True
# Mark the location of the previous iteration as visited
correct.append((torch.argmax(step.x_gen[2][env_i]) == torch.argmax(step.x[env_i])).numpy())
# Add the fraction of locations visited for this step
location_frac.append(np.sum(location_visited) / location_visited.size)
# ... And also add the fraction of actions taken for this step
action_frac.append(np.sum(action_taken) / np.sum(action_available))
# Add performance and visitation fractions of this environment to performance list across environments
# Return
return all_correct, all_location_frac, all_action_frac

# Track prediction accuracy per location, after a transition towards the location
def location_accuracy(forward, model, environments):
# Keep track of whether model prediction were correct for each environment, separated by arrival and departure location
accuracy_from, accuracy_to = [], []
# Run through environments and monitor performance in each
for env_i, env in enumerate(environments):
# Make array to list whether the observation was predicted correctly or not
correct_from = [[] for _ in range(env[2])]
correct_to = [[] for _ in range(env[2])]
# Run through iterations of forward pass to check when an action is taken for the first time
for step_i, step in enumerate(forward[1:]):
# Prediction on arrival: sensory prediction when arriving at given node
correct_to[step.g[env_i]['id']].append((torch.argmax(step.x_gen[2][env_i]) == torch.argmax(step.x[env_i])).numpy().tolist())
# Prediction on depature: sensory prediction after leaving given node - i.e. store whether the current prediction is correct for the previous location
correct_from[forward[step_i].g[env_i]['id']].append((torch.argmax(step.x_gen[2][env_i]) == torch.argmax(step.x[env_i])).numpy().tolist())
# Add performance and visitation fractions of this environment to performance list across environments
accuracy_from.append([sum(correct_from_location) / (len(correct_from_location) if len(correct_from_location) > 0 else 1) for correct_from_location in correct_from])
accuracy_to.append([sum(correct_to_location) / (len(correct_to_location) if len(correct_to_location) > 0 else 1) for correct_to_location in correct_to])
# Return
return accuracy_from, accuracy_to

# Track occupation per location
def location_occupation(forward, model, environments):
# Keep track of how many times each location was visited
occupation = []
# Run through environments and monitor performance in each
for env_i, env in enumerate(environments):
# Make array to list whether the observation was predicted correctly or not
visits = [0 for _ in range(env[2])]
# Run through iterations of forward pass to check when an action is taken for the first time
for step in forward:
# Prediction on arrival: sensory prediction when arriving at given node
visits[step.g[env_i]['id']] += 1
# Add performance and visitation fractions of this environment to performance list across environments
# Return occupation of states during walk across environments
return occupation

# Measure zero-shot inference for this model: see if it can predict an observation following a new action to a know location
def zero_shot(forward, model, environments, include_stay_still=True):
# Get the number of actions in this model
n_actions = model.hyper['n_actions'] + model.hyper['has_static_action']
# Track for all opportunities for zero-shot inference if the predictions were correct across environments
all_correct_zero_shot = []
# Run through environments and check for zero-shot inference in each of them
for env_i, env in enumerate(environments):
# Keep track for each location whether it has been visited
location_visited = np.full(env[2], False)
# And for each action in each location whether it has been taken
action_taken = np.full((env[2], n_actions), False)
# Get the very first iteration
prev_iter = forward[0]
# Make list that for all opportunities for zero-shot inference tracks if the predictions were correct
correct_zero_shot = []
# Run through iterations of forward pass to check when an action is taken for the first time
for step in forward[1:]:
# Get the previous action and previous location location
prev_a, prev_g = prev_iter.a[env_i], prev_iter.g[env_i]['id']
# If the previous action was standing still: only count as valid transition standing still actions are included as zero-shot inference
if model.hyper['has_static_action'] and prev_a == 0 and not include_stay_still:
prev_a = None
# Mark the location of the previous iteration as visited
location_visited[prev_g] = True
# Zero shot inference occurs when the current location was visited, but the previous action wasn't taken before
if location_visited[step.g[env_i]['id']] and prev_a is not None and not action_taken[prev_g, prev_a]:
# Find whether the prediction was correct
correct_zero_shot.append((torch.argmax(step.x_gen[2][env_i]) == torch.argmax(step.x[env_i])).numpy())
# Update the previous action as taken
if prev_a is not None:
action_taken[prev_g, prev_a] = True
# And update the previous iteration to the current iteration
prev_iter = step
# Having gone through the full forward pass for one environment, add the zero-shot performance to the list of all
# Return lists of success of zero-shot inference for all environments
return all_correct_zero_shot

# Compare TEM performance to a 'node' and an 'edge' agent, that remember previous observations and guess others
def compare_to_agents(forward, model, environments, include_stay_still=True):
# Get the number of actions in this model
n_actions = model.hyper['n_actions'] + model.hyper['has_static_action']
# Store for each environment for each step whether is was predicted correctly by the model, and by a perfect node and perfect edge agent
all_correct_model, all_correct_node, all_correct_edge = [], [], []
# Run through environments and check for correct or incorrect prediction
for env_i, env in enumerate(environments):
# Keep track for each location whether it has been visited
location_visited = np.full(env[2], False)
# And for each action in each location whether it has been taken
action_taken = np.full((env[2], n_actions), False)
# Make array to list whether the observation was predicted correctly or not for the model
correct_model = []
# And the same for a node agent, that picks a random observation on first encounter of a node, and the correct one every next time
correct_node = []
# And the same for an edge agent, that picks a random observation on first encounter of an edge, and the correct one every next time
correct_edge = []
# Get the very first iteration
prev_iter = forward[0]
# Run through iterations of forward pass to check when an action is taken for the first time
for step in forward[1:]:
# Get the previous action and previous location
prev_a, prev_g = prev_iter.a[env_i], prev_iter.g[env_i]['id']
# If the previous action was standing still: only count as valid transition standing still actions are included as zero-shot inference
if model.hyper['has_static_action'] and prev_a == 0 and not include_stay_still:
prev_a = None
# Mark the location of the previous iteration as visited
location_visited[prev_g] = True
# Update model prediction for this step
correct_model.append((torch.argmax(step.x_gen[2][env_i]) == torch.argmax(step.x[env_i])).numpy())
# Update node agent prediction for this step: correct when this state was visited beofre, otherwise chance
correct_node.append(True if location_visited[step.g[env_i]['id']] else np.random.randint(model.hyper['n_x']) == torch.argmax(step.x[env_i]).numpy())
# Update edge agent prediction for this step: always correct if no action taken, correct when action leading to this state was taken before, otherwise chance
correct_edge.append(True if prev_a is None else True if action_taken[prev_g, prev_a] else np.random.randint(model.hyper['n_x']) == torch.argmax(step.x[env_i]).numpy())
# Update the previous action as taken
if prev_a is not None:
action_taken[prev_g, prev_a] = True
# And update the previous iteration to the current iteration
prev_iter = step
# Add the performance of model, node agent, and edge agent for this environment to list across environments
# Return list of prediction success for all three agents across environments
return all_correct_model, all_correct_node, all_correct_edge

# Calculate rate maps for this model: what is the firing pattern for each cell at all locations?
def rate_map(forward, model, environments):
# Store location x cell firing rate matrix for abstract and grounded location representation across environments
all_g, all_p = [], []
# Go through environments and collect firing rates in each
for env_i, env in enumerate(environments):
# Collect grounded location/hippocampal/place cell representation during walk: separate into frequency modules, then locations
p = [[[] for loc in range(env[2])] for f in range(model.hyper['n_f'])]
# Collect abstract location/entorhinal/grid cell representation during walk: separate into frequency modules, then locations
g = [[[] for loc in range(env[2])] for f in range(model.hyper['n_f'])]
# In each step, concatenate the representations to the appropriate list
for step in forward:
# Run through frequency modules and append the firing rates to the correct location list
for f in range(model.hyper['n_f']):
# Now average across location visits to get a single represenation vector for each location for each frequency
for cells, n_cells in zip([p, g], [model.hyper['n_p'], model.hyper['n_g']]):
for f, frequency in enumerate(cells):
# Average across visits of the each location, but only the second half of the visits so model roughly know the environment
for l, location in enumerate(frequency):
frequency[l] = sum(location[int(len(location)/2):]) / len(location[int(len(location)/2):]) if len(location[int(len(location)/2):]) > 0 else np.zeros(n_cells[f])
# Then concatenate the locations to get a [locations x cells for this frequency] matrix
cells[f] = np.stack(frequency, axis=0)
# Append the final average representations of this environment to the list of representations across environments
# Return list of locations x cells matrix of firing rates for each frequency module for each environment
return all_g, all_p

# Helper function to generate input for the model
def generate_input(environment, walk):
# If no walk was provided: use the environment to generate one
if walk is None:
# Generate a single walk from environment with length depending on number of locations (so you're likely to visit each location)
walk = environment.generate_walks(environment.graph['n_locations']*100, 1)[0]
# Now this walk needs to be adjusted so that it looks like a batch with batch size 1
for step in walk:
# Make single location into list
step[0] = [step[0]]
# Make single 1D observation vector into 2D row vector
step[1] = step[1].unsqueeze(dim=0)
# Make single action into list
step[2] = [step[2]]
return walk

# Smoothing function (originally written by James)
def smooth(a, wsz):
# a: NumPy 1-D array containing the data to be smoothed
# WSZ: smoothing window size needs, which must be odd number,
out0 = np.convolve(a, np.ones(wsz, dtype=int), 'valid') / wsz
r = np.arange(1, wsz - 1, 2)
start = np.cumsum(a[:wsz - 1])[::2] / r
stop = (np.cumsum(a[:-wsz:-1])[::2] / r)[::-1]
return np.concatenate((start, out0, stop))

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