Data Engineer professional working in a stack of BIM, Computational design, GIS, maps, ML, AI and urban sensing.
- Programming: Python, R
- Web development: HTML/CSS, JavaScript, ShapeDriver
- Databases: PostgreSQL, SQLite
- Computational design: Rhinoceros 3D/Grasshopper, Wallacey
- Machine learning: Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Wallacey, Lunchbox
- BIM: Archicad, Autocad, Revit
- Data Visualization: PowerPoint, Plotly, Streamlit, Matplotlib, Bokeh
- Graphic design: Photoshop, Illustrator
- GIS: QGIS, Earth Engine, Hops, Geopandas, Networkx, Osmnx
Research and risk assessment of plots for cottage development in Almaty metropolitan area
Analysis of correlation of built heritage and real estate cost in Barcelona
Policy for advanced technologies of Barcelona metropolitan area
🔭 I’m currently working on the stack of 3dprinting construction and BIM
🌱 I’m currently learning data science and machine learning
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on urban sensing and AI in real estate