- Requirements
You will need ruby 1.9.3. If you are under a UNIX machine, we recommend to install rbenv (rbenv users: $> rbenv local 1.9.3-p551). You will also need git in order to clone the repository.
- Installation instructions
Open up a terminal window, and go to a machine's folder
$ cd ~/Sources
Clone the repository
$ git clone git://github.com/Vizzuality/GeoCAT.git
Go into the GeoCAT folder
$ cd GeoCAT
I case you have installed rvm, grant it to execute the .rvmrc file
Install bundler
$ gem install bundler
Execute bundler install command
$ bundle install
Set up the database
$ rake db:setup
And then, start the server
$ bundle exec rails server
It should be working at http://localhost:3000