This package has moved and is now available at @dile/dile-checkbox. Please update your dependencies. This repository is no longer maintained.
Web Component to create a customized checkbox input interface, based on LitElement.
Let's go to DEMOS page!
npm i dile-checkbox
<script type="module">
import 'dile-checkbox/dile-checkbox.js';
<dile-checkbox>Label for the element</dile-checkbox>
- checked: Boolean, defines the checkbox state.
- disabled: Boolean, mark checkbox as disabled.
- dile-checkbox-changed: Every time the checkbox changes emits a dile-checkbox-changed event. The checkbox current state is received in the handler usign the event object "detail" property.
You can customize it using CSS Custom Properties.
Custom property | Description | Default |
--dile-checkbox-checked-color | Checked color for check control | #30a030 |
--dile-checkbox-unchecked-color | Unchecked color for check control | #ccc |
--dile-checkbox-fill-color | Fill color for the check control | #fff |
--dile-checkbox-unchecked-fill-color | Checked color for check control when is in unchecked status | #fff |
--dile-checkbox-label-color | label regular color | #303030 |
--dile-checkbox-label-disabled-color | Label color for disabled status | #303030 |
--dile-checkbox-font-weight | Font weight for te label | normal |
--dile-checkbox-size | Checkbox size | 20px |
.customized {
--dile-checkbox-checked-color: #006;
--dile-checkbox-unchecked-color: #f66;
--dile-checkbox-fill-color: #fcc;
--dile-checkbox-unchecked-fill-color: #666;
--dile-checkbox-label-color: #c57;
--dile-checkbox-font-weight: bold;
--dile-checkbox-label-disabled-color: #ddd;
<dile-checkbox checked class="customized">Mark as urgent</dile-checkbox>