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Structural processing

Chris Klink edited this page May 26, 2020 · 5 revisions

D. Main steps in NHP structural data processing and available PRIME-RE tools

Here we provide an overview of the main steps involved, and the tools available in PRIME-RE or in existing neuroimaging software packages, for the processing of NHP structural images with the goal of achieving an extracted brain mask and the segmentation masks (WM,GM and CSF). We also provide a list of existing pipelines for macaque anatomical processing for reference.

Processing Step Available Tools
1. Data Preparation
Reorientation FSL: fslreorient2std, fslswapdim + fslreorient
Freesurfer: mri_convert -sphinx, mri_convert --in_orientation
Jip analysis toolkit
Web-based Reorient Tool
Deoblique AFNI: 3drefit -deoblique (for changing header information)
Cropping FSL: fslroi, FSLeyes
AFNI: @clip_volume
FreeSurfer: mri_convert --slice-crop
Denoising Adaptive non-local means filter denoising in ANTs (ImageDenoise), SPM or Matlab package
Averaging multiple images Linear Registration tools:
FSL-FLIRT, AFNI-3dVolReg, 3dAllineate, SPM Register, etc.
Image averaging:
fslmaths, SPM Imcalc, etc.
2. Bias-Correction
T1xT2 bias field correction (HCP Method) Can be implemented using standard image calculation software such as fslmaths based on procedures described in Rilling et al. (2011)
A module for this bias-correction is also available in Macapype (
N3, N4BiasFieldCorrection Available in ANTs, MINC, Freesurfer packages.
One could also consider N3biascorrection which works better in some cases.
CMTK-mrbias Find it here
3. Brain Extraction
Template-based AntsBrainExtraction (ANTs), Atlasbrex
Non Template-based FSL-BET (can also be used with a template),
Deep Learning Model U-NET
Manual corrections ITK-SNAP, Slicer, BrainBox
4. Brain Segmentation
Template-based AntsAtroposN4 script, Atropos (ANTs), SPM Segment
Non Template-based FSL-Fast (can be used with templates)
Manual segmentations/corrections ITK-SNAP, BrainBox
5. Templates and Atlases See PRIME-RE
6. Ready-to-use Pipelines
Civet-Macaque Find it here
NHP-Freesurfer Find it here
PREEMACS Find it here
Macapype Find it here
Precon_all Find it here
HCP-style NHP Pipeline Find it here