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Data sharing



The BigMac dataset

**Authors** : Amy FD Howard, Istvan N Huszar, Adele Smart, Michiel Cottaar, Greg Daubney, Taylor Hanayik, Alexandre A Khrapitchev, Rogier B Mars, Jeroen Mollink, Connor Scott, Nicola R Sibson, Jerome Sallet, Saad Jbabdi, Karla L Miller **Description** : An open dataset combining in vivo MRI, postmortem MRI and multi-contrast microscopy in a single, rhesus macaque brain. The in vivo data includes functional, structural and diffusion MRI. The postmortem MRI includes structural MRI, a T1 map and an extensive diffusion protocol (two resolutions, multi-shell, ultra-HARDI + spherical tensor encoding). The microscopy includes polarised light imaging and histology acquired throughout the brain. The MRI and microscopy have been coregistered and warpfields are provided. **Documentation** : [Documentation]( ) **Link** : [Link]( **Language** : bash, matlab, python **Publication** : [Publication]( **Communication** : [Email](mailto:[email protected]) **Restrictions** : Data access requires a data sharing agreement to be signed between institutions. This stipulates the data can only be used for scientific research and that future publications acknowledge the original manuscript and funding body.

Brain/MINDS Data Portal

**Authors** : [Brain/MINDS project](’s participants **Description** : The [Brain/MINDS Data Portal]( has been launched for sharing the data and knowledge being produced in the [Brain/MINDS project](, Japan’s Brain Mapping Project. The unique appeal of the Brain/MINDS project is its focus on mapping the brain of a small new world monkey, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). This is important because research on the non-human primate brain is essential for understanding the human brain and for developing knowledge-based strategies for the diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders. The Data Portal aims to provide integrated knowledge for public use and original data for open research and collaboration. **Documentation** : [Documentation]( **Link** : [Brain/MINDS Data Portal]( **Language** : Website in English **Publication** : [Brain/MINDS related publications]( **Communication** : [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) **Restrictions** : The conditions for data usage are described separately for each dataset on their respective landing pages.

National Chimpanzee Brain Resource

**Authors** : [NCBR Team]( **Description** : The National Chimpanzee Brain Resource (NCBR) has the aim of facilitating research advancement through the collection and distribution of chimpanzee neuroimaging data and postmortem brain tissue. The NCBR also serves as a portal to access chimpanzee brain atlas tools, data repository, bibliography of publications, educational information, and links to other chimpanzee brain resources and datasets on the Internet. **Documentation** : [NCBR]( **Link** : [NCBR]( **Language** : Website in English **Publication** : [NCBR related publications]( **Communication** : [NCBR Team]( **Restrictions** : None indicated.

**Authors** : Fox AS & Gorgolewski KJ **Description** : The method for optimally sharing voxelwise data from NHP neuroimaging studies remains unclear. To address this issue, Fox and colleagues have adapted the resource (Gorgolewski et al., 2015), which is commonly used to share human neuroimaging data, to other species, including rhesus monkeys. To complement within-manuscript reporting (e.g. location of peak-activations), researchers can now upload any voxelwise images aligned to NMT-template space, including unthresohlded statistical maps, atlases, and ROIs to by specifying their species-specific template. Collections of voxelwise analyses can be linked to publication DOIs to appropriately credit researchers, and will ultimately facilitate meta-analyses, and other large-scale data-scientific efforts, such as cross-species comparisons. **Documentation** : [FAQ]( **Link** : []( **Publication** : [Gorgolewski et al. (2015)]( **Communication** : [Email](mailto:[email protected])


**Authors** : Stanford Center For Reproducible Neuroscience **Description** : A free and open platform for sharing MRI, MEG, EEG, iEEG, and ECoG data. It was formerly known as Open fMRI, but has been updated to include more types of data. The hundreds of public datasets available there are organized according to the [BIDS format]( Openneuro datasets can be also accessed via [Datalad]( Though Open Neuro primarily contains data from human participants, several NHP datasets are also available through the platform. **Documentation** : [Openneuro FAQ]( **Link** : []( **Publication** : [Poldrack et al. (2013)]( **Communication** : [Openneuro Support](


**Authors** : PRIME-DE consortium **Description** : The overarching goal of PRIMatE Data Exchange (PRIME-DE) is to create an open science resource for the neuroimaging community that will facilitate the mapping of the non-human primate connectome. To accomplish this, we will aggregate a combination of functional, diffusion and morphometric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets across laboratories around the world, and share the data with the larger scientific community. **Documentation** : [PRIME-DE]( **Link** : [PRIME-DE]( **Publication** : [Milham et al. (2018)]( **Communication** : [Email](mailto:[email protected])

Structural, diffusion and rs-functional MRI in Macaque Monkeys

**Name** : Structural, diffusion and rs-functional MRI in Macaque Monkeys **Authors** : Vanessa De Castro, Benoit Cottereau and Jean-Baptiste Durand **Description** : This dataset contains unprocessed structural, diffusion and rs-functional MRI data acquired in 3 female rhesus macaques. Each monkey underwent multiple sessions. For each session they were lightly anesthetized. The animals were installed in sphinx position with their head restrained by a head-post. Whole-brain images were acquired on a 3 Tesla clinical MR scanner (Philips Achieva). **Link** : [openneuro]( **Publication** : [De Castro et al. (2021)]( **Communication** : [Email De Castro](mailto:[email protected]) or [Email Durand](mailto:[email protected]) **Restrictions** : citation required <script type="text/javascript">(function(d, t, e, m){ // Async Rating-Widget initialization. window.RW_Async_Init = function(){ RW.init({ huid: "461543", uid: "08f35e7d11687ef3ae7b3e7c219b6114", source: "website", options: { "advanced": { "layout": { "lineHeight": "12px" }, "nero": { "showDislike": false }, "text": { "rateThis": "Like this resource" } }, "type": "nero", "style": "check", "isDummy": false, "showTooltip": false, } }); RW.render(); }; // Append Rating-Widget JavaScript library. var rw, s = d.getElementsByTagName(e)[0], id = "rw-js", l = d.location, ck = "Y" + t.getFullYear() + "M" + t.getMonth() + "D" + t.getDate(), p = l.protocol, f = (("DBG=") > -1) ? "" : ".min"), a = ("https:" == p ? "secure." + m + "js/" : "js." + m); if (d.getElementById(id)) return; rw = d.createElement(e); = id; rw.async = true; rw.type = "text/javascript"; rw.src = p + "//" + a + "external" + f + ".js?ck=" + ck; s.parentNode.insertBefore(rw, s); }(document, new Date(), "script", "")); </script>