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Hyperparameter optimization algorithms for use in the MLJ machine learning framework


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Hyperparameter optimization for MLJ machine learning models.

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Note: This component of the MLJ stack applies to MLJ versions 0.8.0 and higher. Prior to 0.8.0, tuning algorithms resided in MLJ.

Who is this repo for?

This repository is not intended to be directly imported by the general MLJ user. Rather, MLJTuning is a dependency of the MLJ machine learning platform, which allows MLJ users to perform a variety of hyperparameter optimization tasks from there.

MLJTuning is the place for developers to integrate hyperparameter optimization algorithms (here called tuning strategies) into MLJ, either by adding code to /src/strategies, or by importing MLJTuning into a third-pary package and implementing MLJTuning's tuning strategy interface.

MLJTuning is a component of the MLJ stack which does not have MLJModels as a dependency (no ability to search and load registered MLJ models). It does however depend on MLJBase and, in particular, on the resampling functionality currently residing there.

What is provided here?

This repository contains:

  • a tuning wrapper called TunedModel for transforming arbitrary MLJ models into "self-tuning" ones - that is, into models which, when fit, automatically optimize a specified subset of the original hyperparameters (using cross-validation or other resampling strategy) before training the optimal model on all supplied data

  • an abstract tuning strategy interface to allow developers to conveniently implement common hyperparameter optimization strategies, such as:

    • search a list of explicitly specified models list = [model1, model2, ...]

    • grid search

    • Latin hypercubes

    • random search

    • simulated annealing

    • Bayesian optimization using Gaussian processes

    • structured tree Parzen estimators

    • multi-objective (Pareto) optimization

    • genetic algorithms

    • AD-powered gradient descent methods

  • a selection of implementations of the tuning strategy interface, currently all those accessible from MLJ itself.

  • the code defining the MLJ functions learning_curves! and learning_curve as these are essentially one-dimensional grid searches

How do I implement a new tuning strategy?

This document assumes familiarity with the Evaluating Model Performance and Performance Measures sections of the MLJ manual. Tuning itself, from the user's perspective, is described in Tuning Models.


What follows is an overview of tuning in MLJ. After the overview is an elaboration on those terms given in italics.

All tuning in MLJ is conceptualized as an iterative procedure, each iteration corresponding to a performance evaluation of a single model. Each such model is a mutated clone of a fixed prototype. In the general case, this prototype is a composite model, i.e., a model with other models as hyperparameters, and while the type of the prototype mutations is fixed, the types of the sub-models are allowed to vary.

When all iterations of the algorithm are complete, the optimal model is selected based entirely on a history generated according to the specified tuning strategy. Iterations are generally performed in batches, which are evaluated in parallel (sequential tuning strategies degenerating into semi-sequential strategies, unless the batch size is one). At the beginning of each batch, both the history and an internal state object are consulted, and, on the basis of the tuning strategy, a new batch of models to be evaluated is generated. On the basis of these evaluations, and the strategy, the history and internal state are updated.

The tuning algorithm initializes the state object before iterations begin, on the basis of the specific strategy and a user-specified range object.

  • Recall that in MLJ a model is an object storing the hyperparameters of some learning algorithm indicated by the name of the model type (e.g., DecisionTreeRegressor). Models do not store learned parameters.

  • An evaluation is the value returned by some call to the evaluate! method, when passed the resampling strategy (e.g., CV(nfolds=9) and performance measures specified by the user when specifying the tuning task (e.g., cross_entropyb, accuracy). Recall that such a value is a named tuple of vectors with keys measure, measurement, per_fold, and per_observation. See Evaluating Model Performance for details. Recall also that some measures in MLJ (e.g., cross_entropy) report a loss (or score) for each provided observation, while others (e.g., auc) report only an aggregated value (the per_observation entries being recorded as missing). This and other behavior can be inspected using trait functions. Do info(rms) to view the trait values for the rms loss, for example, and see Performance measures for details.

  • The history is a vector of tuples generated by the tuning algorithm - one tuple per iteration - used to determine the optimal model and which also records other user-inspectable statistics that may be of interest - for example, evaluations of a measure (loss or score) different from one being explicitly optimized. Each tuple is of the form (m, r), where m is a model instance and r is information about m extracted from an evaluation.

  • A tuning strategy is an instance of some subtype S <: TuningStrategy, the name S (e.g., Grid) indicating the tuning algorithm to be applied. The fields of the tuning strategy - called tuning hyperparameters - are those tuning parameters specific to the strategy that do not refer to specific models or specific model hyperparameters. So, for example, a default resolution to be used in a grid search is a hyperparameter of Grid, but the resolution to be applied to a specific hyperparameter (such as the maximum depth of a decision tree) is not. This latter parameter would be part of the user-specified range object.

  • A range is any object whose specification completes the specification of the tuning task, after the prototype, tuning strategy, resampling strategy, performance measure(s), and total iteration count are given - and is essentially the space of models to be searched. This definition is intentionally broad and the interface places no restriction on the allowed types of this object. For the range objects supported by the Grid strategy, see below.

Interface points for user input

Recall, for context, that in MLJ tuning is implemented as a model wrapper. A model is tuned by fitting the wrapped model to data (which also trains the optimal model on all available data). To use the optimal model one predicts using the wrapped model. For more detail, see the Tuning Models section of the MLJ manual.

In setting up a tuning task, the user constructs an instance of the TunedModel wrapper type, which has these principal fields:

  • model: the prototype model instance mutated during tuning (the model being wrapped)

  • tuning: the tuning strategy, an instance of a concrete TuningStrategy subtype, such as Grid

  • resampling: the resampling strategy used for performance evaluations, which must be an instance of a concrete ResamplingStrategy subtype, such as Holdout or CV

  • measure: a measure (loss or score) or vector of measures available to the tuning algorithm, the first of which is optimized in the common case of single-objective tuning strategies

  • range: as defined above - roughly, the space of models to be searched

  • n: the number of iterations (number of distinct models to be evaluated)

  • acceleration: the computational resources to be applied (e.g., CPUProcesses() for distributed computing and CPUThreads() for multi-threaded processing)

  • acceleration_resampling: the computational resources to be applied at the level of resampling (e.g., in cross-validation)

Implementation requirements for new tuning strategies

Summary of functions

Several functions are part of the tuning strategy API:

  • setup: for initialization of state (compulsory)

  • result: for building each element of the history

  • models!: for generating batches of new models and updating the state (compulsory)

  • best: for extracting the entry in the history corresponding to the optimal model from the full history

  • tuning_report: for selecting what to report to the user apart from details on the optimal model

  • default_n: to specify the number of models to be evaluated when n is not specified by the user

Important note on the history. The initialization and update of the history is carried out internally, i.e., is not the responsibility of the tuning strategy implementation. The history is always initialized to nothing, rather than an empty vector.

The above functions are discussed further below, after discussing types.

The tuning strategy type

Each tuning algorithm must define a subtype of TuningStrategy whose fields are the hyperparameters controlling the strategy that do not directly refer to models or model hyperparameters. These would include, for example, the default resolution of a grid search, or the initial temperature in simulated annealing.

The algorithm implementation must include a keyword constructor with defaults. Here's an example:

mutable struct Grid <: TuningStrategy

# Constructor with keywords
Grid(; goal=nothing, resolution=10, shuffle=true,
	 rng=Random.GLOBAL_RNG) =
	Grid(goal, resolution, MLJBase.shuffle_and_rng(shuffle, rng)...)

Range types

Generally new types are defined for each class of range object a tuning strategy should like to handle, and the tuning strategy functions to be implemented are dispatched on these types. Here are the range objects supported by Grid:

  • one-dimensional NumericRange or NominalRange objects (these types are provided by MLJBase)

  • a tuple (p, r) where p is one of the above range objects, and r a resolution to override the default resolution of the strategy

  • vectors of objects of the above form, e.g., [r1, (r2, 5), r3] where r1 and r2 are NumericRange objects and r3 a NominalRange object.

Recall that NominalRange has a values field, while NominalRange has the fields upper, lower, scale, unit and origin. The unit field specifies a preferred length scale, while origin a preferred "central value". These default to (upper - lower)/2 and (upper + lower)/2, respectively, in the bounded case (neither upper = Inf nor lower = -Inf). The fields origin and unit are used in generating grids for unbounded ranges (and could be used in other strategies - for fitting two-parameter probability distributions, for example).

A ParamRange object is always associated with the name of a hyperparameter (a field of the prototype in the context of tuning) which is recorded in its field attribute, but for composite models this might be a be a "nested name", such as :(atom.max_depth).

The result method: For declaring what parts of an evaluation goes into the history

MLJTuning.result(tuning::MyTuningStrategy, history, e)

This method is for extracting from an evaluation e of some model m the value of r to be recorded in the corresponding tuple (m, r) of the history. The value of r is also allowed to depend on previous events in the history. The fallback is:

MLJTuning.result(tuning, history, e) = (measure=e.measure, measurement=e.measurement)

Note in this case that the result is always a named tuple of vectors, since multiple measures can be specified (and singleton measures provided by the user are promoted to vectors with a single element).

The history must contain everything needed for the best method to determine the optimal model, and everything needed by the report_history method, which generates a report on tuning to the user (for use in visualization, for example). These methods are detailed below.

The setup method: To initialize state

state = setup(tuning::MyTuningStrategy, model, range, verbosity)

The setup function is for initializing the state of the tuning algorithm (needed, by the algorithm's models! method; see below). Be sure to make this object mutable if it needs to be updated by the models! method. The state generally stores, at the least, the range or some processed version thereof. In momentum-based gradient descent, for example, the state would include the previous hyperparameter gradients, while in GP Bayesian optimization, it would store the (evolving) Gaussian processes.

If a variable is to be reported as part of the user-inspectable history, then it should be written to the history instead of stored in state. An example of this might be the temperature in simulated annealing.

The verbosity is an integer indicating the level of logging: 0 means logging should be restricted to warnings, -1, means completely silent.

The fallback for setup is:

setup(tuning::TuningStrategy, model, range, verbosity) = range

However, a tuning strategy will generally want to implement a setup method for each range type it is going to support:

MLJTuning.setup(tuning::MyTuningStrategy, model, range::RangeType1, verbosity) = ...
MLJTuning.setup(tuning::MyTuningStrategy, model, range::RangeType2, verbosity) = ...

The models! method: For generating model batches to evaluate

MLJTuning.models!(tuning::MyTuningStrategy, model, history, state, verbosity)

This is the core method of a new implementation. Given the existing history and state, it must return a vector ("batch") of new model instances to be evaluated. Any number of models can be returned (and this includes an empty vector or nothing, if models have been exhausted) and the evaluations will be performed in parallel (using the mode of parallelization defined by the acceleration field of the TunedModel instance). An update of the history, performed automatically under the hood, only occurs after these evaluations.

Most sequential tuning strategies will want include the batch size as a hyperparameter, which we suggest they call batch_size, but this field is not part of the tuning interface. In tuning, whatever models are returned by models! get evaluated in parallel.

In a Grid tuning strategy, for example, models! returns a random selection of n - length(history) models from the grid, so that models! is called only once (in each call to, ...) or MLJBase.update(::TunedModel, ...)). In a bona fide sequential method which is generating models non-deterministically (such as simulated annealing), models! might return a single model, or return a small batch of models to make use of parallelization (the method becoming "semi-sequential" in that case). In sequential methods that generate new models deterministically (such as those choosing models that optimize the expected improvement of a surrogate statistical model) models! would return a single model.

If the tuning algorithm exhausts it's supply of new models (because, for example, there is only a finite supply) then models! should return an empty vector. Under the hood, there is no fixed "batch-size" parameter, and the tuning algorithm is happy to receive any number of models.

The best method: To define what constitutes the "optimal model", history)

Returns the entry (best_model, r) from the history corresponding to the optimal model best_model.

A fallback whose definition is given below may be used, provided the fallback for result detailed above has not been overloaded. In this fallback for best, the best model is the one optimizing performance estimates for the first measure in the TunedModel field measure:

function best(tuning::TuningStrategy, history)
   measurements = [h[2].measurement[1] for h in history]
   measure = first(history)[2].measure[1]
   if orientation(measure) == :score
	   measurements = -measurements
   best_index = argmin(measurements)
   return history[best_index]

The tuning_report method: To build the user-accessible report

As with any model, fitting a TunedModel instance generates a user-accessible report. In the case of tuning, the report is constructed with this code:

report = merge((best_model=best_model, best_result=best_result, best_report=best_report,),
				tuning_report(tuning, history, state))


  • best_model is the optimal model instance

  • best_result is the corresponding "result" entry in the history (e.g., performance evaluation)

  • best_report is the report generated by fitting the optimal model

  • tuning_report(::MyTuningStrategy, ...) is a method the implementer may overload. It should return a named tuple. The fallback is to return the raw history:

MLJTuning.tuning_report(tuning, history, state) = (history=history,)

The default_n method: For declaring the default number of iterations

MLJTuning.default_n(tuning::MyTuningStrategy, range)

The methods! method (which is allowed to return multiple models) is called until a history of length n has been built, or models! returns an empty list or nothing. If the user does not specify a value for n when constructing her TunedModel object, then n is set to default_n(tuning, range) at construction, where range is the user specified range.

The fallback is

MLJTuning.default_n(::TuningStrategy, range) = 10

Implementation example: Search through an explicit list

The most rudimentary tuning strategy just evaluates every model in a specified list of models sharing a common type, such lists constituting the only kind of supported range. (In this special case range is an arbitrary iterator of models, which are Probabilistic or Deterministic, according to the type of the prototype model, which is otherwise ignored.) The fallback implementations for setup, result, best and report_history suffice. In particular, there is not distinction between range and state in this case.

Here's the complete implementation:

import MLJBase

mutable struct Explicit <: TuningStrategy end

# models! returns all available models in the range at once:
MLJTuning.models!(tuning::Explicit, model, history::Nothing,
				  state, verbosity) = state
MLJTuning.models!(tuning::Explicit, model, history,
				  state, verbosity) = state[length(history) + 1:end]

function MLJTuning.default_n(tuning::Explicit, range)
	catch MethodError

For slightly less trivial example, see /src/strategies/grid.jl


Hyperparameter optimization algorithms for use in the MLJ machine learning framework







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