This project aims to centralize the various tools I develop under Unity. If there are things you can use, use it for free (under MIT license).
The tools are designed to speed up iteration time for a better workflow efficiency. Most of them are independent but there is usually a common base (found in the Core/ folder).
- Scriptable Object architecture (inspired by the Ryan Hipple Game Architecture with Scriptable Objects conference:
UE4-like Blackboard: A class allowing to store an array of variables by entities. This allows information to be transmitted through multiple components while reducing their coupling.
Finite State Machine inspector framework (FSMState, FSMStateTransition, FSMStateTransitionCondition, FSMStateModule): Allows to design multiple states from the editor without using code (or very little).
Finite State Machine and blackboard sample
Demo of a character locomotion + animations made with the Finite State Machine -
Sensors (Raycast Utility to use raycast from asset descriptors, ...)
Procedural action system (for 2D action games): Allowing to combine various tweakable actions (Hitbox for damage, Momentum for movement, StatModifier, Combo Sequence, ...)
A prototype made with the procedural action system
- Advanced Editor Utility (Animation, Input management, MinMaxRange, Physcis...)
- GUI attributes to extend the editor (such as ReadOnly or LayerMask).