A collection of code designed to generalise the process of taking a ROOT ntuple and producing a nice plot in pyplot. The aim is to allow the user to produce a generic configuration file to specify options for plotting. This is still under development but will hopefully include:
Handling of statistical variations [DONE]
Handling of systematic variations
- merging of systematics across years [DONE]
- combining multiple systematics for each plot [DONE]
Merging of inputs samples across years of data taking [DONE]
- (sample sets/processes specified in options)
- (every sample within a given set is merged)
MC Sample reweighting to data in bins of a given variable [DONE]
- samples specified in options: can specify a a single MC and data sample, or sample set if concatting years
Output figures generated with pyplot [DONE]
Cutomisable aesthetics e.g. colour schemes, histo styles, marker sizes etc [DONE]
- specify colour schemes in the plot card [DONE]
- (can use own matplot stle file for more control over all other aesthetics)
Ratio plots [DONE]
- for stacked backgrounds [DONE]
- for a single background of choice [DONE]
Stacking background distributions from different processes [DONE]
- (utility has been added but need to double check it works properly)
Output figures generated with ROOT