Fusion is a multi-chain smart contract wallet that leverages zero-knowledge proofs for cross-chain deployments and authentication.
Gas Tokens (GAS) are zk-powered ERC-20 token to streamline gas payments across all compatible networks within the Fusion ecosystem.
These are the solidity smart contracts used in the getFusion.today hackathon project at Fraxtal Hackathon 2024.
Fraxtal (Base-Chain)
- Fusion - 0xd17Dd62290EcdEa48e5029a4fBd519245C911c19
- Fusion Forwarder - 0x0B62BDA8EcE17AFfa7adAe16bBaBBC8584A30016
- Factory Forwarder - 0x40C92d2E370b3d3944fDd90c922a407F02D286d1
- Fusion Proxy Factory - 0x44950f083691828A07c17d2A927B435e8B272F6D
- Fusion Vault - 0x1275917daAE6389C61c7B1E8199724D0b46Ed10f
Optimism (Side-Chain)
- Fusion - 0xE876ccf876A21Dd429D7f368e5b6f8bdAE31Ff8f
- Fusion Forwarder - 0x95A847284488C6E57001F1245813a0aCcC709f07
- Factory Forwarder - 0x06A927Cf54B15d4178F0e3EC9ae85De5770B7CA7
- Fusion Proxy Factory - 0x63949B7b906417c555136028391699E2B5adb381
- Fusion Vault - 0x3705505C5690a836b33736CD13568Ee8700D35c4
Gas Token (ERC-20 | Fraxtal)
- Token - 0x614ae60954f0AEdd172141A9C52052a8B422DEfd
- Indexer - 0xd4B57a2d4aA433FC59b062a9D8f87972d5654430
- Indexer Proxy Factory - 0x0bFc5a5ea52843aeB2C82a436403c52d43913229
# Install dependencies
npm install
# fill environments
cp .env.example .env
# Compile all the contracts
npx hardhat compile
# Deploy on Avalanche Fuji, Check hardhat.config.js to check or add supported chains
npx hardhat run --network fraxtal scripts/deploy.js