Raspberry-pi Bluetooth, WiFi MusicBox using Buildroot
make menuconfig
Toolchain --> C library --> glibc
Target Packages --> Audio and Video applications --> alsa-utils
Target Packages --> Audio and Video applications --> aumix, mpg123, pulseaudio.
Target Packages --> Libraries --> Audio/Sound select alsa-lib then select all included in it
Target Packages --> Libraries --> Audio/Sound
select - bcg729 - libid3tag - libmad - architecture-specific optimization - libsndfile - portaudio --> alsa support - C++ binding - speex
Append in package/rpi-firmware/config.txt dtparam=audio=on
To use Shuffle in our MusicBox edit package/busibox/busibox.config CONFIG_SHUF=y
- Target Packages --> Audio and Video applications --> espeak --> alsa via portaudio (as a backend)
- This to increase our image so that it can handle the extra package we chose
- Filesystem images --> exact size --> 300M
Target packages -> Hardware handling -> Firmware -> rpi-wifi-firmware
Target packages -> Networking applications ->
- ifupdown scripts - openssh - wpa_supplicant -> Enable nl80211 support , Enable Autoscan
Target packages -> Hardware handling --> Firmware -> rpi-bt-firmware
Target packages -> Networking applications -->
- bluez-tools - bluez-utils 5.x (select all items under it)
change buildroot/output/images/rpi-firmware/cmdline.txt to
root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait console=serial0,115200 console=tty1
To connect a device to bluetooth
sudo bluetoothctl power on agent on default-agent scan on [NEW] Device AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF XYZ Now I Press the pairing button on the device (disabling bluetooth on any nearby devices) connect AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF trust AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF exit
after that to connect this device just
bt-device -c 5C:0E:8B:03:6E:4E
aplay -D bluealsa:DEV=74:E5:43:F4:C5:F4,PROFILE=a2dp,HCI=hci0 /root/superMusic/wallada.wav
- Target Packages --> system tools --> util-linux --> wall, write
- Reference --> link
- Target Packages --> Audio and Video applications --> bluez-alsa (and all under it)
- to regenerate the project, First download builroot and
- copy playmusic folderti
- replace post-build.sh in
with post-build.sh from my repository - replace raspberrypi3_64_defconfig in
with the one from my repository $ make raspberrypi3_64_defconfig
- Enjoy
- On power-up rpi3, it scans all connected Mass storage devices (sd card, usb, hdd) for MP3 files and output on the speaker the number of mp3 files found
- On Power-up it executes script called S50-playmusic-daemon, this script execute 1 script and 2 daemons .
- First script "/root/superMusic/playmusic" to play a welcome music.
- First daemon run script /root/superMusic/detectUSB this daemon enter an infinite loop to scan if any USB devices has been plugged and mount this USB .
- Second daemon "/root/superMusic/playmusic-daemon" enter an infinite loop to detect if any button is pressed to play or stop music playlist
- There is a flag that is shared between the 2 daemons so that when detectUSB daemon found a USB and mount it , it raises a flag to playmusic-daemon says that something changed in the system so that playmusic-daemon should search again for all mp3 files and create a new bash array with these new found files
- same thing happens you unplug usb storage device , detectUSB daemon detects Something changed and raise this flag to playmusic-daemon , so that playmusic daemon can detect that it should refresh the playlist with the new files
- If the user plug a USB device , rpi 3 detects it and mounts it on media/sd*/ and rpi output on the speaker number of mp3 files found on this USB device, it's type and it's size
- Music playlist is always all the mp3 files found on the Rpi ( SD card + USB storage) , this playlist is contollable through 3 buttons previous, pause, play . When user reach the end of the playlist the next button stop working and the same to the previous button when the first song is being played
- User can control the RPi through wifi or cable .. I set static ip to the wifi ,, but it's noticed that rpi can't be set to static ip through wifi and ethernet at the same time
- On connecting to Rpi via SSH , Rpi prints the name, status of the mp3 playlist , so it prints either nothing is played when rpi has booted and none pushed play button , song1 is being played , song2 is paused , it prints these on all connected terminals with "wall" command
- Rpi is able to play music via bluetooth ( may be it was the toughest task) . I was able to play .wav through bluetooth , but I wasn't able to make the bluetooth as the default rpi speaker (( i tried to create asound.conf to globaly set bluetooth as rpi default speaker but it didn't work, although i think it can be done))
- The main problem in the bluetooth is that bluez-utils5 has conflicts with alsa in fact they say in bluez-utils5 they remove support to alsa so if you choose bluez-utils5 you have to choose bluez-alsa in addition to run audio bluetooth but if you choose bluez-utils 3 audio support is included in it ... I worked with bluez-utils5 anyway.