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Localizer helps localize (translate) your rust applications using json files.

About this project

Localizer is a tool to translate text using json files.


Run the following command to add the package to your dependencies:

$ cargo add localizer-rs


To clone the repository locally using git run git clone


To use localizer-rs, you need a directory (eg. translations) with your translations files (eg. en.json). You then need to follow these steps:

  1. Import the localizer-rs crate:

    use localizer_rs;
  2. Create a new config object:

    let config = localizer_rs::Config::new("translations", "en");
  3. Translate your text:

    localizer_rs::t!(config, "key", "placeholder" ="value");


With the following en.json file.

    "error": "{{}}{{bold}}Error:{{end}} Something went wrong: {{details}}."

And the following rust code.

use localizer_rs;

fn main() {
    let config: localizer_rs::Config = localizer_rs::Config::new("translations", "en");

    println!("{:}", localizer_rs::t!(config, "error", "details" = "Path not found"));

You will get the following output:

Error: Something went wrong: Path not found.

Where Error: is red and bold.


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