What's Changed
- Update peter-evans/find-comment digest to ebedc73 by @renovate in #2
- Use renovate auto merge by @takahirom in #4
- Update peter-evans/create-or-update-comment digest to 5f728c3 by @renovate in #1
- Update dependency com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs to v1.2.3 by @renovate in #7
- Fix CI build by @takahirom in #19
- Update dependency androidx.test.ext:junit to v1.1.5 by @renovate in #6
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.7.0 by @renovate in #10
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.9.0 by @renovate in #11
- Update dependency androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core to v3.5.1 by @renovate in #13
- Update dagger to v2.45 by @renovate in #9
- Update dependency androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-runtime-ktx to v2.6.1 by @renovate in #12
- Update dependency gradle to v7.6.1 by @renovate in #15
- Update peter-evans/find-comment digest to ce17053 by @renovate in #20
- Update compose to v1.4.1 by @renovate in #22
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.10.0 by @renovate in #23
- Refactor module structure by @takahirom in #25
- Use a version tag for GHA to prevent continuous updating by @takahirom in #26
- Update dependency gradle to v8 by @renovate in #18
- Fix create-or-update-comment version by @takahirom in #30
- Update androidGradlePlugin to v8 (major) by @renovate in #29
- Update peter-evans/find-comment digest to e6c3d4a by @renovate in #34
- Introduce user message state holder by @takahirom in #35
- Fix some problems around user messages by @takahirom in #37
- Change package name by @takahirom in #38
- Update compose to v1.4.2 by @renovate in #43
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.7.1 by @renovate in #44
- Update dependency gradle to v8.1.1 by @renovate in #47
- Update actions/setup-java action to v3 by @renovate in #16
- Add a workflow that safely runs after Format fails by @jmatsu in #50
- Notify jUnit results on pull requests by @jmatsu in #51
- Configure Renovate and activate digest pinning for GitHub Actions by @jmatsu in #64
- Rename module home to sessions by @takahirom in #76
- Add README sections by @takahirom in #77
- Add build-logic plugins by @takahirom in #79
- Add simple implementation and modules for sessions by @takahirom in #80
- chore(kmm): decrease gradle agp version by @RyuNen344 in #87
- Import 2022 Models by @takahirom in #91
- Add testing module by @takahirom in #92
- fix(deps): update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.5.0 by @renovate in #93
- Use TimetableScreen instead of Greeting by @takahirom in #94
- Add build logic rule document by @takahirom in #97
- Fix fake api injection by @takahirom in #98
- Delete unneeded plugin apply by @takahirom in #99
- chore(ios): setup ios project by @RyuNen344 in #75
- Remove unneeded information by @takahirom in #100
- Add integration test and screenshot test by @takahirom in #101
- Add screenshot compare workflow by @takahirom in #102
- Added contributors module by @upon0426 in #108
- Add integration and snapshot tests by @takahirom in #110
- Improved build.gradle in contributors module by @upon0426 in #109
- Update compose to v1.4.3 by @renovate in #113
- Separate handleErrorAndRetry into handleErrorAndRetry and handleErrorAndRetryAction by @takahirom in #117
- support retrying, if multiple exception are thrown by @mitohato14 in #116
- chore(kmm): create shared module and setup SwiftPM by @RyuNen344 in #88
- Update dependency androidx.compose.compiler:compiler to v1.4.7 by @renovate in #114
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin to v1.8.21 by @renovate in #105
- Update dependency org.robolectric:robolectric to v4.10.2 by @renovate in #119
- chore: bump gradle to 8 by @RyuNen344 in #118
- Create ios sourcesets by a sourceset list by @takahirom in #120
- Add screenshot test workflows by @takahirom in #112
- Fix repository name by @takahirom in #121
- chore: support SwiftPM by renovate by @RyuNen344 in #122
- Update material3 by @takahirom in #123
- Change core/ui to core/designsystem by @takahirom in #125
- chore(deps): update androidgradleplugin to v8 (major) by @renovate in #106
- Update roborazzi to v1.2.0-alpha-5 by @renovate in #129
- Update gh-actions by @renovate in #131
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3 to v1.1.0 by @renovate in #133
- Update dependency androidx.core:core-ktx to v1.10.1 by @renovate in #134
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.5.1 by @renovate in #135
- Fix shell check by @takahirom in #138
- Add a testing section to README by @takahirom in #115
- Fix timeout by @takahirom in #139
- Introduce kmp compose plugin and navigation library by @takahirom in #136
- Update roborazzi to v1.2.0-alpha-6 by @renovate in #142
- Update dagger to v2.46.1 by @renovate in #141
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v37 by @renovate in #132
- Add on memory favorite implementation by @takahirom in #140
- Update Roborazzi and use resizeScale and namingStrategy options by @takahirom in #145
- chore: setup bundler and tools by @RyuNen344 in #143
- Refactor packages by @takahirom in #155
- fix(deps): update dependency org.robolectric:robolectric to v4.10.3 by @renovate in #157
- Add session filter by @takahirom in #156
- Treat screenshot tests as normal tests and refactor naming by @takahirom in #158
- Place UiStates near the composable functions by @takahirom in #159
- Migrate core/ui core/designsystem to KMP by @takahirom in #160
- chore(deps): update dependency fastlane to v2.213.0 by @renovate in #161
- Add special thanks section to README by @takahirom in #137
- chore: made contributors directory by @upon0426 in #165
- Refactor Composable function categorization strategy and add architecture overview by @takahirom in #167
- Add a Balancing Screenshot Tests and Assertion Tests section by @takahirom in #168
- Import compose multiplatform screen from contributor module for trial by @tkhs0604 in #169
- Add Multilanguage System with Kotlin Multiplatform by @takahirom in #163
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v38 by @renovate in #162
- doc: ios requirements by @RyuNen344 in #152
- chore(deps): update androidgradleplugin to v8.0.2 by @renovate in #170
- chore(ios): setup ios test lane by @RyuNen344 in #153
- chore(doc): describe about KMM plugin by @RyuNen344 in #172
- chore(ios): refactor by @RyuNen344 in #173
- fix(ios): arch filter by @RyuNen344 in #174
- docs: Update Build / CI section roughly by @jmatsu in #175
- Refactor timetable compose structure by @takahirom in #181
- fix(deps): update dependency com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-plugin-gradle to v6.19.0 by @renovate in #111
- Format by @takahirom in #184
- chore(deps): update roborazzi to v1.3.0-alpha-4 by @renovate in #183
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.7.2 by @renovate in #185
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.6.0 by @renovate in #186
- fix(deps): update dependency androidx.fragment:fragment to v1.6.0 by @renovate in #187
- export data and model modules to iOS by @takahirom in #189
- chore(deps): update gh-actions by @renovate in #190
- Add contributor ViewModel by @takahirom in #191
- Move annotations to core/common module by @takahirom in #192
- Add iOS Lint GitHub Action workflow by @tomoya0x00 in #193
- chore(deps): update roborazzi to v1.3.0-alpha-5 by @renovate in #195
- chore(deps): update renovatebot/github-action action to v38.1.7 by @renovate in #196
- chore(deps): update roborazzi to v1.3.0-rc-1 by @renovate in #197
- Introducing DataStore by @momomomo111 in #164
- Fix README by @takahirom in #199
- Remove unneeded dispatchers by @takahirom in #200
- Add bottom navigation by @takahirom in #201
- Apply material3 theme by @takahirom in #202
- Introduce SwiftLintPlugin via SPM by @tomoya0x00 in #194
- Changed BottomAppBar to NavigationBar by @NUmeroAndDev in #203
- Added PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md by @NUmeroAndDev in #212
- Changed to temporary app name by @NUmeroAndDev in #215
- Fix statusbar color and setup Edge-to-Edge by @NUmeroAndDev in #214
- Refactor timetable strcuture by @takahirom in #216
- Introduce Preview screenshot testing with Showkase and Roborazzi by @takahirom in #217
- Change timetable to main by @takahirom in #218
- Add TimetableGrid by @takahirom in #219
- Add after-iOSLint workflow job by @tomoya0x00 in #213
- Use jvmTarget instead of jvmToolchain by @takahirom in #223
- Refactor nested scroll by @takahirom in #225
- Implement timetable scrolling by @NUmeroAndDev in #222
- Fixed layout around TopAppBar by @NUmeroAndDev in #224
- Add transition to TimetableGrid by @takahirom in #226
- Add Compose Lint by @mitohato14 in #228
- Separate sheet content state and tab state by @takahirom in #229
- Implemented Timetable Tab by @NUmeroAndDev in #227
- Add an empty timetable item detail screen by @takahirom in #238
- Refactor navigation by @takahirom in #245
- Update roborazzi and use the rule by @takahirom in #246
- Change prConcurrentLimit to update libraries by @takahirom in #248
- Fix Workflow Hook sometimes comments on a none-related PR by @tomoya0x00 in #237
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material3:material3 to v1.1.1 by @renovate in #249
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core to v1.7.2 by @renovate in #251
- Use "rebaseWhen": "never" for saving GitHub Actions minutes by @takahirom in #255
- Update ksp to v1.8.22-1.0.11 by @renovate in #253
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.compose:compose-gradle-plugin to v1.4.1 by @renovate in #250
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:atomicfu to v0.21.0 by @renovate in #257
- Apply TimetableGridItem design by @momomomo111 in #247
- Update roborazzi to v1.4.0-alpha-4 by @renovate in #261
- feat: implement search screen UI by @keigomichi in #263
- Use Roborazzi 1.4.0-alpha-5 by @takahirom in #266
- Apply strings of TimetableListItem design by @upon0426 in #243
- feat: update date to 2023 by @keigomichi in #267
- Add version code and version name by @takahirom in #268
- Apply bookmark screen design by @mtkw0127 in #260
- Replace Coil with compose-image-loader by @momomomo111 in #258
- Introduce firebase and auth api by @takahirom in #279
- Fix Gradle unit tests by @takahirom in #282
- feat: add bottom navigation bar by @keigomichi in #281
- feat: implement bottom app bar and bookmark button by @keigomichi in #283
- Update roborazzi 1.5.0-alpha-1 and remove rerun-tasks by @takahirom in #286
- feat: add contributors item to bottom navigation bar by @keigomichi in #284
- [iOS] Setup iOS pages with initial state by @ry-itto in #188
- fix(doc): replace fastlane lane by @RyuNen344 in #287
- Fix image loader flaky problem by @takahirom in #288
- Fix permission for unit test by @takahirom in #289
- Update roborazzi to fix unexpected skip task by @takahirom in #290
- Add Fake API Server section to README by @takahirom in #291
- Add chip to timeTableListItem by @upon0426 in #280
- [iOS] Rename
by @tkhs0604 in #294 - Implement contributors screen by @NUmeroAndDev in #295
- Use session API by @takahirom in #293
- Adapt contributor api by @takahirom in #296
- Fix timetable scroll by @takahirom in #297
- Fix day filter for each tab by @takahirom in #299
- Refactor sessions pacakge by @takahirom in #300
- Add empty about module by @takahirom in #301
- Fix package by @takahirom in #302
- Integrate BookmarkItem and TimetableListItem as TimetableListItem by @takahirom in #304
- Fix bookmark icon by @takahirom in #306
- Fix click parameter naming by @takahirom in #305
- Use singleton scope for repository by @takahirom in #309
- Use parallel tests by @takahirom in #310
- Fix falky painter by @takahirom in #312
- feat: apply TimeTableDetailHeader design by @keigomichi in #311
- Apply TimetableTop design by @momomomo111 in #315
- Delete useless image files by @momomomo111 in #322
- [iOS] Implement Timetable essential UI by @ry-itto in #325
- Add StagePush workflow to deploy main branch artifact by @tomoya0x00 in #313
- Update TimetableScreen image by @momomomo111 in #324
- Apply Detail Conetent Design by @swimmy-reo in #326
- [Android] Add navigation from bookmark screen to timetable item detail screen by @tkhs0604 in #327
- [Android] Rename TimeTableHeader to TimetableHeader by @tkhs0604 in #328
- [Android] Fix to show the last timetable item by @tkhs0604 in #332
- Add designer to special thanks by @upon0426 in #340
- put message in the timetable by @upon0426 in #334
- Add cute cover image by @takahirom in #341
- Add CONTRIBUTING.md by @momomomo111 in #342
- Resize banner image by @takahirom in #343
- [iOS] Implement floormap essential UI by @ry-itto in #308
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #344
- Update Banner Image by @nobonobopurin in #345
- Add app icon by @takahirom in #346
- Fix app name by @takahirom in #347
- add fake contoributor repository by @upon0426 in #348
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #349
- [iOS] Implement session essentials UI by @ry-itto in #307
- Update ghcr.io/realm/swiftlint Docker tag to v0.52.4 by @renovate in #198
- [iOS] fix compile error by @ry-itto in #351
- Add app detail and video by @takahirom in #352
- Refactor README by @takahirom in #355
- Add apk distribution button by @takahirom in #357
- Refactor README by @takahirom in #359
- Update dependency SwiftGen/SwiftGenPlugin to from: "6.6.2" by @renovate in #350
- Update dependency realm/SwiftLint to from: "0.52.4" by @renovate in #252
- Update dependency androidx.fragment:fragment to v1.6.1 by @renovate in #362
- [Common] Add a formatted datetime string by @tkhs0604 in #360
- Fix README mistakes by @takahirom in #364
- Add timetable item detail screen test by @takahirom in #369
- update iOS related lock files by @ry-itto in #368
- [iOS] Implement stamp view essential UI by @ry-itto in #367
- [iOS] Implement About page essential UI by @ry-itto in #316
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #371
- Configuring issue templates by @mona-apk in #374
- Make use of gh-actions 2023 in StagePush workflow by @tomoya0x00 in #370
- [Android] implement collapsible top app bar on timetable detail screen by @tkhs0604 in #365
- [Common] implement except and actual for
by @tkhs0604 in #385 - [iOS] Fix wrong day information on timetable screen by @tkhs0604 in #404
- Update roborazzi 1.6.0-alpha-2 by @takahirom in #405
- Remove launcher icon for newer devices by @takahirom in #406
- Add empty sponsors screen by @takahirom in #407
- Update dependency de.jensklingenberg.ktorfit:ktorfit-lib to v1.4.4 by @renovate in #363
- Add empty floor map screen by @takahirom in #409
- Remove unneeded comment by @takahirom in #410
- Update dependency io.github.qdsfdhvh:image-loader to v1.6.4 by @renovate in #408
- Add sponsor api by @takahirom in #411
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.compose:compose-gradle-plugin to v1.4.3 by @renovate in #412
- Implement FloorMap ui state by @takahirom in #413
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-coroutines-core to v1.7.3 by @renovate in #414
- Make use of a distribution url that is updated automatically by @tomoya0x00 in #416
- Update AGP by @takahirom in #418
- Update kotlin and compose by @takahirom in #298
- Add a about screen skelton implementation by @takahirom in #428
- Takahirom/expand timeout time/2023 08 13 by @takahirom in #432
- Update dependency androidx.compose.material:material-icons-extended to v1.5.0 by @renovate in #426
- Update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.7.0 by @renovate in #427
- Update dagger to v2.47 by @renovate in #425
- Update dependency co.touchlab:kermit to v1.2.2 by @renovate in #433
- Update dependency com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-plugin-gradle to v6.20.0 by @renovate in #434
- Update dependency de.jensklingenberg.ktorfit:ktorfit-lib to v1.5.0 by @renovate in #436
- Update dependency dev.gitlive:firebase-auth to v1.8.1 by @renovate in #437
- Update ktor to v2.3.3 by @renovate in #441
- Update actions/upload-artifact action to v3 by @renovate in #124
- Update renovatebot/github-action action to v39 by @renovate in #446
- Update okHttp to v4.11.0 by @renovate in #443
- Add server error test and rename Fake's status name by @takahirom in #442
- Update ksp to v1.9.0-1.0.13 by @renovate in #259
- Fix okio import error by @takahirom in #448
- Update dependency com.squareup.okio:okio to v3.5.0 by @renovate in #449
- Add stage-app-pull-request workflow and drop-staging workflow by @tomoya0x00 in #396
- Update dependency fastlane to v2.214.0 by @renovate in #440
- [iOS] Expand the description if it exceeds its line limit by @tkhs0604 in #403
- Prepare README for the OSS release by @takahirom in #451
- Reduce image size in README by @takahirom in #453
- Use size for sponsors list by @takahirom in #452
- Make timetable cacheable by @takahirom in #455
- [iOS] CD Beta version with Xcode Cloud by @ry-itto in #450
- Use public images by @takahirom in #457
- Update README.md by @upon0426 in #458
- Update README about iOS by @NakaokaRei in #466
- Added Requirements and added Android Studio version. by @masaibar in #470
- [feature/#271] Create UiState for BookmarkFilters to Encapsulate Business Logic by @l2hyunwoo in #471
- fix day label on timetable by @Nagumo-7960 in #472
- Remove constraintlayout-compose for Kotlin Multiplatform Compatibility by @fornewid in #465
- fixed, #276 BookmarkFilters uses Theme Color by @Pluu in #469
- Adjust for contributors by @takahirom in #478
- Change timetable calendar icon by @lhoyong in #475
- Update roborazzi to v1.6.0-alpha-3 by @renovate in #473
- Use "R" to reference icons by @fucchi-senpai in #476
- Enable predictive back gesture for application scope by @chigichan24 in #479
- Remove concurrency for main unit test to update screenshot by @takahirom in #486
- Enable trailing comma on Kotlin by @Pluu in #487
- [feature/change_empty_image]: Change Empty Image by @KwakEuiJin in #488
- Update README about iOS by @NakaokaRei in #485
- Fix CONTRIBUTING.md by @ogapants in #492
- Proper layout of AssistChip in the archive portion of the timetable detail screen. by @toastmeister1 in #489
- [iOS] fix build by @NakaokaRei in #490
- fixed, BookmarkFilters chip color by @Pluu in #493
- ✨ Implement Top Section of AboutScreen by @Corvus400 in #481
- Address FIXME in Animation Calculation in BookmarkTopArea.kt by @tfandkusu in #494
- Added action lint workflow & Fixed shell check by @naotama2002 in #495
- Update Bookmark Icon to bookmarks Icon in TimetableTopArea by @sanao1006 in #496
- [feature/#480] Convert object declaration to data object in sealed hierarchies by @l2hyunwoo in #499
- [skip ci] 🔧 Fill in the copyright date and owner. by @Corvus400 in #505
- Add CustomTab Implementation for Web Navigation by @fornewid in #506
- Update dependency androidx.appcompat:appcompat to v1.7.0-alpha03 by @renovate in #361
- Hides the stamp function. by @momomomo111 in #417
- Update gh-actions by @renovate in #262
- Update dependency gradle to v8.2.1 by @renovate in #256
- Improve bookmark button accessibility by @Pluu in #502
- fixed, bookmark accessibility by @Pluu in #510
- fixed, accessibility of session details by @Pluu in #512
- Update dependency dev.gitlive:firebase-config to v1.8.1 by @renovate in #511
- Modify the design of the icons in the card section by @WonJoongLee in #508
- Create uiState for Bookmarksheet by @YusukeSuzuki1213 in #516
- Customize Chip Colors According to Room Labels by @kosenda in #518
- [Proposal] add custom preview annotations for multi themes and languages by @tkhs0604 in #523
- rename TimetableItemDetailFooter to TimetableItemDetailBottomAppBar by @okuzawats in #522
- Applied transition to Stamps screen by @momomomo111 in #513
- [feature/#424] Implement Sponsor List and Design on SponsorsScreen by @l2hyunwoo in #519
- Change method call method to ViewModel Binding by improve performance by @Gazyu in #527
- replace bottomnav label stamps to badges by @kudpig in #526
- [Android] update secondaryContainer and onSecondaryContainer by @tkhs0604 in #533
- ✨ Implement Middle Section of AboutScreen by @Corvus400 in #504
- Fix typo: Boomark -> Bookmark by @84d010m08 in #535
- Update BookmarkTopArea Colors to Use Theme Colors by @tfandkusu in #528
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #537
- Replace schedule icon by @maxfie1d in #539
- Update bookmarksheet emptyview colors to use theme colors by @okuzawats in #532
- Correction of Stamps package name by @momomomo111 in #540
- Fix README.md format in build-logic by @tsumuchan in #542
- Implement transition effects for navigation by @fornewid in #536
- ♻️ Implement processing when "View Map" is tapped. by @Corvus400 in #548
- [Bug][Android] Language is not switched in preview when the implementation of StringsBindings is used by @mikanIchinose in #554
- Feature/implement floor switch and highlighting gradient on floor map screen by @Masaki-U in #507
- Update timeout-minutes from 20 min to 60 min by @upon0426 in #564
- When click on a contributor, open one's GitHub. by @tarumzu in #553
- Add Accessibility ScreenShot Test for TimetableScreen by @kktaro in #561
- Implement bottom section of AboutScreen by @kokoakuma in #559
- In FakeSessionsApiClient, added fake session data with different room ID by @Hachimori in #576
- Display Map, Floor Information, and Page Title on FloorMapScreen by @mikanIchinose in #551
- [iOS]Change bookmark icon on toolbar by @coffmark in #572
- Fix FloorMap UI by @mikanIchinose in #583
- [iOS] Set correct app version string by @NakaokaRei in #534
- Changed to not include Firebase implementation on the iOS side by @momomomo111 in #580
- Add placeholder to search text field by @hiraike32 in #552
- Display Snackbar for Bookmark Confirmation in TimetableItemDetailScreen #517 by @KoutaMatsushita in #555
- Remove "interpretation target" chip and add another lang chip when the session is interpretation target by @tfandkusu in #571
- Disable backing again during transition from bookmark screen. by @kosenda in #578
- Feature/update background color of the top area of the timetable screen by @Masaki-U in #586
- ✨ Add codeInsightSettings.xml by @Corvus400 in #589
- Update B1F floor map images by @pvcresin in #594
- Add project icon by @maxfie1d in #596
- Implement feature that displays results according to search input text by @chigichan24 in #574
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #600
- [feature/#545] Resolve Stacking Issue in Bottom Navigation When Pressing Timetable Items by @l2hyunwoo in #595
- Escape compare report # in url by @naotama2002 in #598
- Display SideEvent List on FloorMapScreen by @morayl in #593
- ♻️ Update Switcher Background Color for Dark Mode Support by @Corvus400 in #601
- Add padding to the left of time in the timetable to follow Figma by @tatsuyafujisaki in #604
- Modify about screen's title by @hiraike32 in #599
- Display Sponsor List on SponsorsScreen by @takathemax in #577
- Fix showkase preview by @takahirom in #605
- Add expandable text with Read More Button by @JaesungLeee in #582
- Fix the build error by ShowKase by @hiraike32 in #615
- Apply stamps initial screen by @5altNaCl in #541
- [iOS] update xcode version by @tkhs0604 in #639
- Add per-app language support. by @atsushieno in #619
- ♻️ Apply Simplified Design for Timetable Grid Items Without Speakers by @Corvus400 in #557
- Feature/546 apply the correct icon for floormap by @shinya-tan in #620
- save TimetableSheet's selected day to bundle by @kktaro in #638
- Use the entries property instead of the values function of enum classes by @tatsuyafujisaki in #637
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:atomicfu to v0.22.0 by @renovate in #640
- [iOS] Implement SponsorView base by @ry-itto in #590
- Change label of Badges item in BottomNavigationBar to Stamps by @tatsuyafujisaki in #634
- Simplify ReadMoreOutlinedButton Click State Change by @sanao1006 in #647
- Add Filtering Feature by Category, Session Type, and Supported Language. by @kitakkun in #579
- Apply adaptive icon by @rocoand in #616
- Fix issue that timetable cache is not used by @takahirom in #650
- [iOS] Fix text wrap position of "DroidKaigi" by @coffmark in #602
- [iOS] Apply app icon by @coffmark in #603
- [iOS] Use cached image by @HironobuIga in #653
- Set end padding to title of the timetable item detail screen by @hiwa0 in #654
- Workaround: Inject annotation values to screenshot testing environment at runtime through predefined constants by @jmatsu in #649
- 🔧 Use Annotation prepared in #523 by @Corvus400 in #543
- Add preview on AboutDroidKaigiDetailSummaryCard and AboutDroidKaigiDetailSummaryCardRow by @hiesiea in #608
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #660
- Implement timetable loadging component by @matsumo0922 in #652
- Update implement onSideEventClick event by @umsys in #651
- Add animation to description section by @matsumo0922 in #658
- Make session grid item title font size variable by @shxun6934 in #563
- Adjust font size for session detail screen by @sanao1006 in #610
- Update Font Size for Empty View of Bookmark Screen by @matsuurayuki1219 in #611
- [feature/#663] Change type of mainScreenTabs param to PersistentList by @l2hyunwoo in #664
- chore: refactor gradle scripts by @RyuNen344 in #662
- ♻️ Make session text selectable. by @Corvus400 in #677
- Use pascal case instead of snake case by @iroha-168 in #678
- Show image if FloorMapSideEventItem's image link exists by @matsumo0922 in #661
- Scroll till bottom of the screen in screen shot test of badge screen by @tfandkusu in #687
- add dark theme key visual image for About sreen by @ked4ma in #685
- Implemented Staff Screen by @Naoki-Hidaka in #573
- Remove a redundant
modifier by @woxtu in #689 - Update room colors accommodating Dark Theme by @mangano-ito in #665
- Update SnackbarHostState Initialization with remember Function by @takarabe-hamuyatti in #683
- Add iOSBuild workflow by @tomoya0x00 in #221
- Use modifier timetable screens by @kako351 in #694
- change the project icon (android studio) by @ked4ma in #691
- add preview to TimeTableItemDetailScreen by @yasukotelin in #648
- chore(renovate): config:base to config:recommended by @RyuNen344 in #698
- [iOS] Improve the linting performance by @woxtu in #702
- chore(gh-actions): pin actions version by @RyuNen344 in #700
- Fix stamp icon on bottom navigation bar by @pvcresin in #701
- ♻️ Apply TimetableTopArea dark theme design by @Corvus400 in #680
- fix(gh-actions): pin sha by @RyuNen344 in #703
- Improve contributing by @ykws in #707
- ♻️ ClickableLinkText was made common and used on each screen. by @Corvus400 in #706
- Show floor infomation with room on session details screen by @hiraike32 in #673
- Add screenshot test for changing floors of the floor map by @maxfie1d in #657
- Remove unused testTag by @TonTonbow in #695
- Name change of StampsList by @momomomo111 in #716
- Fix NestedScroll Issue in Timetable Grid to Allow Tab Shrinking on Scroll by @usuiat in #659
- [iOS] add required dependency to timetable module by @tkhs0604 in #693
- [iOS] Change floormap image 1F and B1F by @coffmark in #710
- [iOS] Change social link button icon image by @gibachan in #712
- update: put proper padding to the end of the list in the side event l… by @sisosyunya in #749
- Removal of duplicated code within the bottom navigation by @Murayu0225 in #747
- [iOS] Add vertical padding to AboutView by @coffmark in #742
- Change the icon in the AboutDroidKaigiDetailSummaryCard to outlined by @organic-nailer in #748
- Defined the color of the Mark on the FloorMap. by @ErikoStoo in #745
- Update gradle/gradle-build-action digest to 243af85 by @renovate in #728
- Add side event information of Ground floor by @ike04 in #721
- Change build timeout time to 60 min by @TonTonbow in #729
- Quit copying SearchScreenViewModel's filter UiState to encourage SSoT of UiState by @Hachimori in #725
- Use filter chip for bookmark filter by @kumokumot in #692
- Fix wording of "supported languages" in English by @ked4ma in #736
- Add Accessibility ScreenShot Test for TimetableItemDetailScreen by @uhooi in #739
- Navigate to Contributor screen from about screen by @O-Ryosuke in #751
- chore: introduce complete kotlin for windows user by @RyuNen344 in #697
- chore(deps): update suzuki-shunsuke/renovate-autoclose-action digest to 132d8cd by @renovate in #709
- chore(deps): update marocchino/sticky-pull-request-comment action to v2.8.0 by @renovate in #705
- [iOS] Fix the alignment of the session message by @woxtu in #754
- Add blur effect around switcher by @taratara10 in #690
- add kover support by @Tlaster in #746
- 400 [iOS] Open appropriate url from AboutView by @HironobuIga in #759
- Implement TimetableItemDetail section and UiState by @matsumo0922 in #715
- 735 Code of Conduct and Privacy Policy added to navigation by @TonTonbow in #753
- Add error icon to TimeTableListItem by @yuheikawakami in #758
- fix unnatural behavior of BookmarkFilterChip by @kumokumot in #763
- add font scale shot test in TimetableItemDetailScreenTest by @kosenda in #766
- [feature/#460] Set NavigationRail when display expanded or device is tablet by @l2hyunwoo in #738
- [Android] remove border from room chips by @tkhs0604 in #768
- Implement shimmer effect as placeholder instead of "empty" string for timetable by @sanao1006 in #711
- Update gradle/gradle-build-action digest to 243af85 by @renovate in #760
- [feature/#581] Refactor FloorMapUiState by @l2hyunwoo in #771
- Run android lint task for
module on CI by @nashcft in #770 - modify session grid speaker text to fix bottom by @Aniokrait in #781
- Remove duplicated dependencies by @sys1yagi in #785
- Add error handling at MainScreenViewModel. by @sadashi-ota in #786
- Fix background color of BookmarkScreen in dark theme by @tkhskt in #774
- [iOS] update color scheme for dark mode by @tkhs0604 in #777
- [iOS] Add missing 'Component' dependency to Sponsor target by @ShoMasegi in #799
- Apply monochrome icon by @Dai1678 in #773
- correct About screen title color by @ked4ma in #772
- Skip some actions for iOS app changes by @woxtu in #794
- Rename ContributorApi to SponsorApi by @n-seki in #795
- Change archive section visibility by @amegane in #797
- Stores
on iOS by @kubode in #804 - 🔧 Match the English text to that of the session details screen. by @Corvus400 in #800
- Use
instead by @kubode in #805 - moved StaffList to section package by @kwmt in #730
- Use
by @kubode in #807 - Fix SearchList padding by @k-shinn in #808
- [Idea] Make timeText of ScheduleScreen sticky by @S-H-Y-A in #775
- Implement the onCalendarRegistrationClick in sessionScreens. by @tarumzu in #798
- Change Placeholder Image for Side Events by @Nagumo-7960 in #810
- [iOS] Add Dynamic Tab Animation in TimetableDayHeader. by @fumiyasac in #765
- [iOS] Implement DI base by @ry-itto in #656
- 🔧 Replace lambda function to callable reference. by @Corvus400 in #811
- Add Koin and Add KMP binding for iOS by @takahirom in #791
- ♻️ Add template text for when pasting videos. by @Corvus400 in #812
- Use KmpEntryPoint as the name of EntryPoint for iOS by @takahirom in #816
- Fix PR template English by @takahirom in #817
- Rename confsched2022 folder to confsched2023 by @tatsuyafujisaki in #819
- chore: Create CODEOWNERS by @RyuNen344 in #821
- [iOS] Sort imports by @woxtu in #836
- chore: replace codeowner to suppress notification by @RyuNen344 in #841
- Localize "minute" in Japanese by @tatsuyafujisaki in #820
- Install detekt by @matsumo0922 in #718
- [iOS] Add footer segmented button in FloorMapView by @coffmark in #796
- [iOS] Show room info on timetable screen by @tkhs0604 in #724
- [iOS] Try add xcodebuild for ios build workflow by @ry-itto in #750
- [Bug][iOS] Fix to reflect foregroundStyle for bookmark icons in TimetableListItemView by @fumiyasac in #844
- [iOS] Implement Search/Bookmark UI by @ry-itto in #803
- chore: update bundler by @RyuNen344 in #847
- [iOS] add custom color scheme for dark mode by @tkhs0604 in #848
- Apply detekt and remove spotless lint by @matsumo0922 in #851
- chore: cache .konan & SPM directory by @RyuNen344 in #846
- Make filters in bookmark scrollable by @Hachimori in #843
- Add License Description to About Screen by @matsuurayuki1219 in #845
- Show multiple speakers at TimeTableGrid component by @ked4ma in #849
- Toggle icons when switching timetable style by @naotama2002 in #850
- Introduce PreviewParameter to FloorLevelSwitcher by @ked4ma in #853
- Use gradlePluginPortal() by @tatsuyafujisaki in #860
- Add common composable of FilterChip by @shxun6934 in #784
- Use spotless for workflow for now by @takahirom in #863
- Revert "Use spotless for workflow for now" by @takahirom in #864
- ♻️ Apply new font to Typography by @Corvus400 in #857
- [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #866
- Add BookmarkScreenTest by @itochan in #868
- Add preview on time table by @hiesiea in #818
- Replace TimetableList time border text to box by @matsumo0922 in #858
- Remember versionName for more performance in AboutScreen. by @matsumo0922 in #880
- [iOS] Update information icons on the about by @woxtu in #876
- [feature/robot_padding]: change robot padding by @KwakEuiJin in #882
- #720 Highlight matched text by @S-H-Y-A in #756
- Select current day on initial view of timetable by @katsu-gen in #859
- [iOS] Implement LicenseView by @HironobuIga in #878
- Add lottie raw files by @momomomo111 in #892
- [iOS] Add rounded top corners to the timetable by @woxtu in #897
- chore: append complex os version and arch by @RyuNen344 in #870
- Remove bookmarkList padding by @k-shinn in #895
- Add Screenshot Test for read more expansion of TimetableItemDetailScreen by @tounyu in #884
- Remove duplicate padding on SearchList by @k-shinn in #893
- ♻️ Set margin for the SideEventList only when screen end by @Corvus400 in #901
- Update gradle/gradle-build-action action to v2.7.1 by @renovate in #903
- Apply FloorMap design to large screen by @bowyer-app in #814
- [iOS] update timetable list item view by @tkhs0604 in #852
- [feature/speaker_name_theme]: change speaker name text style by @KwakEuiJin in #881
- [iOS] Connect API using KMP module by @ry-itto in #865
- Implementation fake response of "WELCOME_TALK" by @sanao1006 in #822
- Make floor map scrollable with side event list by @chibatching in #896
- Feature/339 add timetableitemdetailcontent compose preview by @winstonmoon in #809
- Fix time text format by @CookieySun in #867
- Sort sessions by name in RoomResponse by @tatsuyafujisaki in #907
- Tweak layout spacing for the timetable screen tabs by @h6ah4i in #911
- Fix Find NORMAL Session by @shinya-takano in #917
- Replace Chip Design with Newly Defined Tag by @Hachimori in #877
- [iOS] Implement staffs base by @ry-itto in #913
- Update dependency firebase/firebase-ios-sdk to from: "10.14.0" by @renovate in #912
- 🔧 Fixed speaker icon size smaller than current. by @Corvus400 in #861
- Update suzuki-shunsuke/renovate-autoclose-action digest to befe0dc by @renovate in #869
- fix Bookmark snackbar's "View" button by @nemo-855 in #914
- use Activity.enableEdgeToEdge(...) by @ked4ma in #910
- adjust test data of FakeSessionApiClient by @ked4ma in #921
- Replace a deprecated detekt rule by @woxtu in #922
- Set JST time zone for robot tests by @chibatching in #930
- Update androidGradlePlugin to v8.1.1 by @renovate in #933
- Tweak layout spacing for the timetable screen tabs - 2 by @h6ah4i in #920
- Changed the priority of repository to search for plugins by @NUmeroAndDev in #937
- Add message on grid view and detail of timetable by @katsu-gen in #934
- Use
module by @fumiya-kume in #941 - Use
module by @fumiya-kume in #940 - Add Preview for AboutOthers by @fumiya-kume in #939
- Add codeowner for iOS related PRs by @tkhs0604 in #943
- [iOS] Fix the layout of the timetable item by @woxtu in #952
- [iOS]Fix the icon and title for stamps tab by @Shoryu-Y in #904
- [iOS] fix time format on timetable screen by @tkhs0604 in #927
- [iOS] Update dependencies by @coffmark in #953
- Remove unnecessary code that just return boolean directly. by @fumiya-kume in #945
- Cleanup unnecessary import at AndroidApplicationPlugin by @fumiya-kume in #946
- Convert to data object at AboutStrings.kt by @fumiya-kume in #944
- Aggregate kover reports into single report by @nashcft in #948
- Replace the deprecated setter for the detekt configuration by @woxtu in #951
- divide Locale const for Preview and PreviewTest on Annotations.kt by @ked4ma in #942
- [feature] Implement License Screen by @fumiya-kume in #883
- ♻️ Adding animations for bookmarks by @Corvus400 in #936
- ✨ Add Screenshot Test for Search Screen by @Corvus400 in #929
- Hide searching text when enable the BigFont/BigDisplay by @shinya-tan in #972
- Support large font for session tag and timetable tab by @Aniokrait in #970
- prevent consecutive navigation event by @ked4ma in #974
- The TimetableItemDetail Snackbar doesn't disappear after some seconds by @kosenda in #980
- Ripple at the top of TimetableListItem is cut off. by @kosenda in #977
- ♻️ Adding animation when stamp is pressed by @Corvus400 in #976
- [iOS] Add SideEvent in FloorMapView by @coffmark in #931
- [iOS] Fix typos by @woxtu in #961
- [iOS] Add search word highlight decoration when user inputs search word in SearchView. by @fumiyasac in #975
- [iOS] Enable to open GoogleMap application (or GoogleMap Web Page) from about screen. by @fumiyasac in #973
- [iOS] Remove unused dependencies by @woxtu in #978
- [iOS] Shrink timetable tab like "CoodinatorLayout" Component. by @fumiyasac in #979
- [iOS] Make the description on the session detail selectable by @woxtu in #962
- [iOS] Create Licenses using Swift Package Manager Plugin by @swiftty in #958
- In contributors screen, navigation back button becomes transparent after scrolling by @Hachimori in #983
- Prepare Android release by @takahirom in #986
- Consider WindowInset by @matsudamper in #959
- Update dependency org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json to v1.6.0 by @renovate in #957
- Update dependency androidx.navigation:navigation-compose to v2.7.1 by @renovate in #965
- Update dependency androidx.activity:activity-compose to v1.8.0-alpha07 by @renovate in #963
- Bookmarking with TimetableItemDetail automatically shrinks the DescriptionSection by @iiinaiii in #982
- Run CodeQL by @tick-taku in #674
- [iOS] Fix the size of the navigation bar items on the timetable by @woxtu in #992
- Update dependency com.google.firebase:firebase-bom to v32.2.3 by @renovate in #994
- [Build] Use Gradle's build cache and/or configuration cache properly by @masah517 in #699
- Adding tests to BookmarkScreenTest by @hiesiea in #932
- [iOS] Fix supported language display according to user's locale settings. by @fumiyasac in #997
- 🔧 Fixed so that the app does not crash even in Release builds. by @Corvus400 in #990
- add sponsors list item onClick by @akari317017 in #1000
- 🔧 Fix behavior when search results are Empty. by @Corvus400 in #1002
- 🗑️ Delete unused json files. by @Corvus400 in #1005
- 📝 PNG converted to WebP. by @Corvus400 in #1006
- Adjust Margin Size for TimetableListItem by @sanao1006 in #1007
- Remove unused imports by @fumiya-kume in #1012
- Convert to data object if possible by @fumiya-kume in #1014
- Use builder pattern for
constructor by @fumiya-kume in #1015 - Fix oss licenses plugin id by @fumiya-kume in #1017
- Update suzuki-shunsuke/renovate-autoclose-action digest to 2995ce6 by @renovate in #928
- Avoid necessary boxing by mutableFloatStateOf by @fumiya-kume in #1013
- Update ktorfit to v1.6.0 by @renovate in #995
- Remove racist words for inclusive codebase by @fumiya-kume in #1021
- Make the description of achivements operable by Firebase Remote Config by @momomomo111 in #987
- Switching the Code of conduct page based on the selected language by @fumiya-kume in #1022
- enable to display session title when bigfont / bigdisplay by @ked4ma in #1026
- Remove duplicate
by @fumiya-kume in #1024 - [iOS] Add share feature on timetable detail screen by @gibachan in #1010
- [iOS] Add a bottom padding to the floor map by @woxtu in #1027
- Optimize the time table performance with reduce boxing by @fumiya-kume in #1023
- Fixed contributors screen crash on communication error by @hoashi-akane in #1016
- Remove unused method in DroidKaigi2023Day by @fumiya-kume in #1025
- 🔧 Prevents clicks during animation playback by @Corvus400 in #1004
- ♻️ Add a translate button to the session details screen. by @Corvus400 in #981
- 🔧 Make it possible to build again. by @Corvus400 in #1033
- ♻️ Enabled transition to archived videos and slides. by @Corvus400 in #1031
- fix image size (aspect ratio) of speaker icon on TimetableGridITem by @ked4ma in #1030
- (Proposal) ♻️ Introduce Compose Compiler Metrics. by @Corvus400 in #1008
- ♻️ Add Screenshot Test for transition of days by @Corvus400 in #1036
- [iOS] Switch information links depending on the current locale by @woxtu in #1041
- Switch Privacy Policy depending on the current locale by @woxtu in #1042
- ♻️ The displayed image switches according to Dark/Light mode. by @Corvus400 in #1035
- [Android] add timetable url to calendar description by @tkhs0604 in #1040
- [#789] Fixed Timetable grid item UI by @Noddy20 in #898
- ✨ Session sharing functionality was implemented. by @Corvus400 in #1029
- [iOS] Bookmark action by @ry-itto in #1009
- Add room and time headers on timetable screen by @kusakabe-dev in #985
- Revive TimetableShimmerListItemPreview (Disable Shimmer only during Robolectric execution) by @yamacraft in #993
- Re struct side event mark by @takahirom in #1045
- Improve timetable list accessibility by @c0tt0n-candy in #1049
- 🔧 Fixed URL switching between EN and JP. by @Corvus400 in #1044
- Hide app bar on iOS by @takahirom in #1055
- [iOS] Enable links in descriptions on the session detail by @woxtu in #1046
- [iOS] Remove trailing whitespaces by @woxtu in #1060
- [iOS] Add the description about the android robot to the about by @woxtu in #1059
- [iOS] Set up type-safe localizations by @woxtu in #1058
- Introduce Compose Multiplatform to iOS with ContributorScreen by @takahirom in #1054
- Remove contributor navigation in bottom navigation by @takahirom in #1064
- Adjust room sort by @takahirom in #1051
- Remove side events by @takahirom in #1065
- Add crashlytics by @takahirom in #1068
- Navigation bar color not set when using 3-button navigation by @kosenda in #1057
- [iOS] add a picker to switch SwiftUI-based and Compose-based views by @tkhs0604 in #1072
- [iOS] rename all stamps to achievements by @tkhs0604 in #1074
- [iOS] retry iOS CD with Xcode Cloud by @ry-itto in #1038
- Remove mark by @takahirom in #1079
- Update version by @takahirom in #1080
New Contributors
- @renovate made their first contribution in #2
- @jmatsu made their first contribution in #50
- @RyuNen344 made their first contribution in #87
- @upon0426 made their first contribution in #108
- @mitohato14 made their first contribution in #116
- @tomoya0x00 made their first contribution in #193
- @NUmeroAndDev made their first contribution in #203
- @keigomichi made their first contribution in #263
- @mtkw0127 made their first contribution in #260
- @imgbot made their first contribution in #344
- @nobonobopurin made their first contribution in #345
- @mona-apk made their first contribution in #374
- @NakaokaRei made their first contribution in #466
- @masaibar made their first contribution in #470
- @l2hyunwoo made their first contribution in #471
- @Nagumo-7960 made their first contribution in #472
- @fornewid made their first contribution in #465
- @Pluu made their first contribution in #469
- @lhoyong made their first contribution in #475
- @fucchi-senpai made their first contribution in #476
- @chigichan24 made their first contribution in #479
- @KwakEuiJin made their first contribution in #488
- @ogapants made their first contribution in #492
- @toastmeister1 made their first contribution in #489
- @tfandkusu made their first contribution in #494
- @naotama2002 made their first contribution in #495
- @sanao1006 made their first contribution in #496
- @WonJoongLee made their first contribution in #508
- @YusukeSuzuki1213 made their first contribution in #516
- @kosenda made their first contribution in #518
- @okuzawats made their first contribution in #522
- @Gazyu made their first contribution in #527
- @kudpig made their first contribution in #526
- @84d010m08 made their first contribution in #535
- @maxfie1d made their first contribution in #539
- @tsumuchan made their first contribution in #542
- @mikanIchinose made their first contribution in #554
- @Masaki-U made their first contribution in #507
- @tarumzu made their first contribution in #553
- @kktaro made their first contribution in #561
- @kokoakuma made their first contribution in #559
- @Hachimori made their first contribution in #576
- @coffmark made their first contribution in #572
- @hiraike32 made their first contribution in #552
- @KoutaMatsushita made their first contribution in #555
- @pvcresin made their first contribution in #594
- @morayl made their first contribution in #593
- @tatsuyafujisaki made their first contribution in #604
- @takathemax made their first contribution in #577
- @JaesungLeee made their first contribution in #582
- @5altNaCl made their first contribution in #541
- @atsushieno made their first contribution in #619
- @shinya-tan made their first contribution in #620
- @kitakkun made their first contribution in #579
- @rocoand made their first contribution in #616
- @HironobuIga made their first contribution in #653
- @hiwa0 made their first contribution in #654
- @hiesiea made their first contribution in #608
- @matsumo0922 made their first contribution in #652
- @umsys made their first contribution in #651
- @shxun6934 made their first contribution in #563
- @matsuurayuki1219 made their first contribution in #611
- @iroha-168 made their first contribution in #678
- @Naoki-Hidaka made their first contribution in #573
- @mangano-ito made their first contribution in #665
- @takarabe-hamuyatti made their first contribution in #683
- @kako351 made their first contribution in #694
- @yasukotelin made their first contribution in #648
- @ykws made their first contribution in #707
- @TonTonbow made their first contribution in #695
- @usuiat made their first contribution in #659
- @gibachan made their first contribution in #712
- @sisosyunya made their first contribution in #749
- @Murayu0225 made their first contribution in #747
- @organic-nailer made their first contribution in #748
- @ErikoStoo made their first contribution in #745
- @ike04 made their first contribution in #721
- @kumokumot made their first contribution in #692
- @uhooi made their first contribution in #739
- @O-Ryosuke made their first contribution in #751
- @taratara10 made their first contribution in #690
- @Tlaster made their first contribution in #746
- @yuheikawakami made their first contribution in #758
- @Aniokrait made their first contribution in #781
- @sys1yagi made their first contribution in #785
- @sadashi-ota made their first contribution in #786
- @tkhskt made their first contribution in #774
- @ShoMasegi made their first contribution in #799
- @Dai1678 made their first contribution in #773
- @n-seki made their first contribution in #795
- @amegane made their first contribution in #797
- @kubode made their first contribution in #804
- @kwmt made their first contribution in #730
- @k-shinn made their first contribution in #808
- @S-H-Y-A made their first contribution in #775
- @fumiyasac made their first contribution in #765
- @itochan made their first contribution in #868
- @katsu-gen made their first contribution in #859
- @tounyu made their first contribution in #884
- @bowyer-app made their first contribution in #814
- @chibatching made their first contribution in #896
- @winstonmoon made their first contribution in #809
- @CookieySun made their first contribution in #867
- @h6ah4i made their first contribution in #911
- @shinya-takano made their first contribution in #917
- @nemo-855 made their first contribution in #914
- @fumiya-kume made their first contribution in #941
- @Shoryu-Y made their first contribution in #904
- @swiftty made their first contribution in #958
- @matsudamper made their first contribution in #959
- @iiinaiii made their first contribution in #982
- @tick-taku made their first contribution in #674
- @masah517 made their first contribution in #699
- @akari317017 made their first contribution in #1000
- @hoashi-akane made their first contribution in #1016
- @Noddy20 made their first contribution in #898
- @kusakabe-dev made their first contribution in #985
- @yamacraft made their first contribution in #993
- @c0tt0n-candy made their first contribution in #1049
Full Changelog: https://github.com/DroidKaigi/conference-app-2023/commits/v1.0.0