Customize the Global Biodiversity Information Facility's Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) v. 2.3.5 with alternative freemarker, css, and js. A similar set of customized files was produced for IPT v.2.3.2, v.2.1.1, v. 2.0.5 and v. 2.0.3 and are available from previous releases.
This patch is specific to IPT 2.3.5 and the Canadensys IPT install. It is provided here to illustrate how the Canadensys team coordinates its IPT customization and for its version control.
Copy canadensys_ipt_2.3.5.patch into the Tomcat directory for your IPT (i.e. where you have its META-INF, WEB-INF, images, js, and styles directories). Ensure that git has been initialized for this directory and all files added and committed to its git index, then execute instructions from
Resume steps to create:
$ git clone
$ cd ipt
- Create a branch:
$ git checkout -b canadensys_ipt_x.x.x
- Create your modifications and commit them on the new branch
- Create your patch:
$ git format-patch master --stdout > canadensys_ipt_x.x.x.patch
Resume steps to apply:
- Go to your ipt deployed website then initiate a git repository:
# git init
- Create first commit:
# git add -A && git commit -m "IPT first commit"
# git apply --stat canadensys_ipt_x.x.x.patch
# git apply --check canadensys_ipt_x.x.x.patch
- Apply the patch
# git am --signoff < canadensys_ipt_x.x.x.patch
All images, css, or JS are now on Canadensys Layout common
This patch was made by following David P. Shorthouse recommendations.