Self-supervised neural decoding using cross-modal deep clustering. We show that sharing information across multiple data streams yields high-quality neural decoders, even when no data labels are present in the training data.
We follow the approach from Alwassel et. al. 2020, using this code repository from Asano et. al. 2019 to implement deep clustering. For the decoder models, we use HTNet.
If you use our code, please cite our bioRxiv preprint.
Peterson, S. M., Rao, R. P. N., & Brunton, B. W. (2021).
Learning neural decoders without labels using multiple data streams.
In our paper, we tested this cross-modal, self-supervised approach on 4 datasets. All of these datasets are publicly-available:
ECoG move/rest:
EEG move/rest:
ECoG finger flexion:
EEG balance perturbations:
To replicate our findings,
1) Convert datasets to xarray files
Download the data and run the 3 scripts (the ECoG move/rest data just needs to be placed in a similar set of directories as the other 3 datasets)
2) Create model hyperparameters
Run create_model_params.ipynb to create the model hyperparameters. The current values were used in our study.
3) Train and validate supervised/self-supervised models
Update the pathnames in all of the bash scripts in the /scripts directory. Then, run to train and validate model performance for all 4 datasets. In addition to cross-modal deep clustering, supervised and unimodal deep clustering models are also trained and validated.
4) Plot results
Use plot_model_performance.ipynb to replicate Figs. 2-4 from our preprint. Use plot_fingerflex_clusters.ipynb to replicate Fig. S1.
This work was supported by funding from the National Science Foundation (1630178 and EEC-1028725), the Washington Research Foundation, and the Weill Neurohub.