required coding standard for (S)CSS, based on the rules provided by @wordpress/stylelint-config
This package is an stylelint shareable configuration and requires stylelint
and @wordpress/stylelint-config
to be installed. To install this config and the peerDependencies run:
npx install-peerdeps --dev @wearerequired/stylelint-config@latest
To opt-in to the default configuration, extend your own project's stylelint.config.js
module.exports = {
extends: [ '@wearerequired/stylelint-config' ],
In addition to the default preset, there is also a SCSS preset. This preset extends both @wearerequired/stylelint-config
and stylelint-config-recommended-scss
module.exports = {
extends: [ '@wearerequired/stylelint-config/scss' ],