Simple Environment Reader which can parse the Value to a specific type. It tries to find the Value in $_ENV, $_SERVER and via getenv. The logic is leaned on the EnvVarProcessor from Symfony.
composer require devcirclede/env-reader
Actual included Types are:
- integer
- float
- string
- boolean
- array
- json
You can add your own Type by creating a class which implements the TypeInterface.
namespace Company\EnvTypes;
use DevCircleDe\EnvReader\Types\TypeInterface;
class CustomType implements TypeInterface
public function getName(): string
return 'custom';
public function convert(string $value): mixed
// convert the value to custom type
return $value;
Usage of the CustomType:
use Company\EnvTypes\CustomType;
use DevCircleDe\EnvReader\EnvParser;
$envParser = EnvParser::getInstance();
// add custom type
$envParser->getCollection()->addItem(new CustomType());
// read Env
$var = $envParser->parse('FOO', 'custom_type');