Title: Use an 8-byte timestamp in NETINFO cells
Author: Nick Mathewson
Created: 2022-03-14
Status: Accepted
Currently Tor relays use a 4-byte timestamp (in seconds since the Unix epoch) in their NETINFO cells. Notoriously, such a timestamp will overflow on 19 January 2038.
Let's get ahead of the problem and squash this issue now, by expanding the timestamp to 8 bytes. (8 bytes worth of seconds will be long enough to outlast the Earth's sun.)
I propose adding a new link protocol version. (The next one in sequence, as of this writing, is version 6.)
I propose that we change the text of tor-spec section 4.5 from:
TIME (Timestamp) [4 bytes]
TIME (Timestamp) [4 or 8 bytes *]
and specify that this field is 4 bytes wide on link protocols 1-5, but 8 bytes wide on link protocols 6 and beyond.
Our protocol specifies that parties MUST ignore extra data at the end of cells. Therefore we could add additional data at the end of the NETINFO cell, and use that to store the high 4 bytes of the timestamp without having to increase the link protocol version number. I propose that we don't do that: it's ugly.
As another alternative, we could declare that parties must interpret the timestamp such that its high 4 bytes place it as close as possible to their current time. I'm rejecting this kludge because it would give confusing results in the too-common case where clients have their clocks mis-set to Jan 1, 1970.
Arti won't be able to implement this change until it supports connection padding (as required by link protocol 5), which is currently planned for the next Arti milestone (1.0.0, scheduled for this fall).
If we think that that's a problem, or if we want to have support for implementations without connection padding in the future, we should reconsider this plan so that connection padding support is independent from 8-byte timestamps.
I've done a cursory search of our protocols to see if we have any other instances of the Y2038 problem.
There is a 4-byte timestamp in cert-spec
, but that one is an unsigned
integer counting hours since the Unix epoch, which will keep it from
wrapping around till 478756 C.E. (The rollover date of "10136 CE"
reported in cert-spec
is wrong, and seems to be based on the
misapprehension that the counter is in minutes.)
The v2 onion service protocol has 4-byte timestamps, but it is thoroughly deprecated and unsupported.
I couldn't find any other 4-byte timestamps, but that is no guarantee: others should look for them too.