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An interpreter, compiler and vm for my own "Lemur" programming language written in Go


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This repository contains an interpreter and compiler for the Lemur programming language. This is my implementation of the Monkey programming language designed in Write an Interpreter in Go and Writing A Compiler In Go by Thorsten Ball. Since finishing the book, I've made a lot of improvements and changes to the language.

This language should not be used for anything serious. This is just a hoppy project of mine, with the goal of learning Go while getting a deeper understanding of how interpreters and compilers work.

Table of Contents


I made some changes in this implementation that differe from the implementation in the book. Here are the changes I made.

  • Added single-line & multi-line comments.
  • Allow assignments without let.
  • let can only be used to initialize a variable.
  • More assignment operators such as +=, -=, *=, and /=.
  • Added prefix and postfix operators (++i, --i, i++, i--).
  • Allow accessing individual characters of a string via the index-operator.
  • Allow string comparisons via ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=.
  • Implemented <=, and >= comparisons for integers.
  • Added support for logical operators && and ||. This also adds support for more complex conditionals like if (i <= 10 && containsNumber(string))....
  • Implemented while loops.
  • Allow the definition of functions without a let or const statement.
  • Function arguments may have default values.
  • Defined my own binary format to save compiled code to file and read binary files in the vm.
  • Added an optimization layer before the compiler to simplify the AST.


To use the most recent version, clone the source repository and run the make command to build the cli, compiler and vm:

git clone
cd lemur

The latest binary can also be downloaded from Actions by clicking on the latest build and downloading the artifacts.



To execute a script directly, use the lemur command line and pass the path to the script.

lemur examples/helo-world.lem


The lemur executable can also be used to compile scripts with the -c flag. However, there is also the lemur-compiler binary that does just that.

lemur-compiler examples/helo-world.lem

This will produce a binary file with the name a.out in the current folder. The output file name can be changed with the -o parameter.


To execute the binary file, pass it to the lemur-vm:

lemur-vm a.out


Note: You can find some example programms in the examples folder.

Data Types

Lemur has support for the following data types:

Type Syntax Commenta
Null null
Boolen true false
Integer 2 4 157954 -9
String "" "Helo World"
Array [] [3, 6, 9] ["hi", 5]
Hash {} {"a": 5} {"name": "Mark", "age": 12}


We have support for constants and variables:

const a = 3;
let number = 7;

Variables can be updated using asignments. Constants can not be updated.

number = 8;

// prefix and postfix operators
// -- is also supported
number++;       // returns the current value, then increments number by 1
++number;       // increments number by 1, then returns the new value

number += 5;    // Adds 5 to the number

Arithmetic operations

Lemur supports all the basic arithmetic operations of Integer types.

let a = 4;
let b = 2;

println( a + b );  // Outputs: 6
println( a - b );  // Outputs: 2
println( a * b );  // Outputs: 8
println( a / b );  // Outputs: 2

Builtin functions

These core primitives are part of the lemur language:

  • len
    • Returns the length of an Array or String
  • first
    • Returns the first element in an Array
  • last
    • Returns the last element in an Array
  • rest
    • Returns a new Array, containing every element of the passed Array, except the first element.
  • push
    • Append an element to the end of an Array
  • read
    • Reads a string from stdin
  • print
    • Prints a String to stdout
  • println
    • Prints a String to stdout, including a newline at the end.
  • env
    • Returns a Hash with all environment variables. If a string is provided as an argument, it will only return the value if that environment variable.


Lemur has support for if and if else expressions:

let a = 4;

if (a > 10) {
  println("a is larger than 10");
} else {
  println("a is smaller or equal to 10");


Lemur has only support for one looping construct, the while loop:

let i = 3;

while (i > 0) {
// Outputs:
// 3
// 2
// 1

Lemur does not have a break or continue statement. However, return can be used as one way of breaking out of a loop early inside a function.


Comments were already used a few times in the examples. Lemur has support for both single-line and multi-line comments.

// Defining a variable
let number = 6;

** The following line will print the number to the terminal.
** The two stars at the beginning of this line are not required,
** they are just there to make the text align.


Functions are first class citizens in lemur. This means they can be passed as arguments and returned by other functions like any other value.

let fibonacci = function(x) {
  if (x == 0) { return 0; }
  if (x == 1) { return 1; }

  fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2);

// Outputs: 987

This example shows how to define functions, as well as that lemur has support for recursive function calls. In addition to this, we also support closures, a function inside another function that references a variable from the outer scope:

let first = 10;
let second = 10;

let ourFunction = function(first) {
  first + second;

// Outputs: 30

A function always produces a value. return can be used to explicitally return a value. If nothing is returned in the function, the result of the last expression will be returned. This can also be null if the expression does not produce a value.

Named functions can also be defined directly by specifing the identifier after the function keyword. Additionally, arguments may have a default value, making them optionl.

function increment (x, inc = 1) {
  return x + inc;

increment(6); // Outputs: 7
increment(6, 2); // Outputs: 8

Compiler Optimizations

Lemur implements the following optimizations in the compiler.


Constant values are only added to the pool if the value is not already present. This means, referencing the number 1 multiple times in the source code, for example, will only produce one constant. This optimization is performed for Integers and Strings.

Tail Recursion Optimization

This is an optimization applied to recursive functions. Instead of pushing a new frame onto the stack with each recursive call, the same function frame is reused, efectifally flatining the recursion into a loop.

Non tail recursive implementation:

const factorial = function(n) {
  if (n == 1) { return 1; }
  n * factorial(n - 1);
factorial 6
6 * factorial 5
6 * 5 * factorial 4
6 * 5 * 4 * factorial 3
6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * factorial 2
6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * factorial 1
6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1

Tail recursive implementation:

const factorial = function(n, a) {
  if (n == 0) { return a; }
  factorial(n - 1, a * n);
factorial(6, 1);
factorial 6 1
factorial 5 1
factorial 4 2
factorial 3 6
factorial 2 24
factorial 1 120
factorial 0 720

Compiler Optimizations

Lemur applies some optimizations on the AST before it is parsed by the compiler. The optimizer walks down the AST and is capable of performing simple precalculations and simplifying boolean expressions.

Here are some examples of transformations the optimizer applies:

Input Output
let i = (1 * 6) + 2; let i = 8;
let i = 9 + 2 - 1; let i = 10;
print("Helo " + "World"); print("Helo World");
while (0 < 99) {} while (true) {}

Binary Format

When compiling a programm, the compiler will write the output to a binary file. To explain the binary format we compile the following simple programm:

// example.lem
// Define a variable and mutiply it by 2
let number = 5;
number * 2;

// Then output a string to stdout.
println("Helo World!");

Compiling the programm with lemur-compiler example.lem will produce the following binary file:

Binary File

The file has 3 sections: Header, Constant Pool, and Instructions.


The header provides important information to the vm on how to interpret the following bytes to correctly read the file.

Bytes Description
72 68 77 69 6C 72 2F 6C 65 6D 75 72 Signature. Used to identiy our binary format. The VM will only execute files with this signature.
00 09 00 Compiler version used to compile this files. Currently, the VM will denie execution if the version does not match exactly.
00 03 The number of constants in the constant pool.
00 16 The length in bytes of the instructions section.

Constant Pool

The constant pool contains all the primitive types contained in the sourcecode. This includes Integers, Strings, and Functions.

Bytes Description
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 The first byte (00) defines the type of the following constant, followed by the 8 byte uint64 for the number 5.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 Same as before, this time for the number 2.
01 00 00 00 0B 48 ... 64 21 Type for String, then the length (11), followed by the UTF-8 encoding of "Helo World!".
Byte Type Parameters Encoding
00 Integer - uint64 BE
01 String Lenght(uint32 BE) UTF-8
02 Function Instructions(uint32 BE), NumLocals(uint32 BE), NumParameters(uint32 BE), NumDefaults(uint32 BE) Instructions bytecode

BE = BigEndian


The last section contains the raw bytecode to execute the program. An instruction is a 1 byte opcode, followed by a variable amount of operands. How many operands there are defines the opcode.

Opcodes are defined in code.go.

Bytes Description
00 00 00 OpConstant loads a constant from the constant pool onto the stack. In this case it loads constant 0.
13 00 00 OpSetGlobal registers the current value on the stack as variable 0.
12 00 00 OpGetGlobal loads the variable back on the stack.
00 00 01 OpConstant loads constant 1 onto the stack. Constant 1 has the value 2.
03 OpMul multiplies the top 2 values from the stack together and puts the value back onto the stack.


To set up the development environment for this repository you need golang installed. A Makefile is configured to run the most common tasks:

Command Description
make test Runs all tests.
make build Compiles the Lemur binary.


An interpreter, compiler and vm for my own "Lemur" programming language written in Go







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