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Ivan Goncharov ivanIStereotekk
Read The Blog ▄︻デ=══━一

@ivanG808 Moscow

Yuhang MichaelYuhe
Full Stack Web Developer | 24 y.o.


Kevin FreemanKevin

Guǎngzhōu, China

Tom knosey

Knosey Amsterdam

Y11 XiaomingX
Software Dev @ X | Linux, Java, Spring, Python, Go, Next.js | Open Source Enthusiast | LLM Innovator | M.Sc. in Software Engineering 🚀

uhaka japan

Nuno Saavedra Nfsaavedra
🎓 Computer Science PhD student @sr-lab 👨‍💻 Interested in Software Reliability


Thinh Le thinhlpg
Hello :3



SF Bay Area

Yilun Zhang zhangyilun

Mozilla Ontario, Canada

Pilar pilarcode
I am passionate about innovation and enjoy working with AI teams to make a positive impact on global problems.⚡

GFT Spain

Rituparn Shukla shuklarituparn
Амбассадор VK 💙 | 3 КУРС ФПМИ МФТИ


fullstack dev
Ian Ianmello10
Software Developer
Horus m1911star
Looking for something interesting


chris mckenzie kristopolous
Likes long walks on the beach, looking for someone with a sense of humor and doesn't kiss on the first date.

International Workingmen's Association Palms, Los Angeles, CA

Marcus S. Abildskov marcus-sa
Each step of our journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowds and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance.
pasdepseudo pasdepseud0
Tech Enthusiast, I like to eat my code in spaghetti, just as I like to arrange my cables in spaghetti, perfect method to obfuscate and secure env. (i'm kidding)

n/a localisation: between two nodes

xu0o0 haoqixu
Open Source enthusiast. #SRE #DevOps #DX #o11y #Infra

Beijing, China

Minju Kim MinjuKim0217
Konkuk University

Seoul, South Korea


freelancer Ho Chi Minh

Alexandre "Lekler" Rodrigues Lekler
Um autista formado em Gestão de TI e estudando Economia.


BronzwikGk bronzwikgk
leading a kick-ass lean team @shunyadotek. With focus on Product Research & Design, workflows & bench-marking.

@shunyadotek sunnySideDown

Sajit Magesh maverickOG
wanna-be coder.
