Versions and bullets are arranged chronologically from latest to oldest.
- Migrate to NPM.
- [API][build] Move FontMeta to Font, add line-height, inline ooz build dependency
- [build] Revise Aseprite tag format
- [build] Add TypeScript build recipes; rename dev recipe to watch.
- [fix] Add correct versioning.
- [build] Use TitleCase tags.
- [docs] Rework readme for
- [build] Ignore ttfdumps for Deno size limits
- Migrate to Deno
- [build] shish-kebab TypeScript filenames
- [docs] Revise some comments
- [mem prop 5x6] Fix q kerning
- [mem prop 5x6] Improve many more kerning pairs
- [mem prop 5x6] Remove % and obelus ambiguity
- [mem prop 5x6] Improve many kerning pairs
- [mem prop 5x6] Simplify %
- [mem prop 5x6] Lighten %
- [mem prop 5x6] Reduce kerning for Sj, Sz, and Zz
- [mem prop 5x6] Reduce q and ? width and improve kerning
- [docs] Rename oddoid to oidoid
- [demo][fix] Fix link
- [demo] Add Dracula example
- [mem prop 5x6][mem prop 5x5][mem prop 3x5] straighten semicolon, lower colon and semicolon
- [docs] Improve download link specificity
- [mem prop 5x6][mem prop 5x5][mem prop 3x5] straighten comma
- [build] Export TypeScript definitions
- [build] Add copyright to font for deterministic builds
- [build] Revise TypeScript config
- [test][build] Upgrade TypeScript
- [demo] Reduce horizontal page margin to match top
- [docs] Add explicit license
- [build] Upgrade dependencies
- [mem prop 5x6][update] reduce kerning for "s,"
- [mem prop 5x6][update] reduce kerning for "T.", "r,", and "r."
- [dev] upgrade dependencies
- [dev] move the dashboard below the header
- [dev] disable demo's sticky header on mobile
- [fix] workaround Aseprite kerning
- [mem prop 5x6][update] extend W and M
- [mem mono 3x3][update] center ., :, and ~; widen c; raise n; smooth N
- [update] rename all monospaced fonts
- [mem prop 5x6][update] reduce all , kerning; trim & descender
- [update] rename all proportional fonts
- [dev] drop empty glyph ranges from demo
- [dev] fix favicon for dark backgrounds
- [mem prop 5x6][update] drop code page 437; make 9 a rotated 6; make W a flipped M; descend &
- [mem prop 3x5][update] improve parity with 5x6
- [docs][fix] Changelog link
- [dev][fix] Chrome font rendering in demo
- [dev] overhaul demo
- [mem prop 5x6][update] smooth / and \
- [dev][fix] NPM keywords
- [dev] add GitHub banner
- [mem prop 5x6][update] add CP437 glyphs; raise serif on 1; add leg to R; smooth b, d, i, j, q; improve x's proportions
- [mem prop 5x6][update] smooth V, h, j, p, and v
- [mem prop 5x6][update] shrink uppercase to 3px wide (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K, L, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, X, Y, and Z); make 0 angular
- [dev] format with Prettier
- [mem prop 5x6][update] smooth smileys and most caps (&, A, B, C, G, J, N, O, P, Q, S, T, U, and Y); widen r
- [docs] update website
- [build][dev] upgrade to Aseprite v1.2.20-x64
- [dev] revise demo to be more presentable
- [mem prop 5x6][update] emphasize % bowls
- [dev][fix] increase live-server watch debounce duration
- [mem prop 5x6][update] shrink ?
- [dev] add start script
- [dev] add CNAME record
- [dev] move demo.html to index.html
- [update] shrink V's width
- [mem prop 5x6][docs] add design principles
- [update] smooth c
- [update] favor smoothing to rounding for M, W, m, n, u, w; drop serif on T; round U; drop y. and _f kerning
- [update] round G, M, W, m, n, w; lighten J, j; raise W's tie; fix blurry favicon
- [dev][fix] non-deterministic builds
- [dev] add capital pangram to demo
- [docs] note power of two sprite sheet size issue
- [update] reduce kerning between s and j
- [fix] font PostScript name
- [dev] add ttfdumps
- [update] round c; add definition to &
- [dev] add favicon to demo
- [update] round C and Y; smooth M and W
- Reduce N from five to four pixels wide.
- Increase T, Y, and Z from three to four pixels wide.
- [update] improve capital width consistency
- Build: lots of miscellaneous improvements
- Fix: output missing character cels in 10x spritesheet
- Fix: non-alphanumeric kerning
- Update: bump out most 5x6 capitals to four pixels wide
- Breaking: add -sheet suffix to Aseprite metadata JSON
- [breaking][fix][update][dev][build] revise build scripts
- [dev] add more examples to demo
- [dev] test JSON types
- [fix] use line height in demo
- [update] include kern table for compatibility
- [breaking] drop dashes in name
- [breaking] switch to Aseprite.
- [breaking] fix font name in .ttf
- [update] increase height of m
- [update] redesign 4x4 q, s
- [update] lighten 4x4 Q
- [update] add and update 3x5 glyphs
- [update] 4x4 glyphs
- Redesign: *, 3, 6, @, E, K, M, S, W, e
- Thicken: V, v
- Lighten: 7, 9, B, C, Q, U, j, l, o, s, u, z, ~
- [update] 4x4 mono
- Thicken 4, G, a
- Lighten e, r
- New: experimental 3x2, 3x3, and 3x5px sizes (not exported)
- [update] r glyph
- [update] n and o glyphs
- [update] increase height of n to match u and m
- [update] kern L and l to T and t
- [fix] f geometry in proportional .fnt file
- [update] improve glyphs for @, B, D, R
- [update] recenter D, E, K, and guillemets («, »)
- [breaking] split font into mem mono and mem (proportional)
- [fix] character codes 240 - 246
- [update] improve glyphs for beamed eighth note (♫), one (1), lowercase f, uppercase G, uppercase J, uppercase M, lower and uppercase W
- [fix] add space character to FontForge and .ttf output
- [breaking](partial) implementation of Code Page 437
- New: sprite sheet and .fnt character map
- [update] crop 1px padding
- [update] thicken right leg of w's and push grave accent (`) right one pixel
- [fix] exclude intermediate build files from NPM package
- [fix] include build folder in Git version commit
- [fix] include binary in NPM package
- [new] initial release