Pet store in micronaut micro-services
This is a micro-services project in micronaut for demonstration purpose. This project contain:
- a remote configuration: config
- a data base connected micro-service: pet-core
- a user interface micro-service: pet-store-api
- a code shared module: common
This project require java 8+ to run
Every project are java / gradle project, so they can be run with:
- gradle run
- java -jar
- an IDE
Config project must be started first because it contains the running configuration of the other projects Because it's a spring project (spring-cloud-config-server), the gradle command to run it is:
./gradlew bootRun
The two other projects can be run independently. They are micronaut projects, so they can be run with gradle command:
./gradlew run
Before running these projects with java, a shadow jar must be build with
./gradlew shadowJar
Then they can be run with
java -Dmicronaut.environments=dev -jar pet-store-api.jar