Since Node.js v11.14.0, require("dns").promises
API has been stable.
Promise API and async
syntax will make code more readable than callback API.
This rule disallows callback API in favor of promise API.
Examples of 👎 incorrect code for this rule:
/*eslint node/prefer-promises/dns: [error]*/
const dns = require("dns")
function lookup(hostname) {
dns.lookup(hostname, (error, address, family) => {
/*eslint node/prefer-promises/dns: [error]*/
import dns from "dns"
function lookup(hostname) {
dns.lookup(hostname, (error, address, family) => {
Examples of 👍 correct code for this rule:
/*eslint node/prefer-promises/dns: [error]*/
const { promises: dns } = require("dns")
async function lookup(hostname) {
const { address, family } = await dns.lookup(hostname)
/*eslint node/prefer-promises/dns: [error]*/
import { promises as dns } from "dns"
async function lookup(hostname) {
const { address, family } = await dns.lookup(hostname)