A type safe client interface for SignalR in C#
The HubClient
uses two interface types which should be shared with your hub: Requests and Events.
Events are calls made from the Hub to the Client. Requests are calls made from the Client to the Hub.
For this readme, we assume a Hub like:
public class MyHub : Hub, IRequests, IEvents
. . .
With the two interfaces:
public interface IRequests {
void IWantStuff(string[] kindsOfStuff);
int HowManyClients();
public interface IEvents {
void StuffAvailable(string stuff);
void SessionExpired();
Then, on the client side:
var conn = new HubConnection("http://localhost:8080/"); // replace with your Hub's location
conn.TransportConnectTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
conn.TraceLevel = TraceLevels.All;
conn.TraceWriter = Console.Out
var proxy = conn.CreateHubProxy("MyHub"); // replace with your hub name or hub class name
var connection = conn.Start();
if (!connection.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)))
throw new TimeoutException("Could not connect to " + endpoint);
_client = new HubClient<IRequests, IEvents>(proxy, conn);
These bindings
_client.BindEventHandler<string>(hub => hub.StuffAvailable, HandleIncomingStuff);
_client.BindEventHandler(hub => hub.SessionExpired, AlertSessionExpired);
will call these methods
void HandleIncomingStuff(string stuff) { . . . }
void AlertSessionExpired() { . . . }
For calls that have no return use SendToHub
. For calls requiring a synchronous result, use RequestFromHub
_client.SendToHub(hub => hub.IWantStuff(new []{"stuff1", "stuff2"}));
var clients = _client.RequestFromHub(hub => hub.HowManyClients());