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File metadata and controls

124 lines (67 loc) · 3.67 KB

Vim Config

This is a basic Vim setup that can be used to get you started using the tool.


  1. Download your color scheme. tomorrow-theme (moved here) is a great collection of color schemes. The Tomorrow Night Eighties is my personal favorite.

  2. Setup your .vimrc. Here is an example .vimrc that sets up basic ruby plugins, line indents, etc.

  3. Restart any open Vim instances for the changes to take affect.



Plugins allow you to add extra functionality to Vim. You typically will use a plugin manager to add these add / remove these plugins. Most of these allow you to clone the plugin into your .vim directory. Here are a few popular plugin managers and plugins:

  • Pathogen - very popular plugin manager
  • nerdcommenter - plugin for commenting out code. I love this plugin... so smooth. <leader> cc <leader> cu
  • nerdtree - visual file tree for your project <ctrl> n
  • supertab - tab autocompletion while in insert mode
  • vim-endwise - automatically adds end in Ruby
  • vim-rails - shortcuts for rails projects :Emodel user
  • vim-sensible - the perfect default config for vim
  • vim-test - keyboard shortcuts for running tests
  • vim-textobj-rubyblock - ability to select an entire ruby block
  • fzf.vim - fulltext search

TMUX Integration

If you like, you can run your tests in a separate TMUX pane. When you initially run your tests, you will be prompted to choose what pane you would like to see the test results in.

By pressing prefix q (with prefix being your TMUX leader key), you can see the numbers on each pane.

Keyboard Shortcuts

FYI <leader> typically refers to the \ character in VIM


<ctrl> o - previous location

<ctrl> i - previous location

:e app/models/user.rb - navigate to user.rb

<ctrl> f - page down

<ctrl> b - page up

<shift> g - bottom of page

:1 - line 1

e - navigate past word

b - navigate back word

<shift> $ - navigate end of line

<shift> ^ - navigate beginning of line

h - left

j - up

k - down

l - right

:Ag search_pattern - fulltext search


i - enter insert mode

<esc> - leave insert mode

o - enter insert mode on next line

<shift> o - enter insert mode on previous line

dd - cut line

5dd - cut 5 lines

v - enter visual mode

<esc> - leave visual mode

x - cut character or highlighted

daw - delete word

p - paste


nmap <silent> <leader>t :TestNearest<CR>

nmap <silent> <leader>T :TestFile<CR>

nmap <silent> <leader>a :TestSuite<CR>

nmap <silent> <leader>l :TestLast<CR>

nmap <silent> <leader>g :TestVisit<CR>

nmap <C-n> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>


nnoremap <silent> <Leader>v :NERDTreeFind<CR> - open NerdTree on the file you’re editing

Folding Spec and Defs

Use default shortcuts:

zi - for folding and unfolding all specs and defs in opened file

za - for folding and unfolding test or method on which cursor located