- PHP 8.0+ let's use version 3.0+
- PSR-7, PRS-17, PSR-18
- FioRead and FioPay keep API
- remove log, use the logging provided by the library for request / response
- xml file does not save to file system, only to memory, if you need content:
/** @var h4kuna\Fio\FioPay $fioPay */
$xml = $fioPay->getXml();
- created payments are automatic added to xml
/** @var h4kuna\Fio\FioPay $fioPay */
// old behavior
// new only
- variable, constant and specific symbols are type string, integer is deprecated
- support only php 7.1+
- add type hint for methods and parameters
- add to files declare(strict_types=1)
- change interface API
remove prefixget
- add
for request pay xml
- PHP 5.5 - 7.0 let's use stable version 1.3.5.
- PHP 5.3 - 5.4 let's use stable version 1.2.1.