.NET BlueZ Server is a powerful library designed to facilitate the creation of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) peripherals and efficiently manage centrals on Linux using .NET Core. Leveraging the capabilities of BlueZ under the hood, this library offers a seamless API that preserves the object structure of BlueZ while streamlining D-Bus communication for a more developer-friendly experience. This library builds upon .NET BLE Server, introducing specialized methods for handling connected centrals to BLE peripherals.
- BLE Peripheral Creation
- Adapter Management
- Central Management
- Pair device
- Remove Device
- Get all paired devices
- Get central object path on Read and Write request
Find demo project under /example
Create BLE peripheral
ServerContext _CurrentServerContext = new ServerContext();
await BleAdvertisement.RegisterAdvertisement(_CurrentServerContext);
await BleGattApplication.RegisterGattApplication(_CurrentServerContext);
DeviceManager.SetDevicePropertyListenerAsync(_CurrentServerContext, OnDeviceConnectedAsync);
Listen to Central property change
private async void OnDeviceConnectedAsync(IDevice1 device, PropertyChanges changes)
foreach (var change in changes.Changed)
Get BLE Adapter
Turn ON/OFF BLE Adapter
var isAdapterOn = AdapterManager.SetAdapterPowerOn(_CurrentServerContext);
var isAdapterOff = AdapterManager.SetAdapterPowerOff(_CurrentServerContext);
Get paired devices
var devices = await DeviceManager.GetDeviceListAsync(_CurrentServerContext);
Remove paired device
await DeviceManager.RemoveDeviceAsync(_CurrentServerContext, iDevice);
Get Device from the Address
var device = await DeviceManager.GetDeviceAsync(_CurrentServerContext, address);
Get Device from the object path
var device = await DeviceManager.GetDeviceByObject(_CurrentServerContext, address);
Pair device
var paired = await device.GetPairedAsync();
if (!paired)
var response = await DeviceManager.PairDeviceAsync(_CurrentServerContext,device);
Resource | Link |
BlueZ GATT API documentation | https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/bluetooth/bluez.git/tree/doc/gatt-api.txt |
Presentation BLE on Linux | https://elinux.org/images/3/32/Doing_Bluetooth_Low_Energy_on_Linux.pdf |