This is an Encore package for generating text-to-speech audio using ElevenLabs generative voice AI.
- Copy over the
package directory to your Encore application. - Sync your project dependencies by running
go mod tidy
You will need an API key from ElevenLabs to use this package. You can get one by signing up for a free account at
Once you have the API key, set it as an Encore secret using the name ElevenLabsAPIKey
$ encore secret set --type dev,prod,local,pr ElevenLabsAPIKey
Enter secret value: *****
Successfully updated development secret ElevenLabsAPIKey.
The elevenlabs
package contains the following endpoints:
ServeAudio generates audio from text and serves it as mpeg to the client.
// Making request to locally running backend...
const client = new Client(Local);
// or to a specific deployed environment
const client = new Client(Environment("staging"));
const resp = await client.elevenlabs.ServeAudio("POST", JSON.stringify({text}));
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(await resp.blob()); //where value is the blob
const audio = new Audio();
audio.src = url;
StreamAudio generates audio from text and streams it as mpeg to the client.
<audio controls>
<source src="http://localhost:4000/speech/stream" type="audio/mpeg"/>
Your browser does not support the audio element.
DownloadAudio generates audio from text and saves the audio file as mp3 to disk.