A fluid interface for automagical in-memory caching.
npm install cacherole
cacherole is an abstraction over the get
and put
functionality of a traditional cache. It expects to do work in the form of an action
and takes care of the caching behind-the-scenes.
You only need to provide a key and your typical arguments in the form of: cachedAction(key)(actionArguments)
const cacherole = require('cacherole');
// Let's define an action
const list = (...items) => {
return items;
list('hello', 'there');
//=> 'listing!'
//=> ['hello', 'there']
// Put the action function in the cacherole!
let cachedList = cacherole.put(list);
// Storing values in the cache with a key
cachedList('fruits')('apple', 'mango', 'banana');
//=> 'listing!'
//=> ['apple', 'mango', 'banana']
// Retrieving values from the cache with a key
cachedList('fruits')('apple', 'mango', 'banana');
//=> ['apple', 'mango', 'banana']
// or if you're sure...
//=> ['apple', 'mango', 'banana']
// it's okay to make mistakes!
cachedList('fruits')('a-apple', 'ummm... tomato!', 'broccoli?');
//=> ['apple', 'mango', 'banana']
// your action executes only when the key is not in the cache
// Updating a stored value in the cache
cachedList.update('fruits')('melon', 'blueberries', 'passionfruit');
//=> 'listing!'
//=> ['melon', 'blueberries', 'passionfruit']
// More features with object syntax!
// action - function to cache
// time - time until each item is removed, default is forever
// binding - object for binding to the action function if needed
cachedList = cacherole.put({
action: list,
time: 1000, // time to live in milliseconds
binding: null
// Setting a timeout callback to execute when the new value is removed from the cache
const alert = (key, value) => console.log('the ' + key + ' have spoiled!');
cachedList('perishables', alert)('meat', 'fish', 'dairy');
//=> 'listing!'
//=> ['meat', 'fish', 'dairy']
// ...after a "while"
//=> 'the perishables have spoiled!'
// Using the internal cache
const internal = cacherole.cache;
//=> null
internal.put('fats', ['olive oil', 'coconut oil']);
//=> ['olive oil', 'coconut oil']
//=> true
//=> null
internal.clear(); // clears the cache
// Creating a new instance with the Cacherole constructor
const newCacherole = new cacherole.Cacherole();
newCacherole.cache !== cacherole.cache;
//=> true
For more documentation, see the unit tests under the test
For the full internal cache API see the memory-cache documentation, as it is the cache implementation used in cacherole.
For development make sure to run all unit tests via Mocha with npm test
after cloning the repo and installing all dependencies.
cacherole is licensed under the MIT license.