clEsperanto auto-generation code library and scripts. A large part of the python, java, and cpp user API are autogenerated from the low-level library CLIc. This repository hold python package and script collection to parse the documentation of the CLIc library and generate the code and documentation blocks of the following upstream libraries:
As this is a very specific usage package and not relevant for high-level user of clEsperanto, we did not deploy any package. Clone the repository:
git clone
Create a environement for running the jupyter notebook
mamba create -n gencle && mamba activate gencle
Primary usage of this repo is by cle-roboto CI action which will run the corresponding update script based on release.
Update script follow the same command:
List of script updating from a CLIc
List of script updating from a clesperantoj
- Expend package to auto-generate Cpp code
- Explore better parser solution