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Deploy Magma Orchestrator

Deploying magma orchestrator using ansible playbook.


Note: All the work to be done on local system.

  1. Install Ansible.
sudo apt purge ansible
sudo apt update
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible -y
  1. Install dependant collections.
ansible-galaxy collection install shubhamtatvamasi.magma

Note: Now here it is recommended to deploy the orc8r in a new VM so that it won't interfere with the installed applications in your system. So create a fresh VM and you are good to go.


Copy SSH Key

  1. Login to your VM using following command:
ssh <user_name>@<VM's IP>

For example: ssh [email protected]

  • In my case I am considering my VM's IP as and username as ubuntu. So make sure that you modify it according to your VM.

  • This will add Your VM's IP address to the list of known hosts.

  1. Then on the other terminal (on local system), copy the public key to remote-host using ssh-copy-id command.
ssh-keygen -R
ssh-copy-id [email protected]
  • ssh-keygen can create keys for use by SSH protocol.

  • ssh-copy-id installs an SSH key on the VM as an authorized key. Its purpose is to provision access without requiring a password for each login. This will facilitates automated, passwordless logins and single sign-on using the SSH protocol.

  • You can check this by login again to the VM. This time, no password is required while login.

Clone Repository & Update Values

  • Run the following commands on local system.

  • Clone ShubhamTatvamasi/magma-galaxy repository in your local system.

  • Now change your directory to the cloned folder.

  • Update hosts field with your VM's IP address and change the orc8r_domain name with your orc8r name in hosts.yml file.

git clone
cd magma-galaxy/
vim hosts.yml

Uncomment the commented part if deploying in AWS else leave it as it is.


Deploy Magma Orc8r

  • ansible-playbook is a list of tasks that automatically execute against all the hosts that are included in the ansible inventory.
ansible-playbook deploy-orc8r.yml


  • Run the following command inside your cloned directory on local system.
  • Deployment takes 10-20 min and apart from this, it needs extra 5-10 min to start all the magma services. You can check if the pods are running or not by login into your VM and run this command kubectl get pods -A.

Update DNS Values

After deployment is done, DNS Values will appear at the end.


Copy the message part and append it at the end of /etc/hosts.

sudo vim /etc/hosts

Also update the 2nd message: *

Explaination of this step is here.


Create New User

When we deploy the NMS for the first time, we need to create a new user that has access to the master and magma-test organization.

Note: Run the below command in the VM.

ORC_POD=$(kubectl -n orc8r get pod -l -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

kubectl -n orc8r exec -it ${ORC_POD} -- envdir /var/opt/magma/envdir /var/opt/magma/bin/accessc \
  add-existing -admin -cert /var/opt/magma/certs/admin_operator.pem admin_operator

NMS_POD=$(kubectl -n orc8r get pod -l -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

kubectl -n orc8r exec -it ${NMS_POD} -- yarn setAdminPassword magma-test admin admin
kubectl -n orc8r exec -it ${NMS_POD} -- yarn setAdminPassword master admin admin


Login to the NMS through URL:

  • magma-test.nms.<yourdomain>.com
  • master.nms.<yourdomain>.com


Default credentials to login:

Email: admin

Password: admin
