One stop web-interface for Application Scientists, built as a solution to ISRO's problem statement 'Formation Flying Simulation for UAV Acquisition with Real Time Control' by MU-FALCON during Smart India Hackathon 2018
The interface is based on this awesome admin dashboard by colorlib available here -
- Babel
- Webpack
- Eslint
- Sass
- Postcss
- Stylelint
- Bootstrap
- Chart.js
- Datatables
- Easy Pie Chart
- Fullcalendar
- Jquery
- Jquery Sparkline
- Jvectormap
- Load Google Maps API
- Lodash
- Masonry
- Moment
- Perfect Scrollbar
- Skycons
- Fontawesome
- Themify Icons
- Roboto Font
- Bootstrap Datepicker
All work as seen is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Which means that you can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the final products. But you always need to give due credit to the original author.