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Michael Altmann edited this page Aug 4, 2022 · 14 revisions


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Nuget downloads Nuget License: MIT

A small package to assert FluentResult result objects with FluentAssertions in an elegant way.

Asserting Methods

Result should be failed

var actualResult = Result.Fail("Error 1");

Result should be success

var actualResult = Result.Ok();

Result should have specific value

var actualResult = Result.Ok(1);

Result should have a specific reason

var actualResult = Result.Ok(1);
actualResult.Should().HaveReason("Error 1");
actualResult.Should().HaveReason<CustomError>("Error 2");
actualResult.Should().HaveReason(new { ... });

If you don't set an ErrorMessageComparison via parameter then the default comparison is used. The default comparison is set globally via FluentResultAssertionsConfig.ErrorMessageComparison which is by default ErrorMessageComparisonLogics.Equal. The comparison ErrorMessageComparisonLogics.ActualContainsExpected which is the default comparison logic for FluentResults.Extensions.FluentAssertions < v2.0 is also available and can be set globally or via parameter. If you need some another custom comparison logic feel free to set your own. The comparison is only a Func<string, string, bool> with the parameters actual error message and expected error message.

var actualResult = Result.Ok(1);
actualResult.Should().HaveReason("Error 1", ErrorMessageComparisonLogics.ActualContainsExpected);

Result should satisfy conditions (Experimantal)

var actualResult = Result.Ok(1);
                     .And.Satisfy(result => {
                         result.Errors.Should().ContainEquivalentOf(new Error("Error 1"));