Pipeline for giving an overview of behavioural data from mice in the flexible navigation task.
For a list of Animal IDs:
- Creates intermediate variables summarising trial- and session-level information.
- Plots an overvie of behaviour across trials within each session, including accuracy, bias and number of aborted trials.
- Plots an overview of performance over sessions, annotated by the availability of ephys data (if it exists).
- Plots spatial bias (tendency to choose port 0 versus port 1 dependent on dot location).
To run the code, you need to first install this Github repository locally, and then create an environment from the local repository.
For easy installation, open git bash and navigate to the directory in which you would like to download this git repository with cd <directory_path>
You can now locally clone this repository by entering the following into your terminal window:
git clone https://github.com/m-lockwood/FNT_behavior_analysis.git
You can now stay up-to-date with this branch by using git pull
in the terminal (while in the repository directory).