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File metadata and controls

89 lines (64 loc) · 7.16 KB

frictionless (development version)

Changes for users

  • add_resource() now allows to replace an existing resource (#227).
  • read_resource() now returns error if both path and data are provided (#143).
  • write_package() no longer writes to "." by default, since this is not allowed by CRAN policies. The user needs to explicitly define a directory (#205).
  • write_package() now writes incoming null values back to NULL in datapackage.json, rather than empty an empty lists. Properties that are assigned NA and NULL by the user, remain being written as null and removed respectively (#203).
  • The included dataset example_package is removed in favour of the function example_package(). This function allows to reproducibly provide a local Data Package, while before it needed to be a remote package. The observations resource was also changed from a remote to a local resource - allowing the entire example Data Package to be read locally - and from CSV to TSV - allowing to test for dialect. Examples and tests were updated (#114, #253).

Changes for developers

  • read_resource() is now more modular under the hood, which should make it easier to extend (#210).
  • checklist tooling was removed, in favour of CITATION.cff for citation and Zenodo deposit (#206).

frictionless 1.1.0

Changes for users

  • New function print() prints a human-readable summary of the Data Package, rather than a (long) list (#155).
  • read_package() no longer returns a message regarding rights and credit (#121). If package$id is a URL (e.g. a DOI) it will be mentioned in print().
  • add_resource() accepts additional arguments via .... These are added as (custom) properties to the resource and are retained in write_package() (#195).
  • read_resource() now supports column selection via the col_select argument from readr::read_delim(). This can vastly improve reading speed (#123). Tidy selection is not supported.
  • write_package() no longer adds "profile": "tabular-data-package" to datapackage.json. It is also removed from the example dataset (#188).
  • Error and warning messages use semantic colours for variables, parameters, fields, etc.
  • readr::problems() is included in NAMESPACE so you don't have to load readr to inspect parsing issues. The function is mentioned in the documentation of read_resource() (#129).

Changes for developers

  • A Data Package object (package) now has a datapackage class (#184). This enables a custom print() function (see above). check_package() will warn if the class is missing, so previously saved Data Package objects (without the class) will generate a warning.
  • check_package() is now a public function, so it can be used in your package (#185). This and the other check_ functions return the first argument silently (rather than TRUE), so they can be chained.
  • create_package() now accepts a descriptor argument so that a Data Package object can be created from an existing object (#184). It will always validate the created object with check_package().
  • cli::cli_abort(), cli::cli_warn() and cli::cli_inform() are used for all errors, warnings, and messages (#163). This has several advantages:
    • Messages use semantic colours for variables, parameters, fields, etc.
    • Messages and warnings can be silenced with a global or local option, see this blog post.
    • Each call has an rlang class, e.g. frictionless_error_fields_without_name, making it easier to test for specific errors.
  • glue and assertthat are removed as dependencies (#163). The functionality of glue is replaced by cli, while assertthat::assert() calls are now if () statements.
  • rlang is added as dependency (#192). It is already used by other dependencies.
  • frictionless now depends on R >= 3.5.0.

Other changes

  • The package now adheres to the requirements of checklist, so that .zenodo.json can be created with checklist::update_citation().
  • Add Pieter Huybrechts as author and Kyle Husmann as contributor. Welcome both!

frictionless 1.0.3

  • Add stringi to Suggests. It was removed as a dependency from rmarkdown 2.26, resulting in "stringi package required for encoding operations" build errors on CRAN (#176).

frictionless 1.0.2

  • Add skip_if_offline() to selected tests and verbosely include output in vignette examples, to avoid CRAN errors caused by timeouts (#116).

frictionless 1.0.1

  • Rebuild documentation for compatibility with HTML5 on request of CRAN.
  • Add funder information.

frictionless 1.0.0

frictionless 0.11.0

  • add_resource() now sets format, mediatype and encoding for added CSV file(s) (#78).
  • add_resource() now supports adding schema via path or URL.
  • write_package() now supports added data to be gzip compressed before being written to disk (#98).
  • read_resource() will now warn rather than error on unknown encoding (#86).
  • package objects no longer have or require the custom attribute resource_names, use new function resources() instead (#97).
  • package objects no longer have or require the custom attribute datapackage, making it easier to edit them as lists (with e.g. append()).

frictionless 0.10.0

  • add_resource() now supports adding CSV file(s) directly as a resource. This skips reading/handling by R and gives users control over path (#74).
  • CSV files in a remotely read package (like example_package) are now downloaded when writing with write_package(), rather than being skipped. This is more consistent with locally read packages. The behaviour for resources with a path containing URLs (only) and resources with data remains the same (no files are written). The write behaviour is better explained in the documentation (#77).
  • write_package() now silently returns the output rather than input package.
  • create_package() will set "profile" = "tabular-data-package" since packages created by frictionless meet those requirements (#81).
  • create_schema() interprets empty columns as string not boolean (#79).
  • read_package() can now read from a datapackage.yaml file.
  • read_resource() now accepts YAML Table Schemas and CSV dialects.
  • add_resource()/create_schema()'s df argument is renamed to data.
  • example_package's observations resource now has URLs as path to serve as an example for that.

frictionless 0.9.0

  • Add vignette with overview of functionality (#60).
  • Prepare frictionless for rOpenSci submission.