A Cross-Platform Utilities Collection for .Net Apps
Now available in Nuget!
dotnet add package AuraUtilities --version 0.1.0
//on startup
Locator.Instance.RegisterService<SystemInfoModel>(new SystemInfoModel());
//in another context
SystemInfoModel? sys_info = Locator.Instance.GetService<SystemInfoModel>();
//on app startup
var provider = new SettingsProvider();
App.Current.Settings = provider.Load<AppSettings>();
//important: the objects in properties must be serializables, or the lib will throw an error, I recommend store the object's string representation(Color = "#FFFFFF")
public class AppSettings : Settings { }
//on app shutdown
var provider = new SettingsProvider();
//on app startup, if you use "null" the Logger stores the logs in the default temp directory, or you can custom another directory too.
//in another context
Logger.WriteLine("message", MessageType.Warning); //the MessageType param is optional, the default value is "MessageType.Info"
Logger.Assert(condition == true,"message", MessageType.Warning); //the same but with a condition
//Also support Async
await Logger.WriteLineAsync("message", MessageType.Warning);