Pausable synchronous executions. Frees main thread every 8ms and continues fiber in next animation frame. Fibers must be idempotent because can be restarted for continuation.
Creates fiber for handler and immediately starts it. Handler executed only once in parent execution. Use it to wrap non idempotent code.
$mol_fiber_defer( ()=> {
$ ()=> console.log( 1 ) ) // 1
$ ()=> console.log( 2 ) ) // 2
} )
Defer starts fiber. So fiber will be executed asynchronously. Use it to start fibers concurrently.
$mol_fiber_defer( ()=> console.log( 1 ) ) // 1
$mol_fiber_defer( ()=> console.log( 2 ) ) // 2
Converts function to fiber.
const log = $mol_fiber.func( console.log )
$mol_fiber_defer( ()=> {
log( 1 ) // 1
log( 2 ) // 2
} )
Converts any async
function (function that returns promise) to "synchronous" fiber.
const request = $mol_fiber_sync( fetch )
$mol_fiber_defer( ()=> {
console.log( request( '' ).users )
} )
You can prodive abort
callback to cancel async task on fiber destruction:
const request = $mol_fiber_sync( ( input : RequestInfo , init : RequestInit = {} )=> {
var controller = new AbortController()
$mol_fiber.current.abort = controller.abort.bind( controller )
init.signal = controller.signal
return fetch( input , init )
And you can destroy fiber tree by calling destructor
const task = $mol_fiber_defer( ()=> {
console.log( request( '' ).users )
} )
Decorates method by fiber.
export class $my_foo {
@ $mol_fiber.method
transfer( from , to ) {
request( to , {
method: 'post' ,
body : request( from ) ,
} )
return 'Transfer is completed'
Executes scheduled fibers to the end. Usefull for tests.
// No scheduled fibers here
$mol_fiber_defer( ()=> {
try {
console.log( get_text( '' ) )
} catch( error ) {
if( 'then' in error ) $mol_fail_hidden( error ) // rethrow if promise
console.log( error ) // handle error
} )
<script src=""></script>
npm install mol_fiber
const { $mol_fiber_defer : defer } = require( 'mol_fiber' )
import { $mol_fiber_defer as defer } from 'mol_fiber'
Logs can be enabled through $mol_log.excludes.
- calculation started
- cache changed
- cache actualized but not not changed
- cache cleared
- required revalidation of master's caches
- exception cached
- calculation paused until promise finalized
- calculation restarted after promise finalize
- master leads slave
- master disleads slave
- fiber destroyed
- setter
- number of fiber in slave masters