Are you looking for other NHP neuroimaging researchers to discuss practical issues, brainstorm about new research ideas, build a network, or find collaborators? You can use one of our contact options, explore the colaborative projects open to contributors on our collaborations page or explore a community-driven initiative from the list below. If you think we should add something to this list, let us know.
- Check out the brand new PRIME-DRE Brainweb{:target="_blank"}.
- Start a discussion on the PRIME-RE Discussions site{:target="_blank"}.
- Use the NHP-MRI google-group mailing list{:target="_blank"} (Or send us a message to sign up for it).
- Join the converstation in the PRIME-RE Mattermost channel{:target="_blank"}
- Brainweb, an online neuroscience collaboration platform{:target="_blank"}
- National Chimpanzee Brain Resource{:target="_blank"}
- The Brainhack Organization{:target="_blank"}
The PRIME-DRE community aims to meet every two years to discuss progress and future efforts. You can find more info on these meetings here:
- GCW 2019 (Wellcome Trust, London)
- Brainhack 2019
- GCW 2021 (virtual)
- GCW 2023 (The Neuro, Montreal)
- Brainhack 2023
You can read about the PRIME-DE and PRIME-RE inititatives here:
- PRIME-DRE Consortium (2021). Toward next-generation primate neuroscience: A collaboration-based strategic plan for integrative neuroimaging{:target="_blank"}. Neuron, in press.
- Messinger A., Sirmpilatze N., Heuer K., Loh K-K, Mars R.B., Sein J., Xu T., Glen D., Jung B., Seidlitz J., Taylor P., Toro R., Garza-Villarreal E.A., Sponheim C., Wang X., Benn R.A., Cagna B., Dadarwal R., Evrardt H.C., Garcia-Saldivarp P., Giavasis S., Hartig R., Lepage C., Liu C., Majka P., Merchant H., Milham M.P., Rosa M.G.P., Tasserie J., Uhrig L., Margulies D.S., & Klink P.C. (2021). A collaborative resource platform for non-human primate neuroimaging{:target="_blank"}. NeuroImage.
- PRIME-DE Consortium (2020). Accelerating the Evolution of Nonhuman Primate Neuroimaging{:target="_blank"}. Neuron 105(4), 600-603.
- Milham M.P, et al. (2018). An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Imaging{:target="_blank"}. Neuron 100(1), 61-74.e2.
- Vanduffel, W. (2018). The Blind Men and the Elephant: The Quest for Open Data Repositories{:target="_blank"}. Neuron 100(1), 1-3.
Many PRIME-DRE affiliates have contributed to a special issue of NeuroImage{:target="_blank"} dedicated to NHP neuroimaging.
- Song, X., García-Saldivar, P., Kindred, N., Wang, Y., Merchant, H., Meguerditchian, A., Yang, Y., Stein, E.A., Bradberry, C.W., Hamed, S.B., Jedema, H.P., & Poirier, C. (2021). Strengths and challenges of longitudinal primate neuroimaging. Neuroimage.
- Friedrich, P., Forkel, S.J., Amiez, C., Balsters, J.H., Coulon, O., Fan, L., Goulas, A., Hadj-Bouziane, F., Hecht, E.E., Heuer, K., Jiang, T., Latzman, R.D., Liu, X., Loh, K.K., Patil, K.R., Lopez-Persem, A., Procyk, E., Sallet, J., Toro, R., … Thiebaut de Schotten, M. (2021). Imaging evolution of the primate brain: the next frontier?. Neuroimage.
- Mitchell, A.S., Hartig, R., Basso, M.A., Jarrett, W., Kastner, S., & Poirier, C. (2021). International primate neuroscience research regulation, public engagement and transparency opportunities. Neuroimage.
- Autio, J.A., Zhu, Q., Li, X., Glasser, M.F., Schwiedrzik, C.M., Fair, D.A., Zimmermann, J., Yacoub, E., Menon, R.S., Van Essen, D.C., Hayashi, T., Russ, B., & Vanduffel, W. (2021). Minimal Specifications for Non-Human Primate MRI: Challenges in Standardizing and Harmonizing Data Collection. Neuroimage.
- Garcia-Saldivar, P., Garimella, A., Garza-Villarreal, E.A., Mendez, F. A., Concha, L., & Merchant, H. (2021). PREEMACS: Pipeline for Preprocessing and Extraction of the Macaque Brain Surface. Neuroimage.
- Fox, A.S., Holley, D., Klink, P.C., Arbuckle, S.A., Barnes, C.A., Diedrichsen, J., Kwok, S.C., Kyle, C., Pruszynski, J.A., Seidlitz, J., Zhou, X., Poldrack, R.A., & Gorgolewski, K.J. (2021). Sharing Voxelwise Neuroimaging Results from Rhesus Monkeys and Other Species with Neurovault. Neuroimage.
- Jung, B., Taylor, P.A., Seidlitz, J., Sponheim, C., Perkins, P., Ungerleider, L.G., Glen, D., & Messinger, A. (2021). A comprehensive macaque fMRI pipeline and hierarchical analysis. Neuroimage.
- Wang, X., Li, X.-H., Cho, J.W., Russ, B.E., Rajamani, N., Omelchenko, A., Ai, L., Korchmaros, A., Sawiak, S., Benn, R.A., Garcia-Saldivar, P., Wang, Z., Kalin, N.H., Schroeder, C.E., Craddock, R.C., Fox, A.S., Evans, A.C., Messinger, A., Milham, M.P., & Xu, T. (2021). U-Net Model for Brain Extraction in Non-human Primates. Neuroimage.
- Russ, B., Petkov, C., Kwok, S., Zhu, Q., Belin, P., Vanduffel, W., Ben Hamed, S. (2021). Common functional localizers to enhance NHP & cross-species neuroscience imaging research. pending revision
- Basso, M.A., Frey, S., Guerriero, K.A., Jarraya, B., Kastner, S., Koyano, K.W., Leopold, D.A., Murphy, K., Poirier, C., Pope, W., Silva, A.C., Tansey, G., & Uhrig, L. (2021). Using non-invasive neuroimaging to enhance the care, well-being and experimental outcomes of laboratory non-human primates. Neuroimage.
- Prescott, M.J., & Poirier, C. (2021). The role of MRI in applying the 3Rs to non-human primate neuroscience. Neuroimage
- Poirier, C., Hamed, S.B., Garcia-Saldivar, P., Kwok, S.C., Meguerditchian, A., Merchant, H., Rogers, J., Wells, S., & Fox, A.S. (2021). Beyond MRI: on the scientific value of combining non-human primate neuroimaging with metadata. Neuroimage
- Balezeau, F., Nacef, J., Kikuchi, Y., Schneider, F., Rocchi, F., Muers, R.S., Fernandez-Palacios O’Connor, R., Blau, C., Wilson, B., Saunders, R. C., Howard, M., 3rd, Thiele, A., Griffiths, T.D., Petkov, C.I., & Murphy, K.(2021). MRI monitoring of macaque monkeys in neuroscience: case studies, resource and normative data comparisons. Neuroimage
- Messinger, A., Sirmpilatze, N., Heuer, K., Loh, K.K., Mars, R.B., Sein, J., Xu, T., Glen, D., Jung, B., Seidlitz, J., Taylor, P., Toro, R., Garza-Villarreal, E.A., Sponheim, C., Wang, X., Benn, R.A., Cagna, B., Dadarwal, R., Evrard, H.C., … Klink, P.C. (2021). A collaborative resource platform for non-human primate neuroimaging. Neuroimage
- Liu, C., Yen, C.C.-C., Szczupak, D., Tian, X., Glen, D., & Silva, A.C. (2021). Marmoset Brain Mapping V3: Population multi-modal standard volumetric and surface-based templates. Neuroimage
- Hayashi, T., Hou, Y., Glasser, M.F., Autio, J.A., Knoblauch, K., Inoue-Murayama, M., Coalson, T., Yacoub, E., Smith, S., Kennedy, H., & Van Essen, D.C. (2021). The NonHuman Primate Neuroimaging & Neuroanatomy Project. Neuroimage
- Rapan, L., Froudist-Walsh, S., Niu, M., Xu, T., Funck, T., Zilles, K., & Palomero-Gallagher, N. (2021). Multimodal 3D atlas of the macaque monkey motor and premotor cortex. Neuroimage
- Majka, P., Bednarek, S., Chan, J.M., Jermakow, N., Liu, C., Saworska, G., Worthy, K.H., Silva, A.C., Wójcik, D.K., & Rosa, M.G. (2021). Histology-based average template of the marmoset cortex with probabilistic localization of the cytoarchitectural areas. Neuroimage
- Sakai, T., Hata, J., Shintaku, Y., Ohta, H., Sogabe, K., Mori, S., Okano, H.J., Hamada, Y., Hirabayashi, T., Minamimoto, T., Sadato, N., Okano, H., & Oishi, K. (2021). The Japan Monkey Centre Primates Brain Imaging Repository of high-resolution postmortem magnetic resonance imaging: the second phase of the archive of digital records. biorXiv
- Hartig, R., Glen, D., Jung, B., Logothetis, N.K., Paxinos, G., Garza-Villarreal, E.A., Messinger, A., & Evrard, H.C. (2021). Subcortical Atlas of the Rhesus Macaque (SARM) for Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Neuroimage
- Weiss, A.R., Liu, Z., Wang, X., Liguore, W.A., Kroenke, C.D., & McBride, J.L. (2021). The macaque brain ONPRC18 template with combined gray and white matter labelmap for multimodal neuroimaging studies of nonhuman primates. Neuroimage
- Niu, M., Rapan, L., Funck, T., Froudist-Walsh, S., Zhao, L., Zilles, K., & Palomero-Gallagher, N. (2021). Organization of the macaque monkey inferior parietal lobule based on multimodal receptor architectonics. Neuroimage
- Klink, P.C., Aubry, J.-F., Ferrera, V., Fox, A.S., Froudist-Walsh, S., Jarraya, B., Konofagou, E.E., Krauzlis, R., Messinger, A., Mitchell, A.S., Ortiz-Rios, M., Oya, H., Roberts, A.C., Roe, A.W., Rushworth, M.F.S., Sallet, J., Schmid, M.C., Schroeder, C.E., Tasserie, J., … Petkov, C. (2021). Combining Brain Perturbation and Neuroimaging in non-human Primates. Neuroimage
- Shi, S., Xu, A.G., Rui, Y.-Y., Zhang, X., Romanski, L.M., Gothard, K.M., & Roe, A.W. (2021). Infrared neural stimulation with 7T fMRI: a rapid in vivo method for mapping cortical connections of primate amygdala. Neuroimage
- Signorelli, C.M., Uhrig, L., Kringelbach, M., Jarraya, B., & Deco, G. (2021). Hierarchical disruption in the cortex of anesthetized monkeys as a new signature of consciousness loss. Neuroimage
- Yacoub, E., Grier, M.D., Auerbach, E.J., Lagore, R.L., Harel, N., Adriany, G., Zilverstand, A., Hayden, B.Y., Heilbronner, S.R., Uğurbil, K., & Zimmermann, J. (2021). Ultra-high field (10.5 T) resting state fMRI in the macaque. Neuroimage
- Han, M.J., Park C.U., Kang, S., Kim, B., Nikolaidis, A., Milham, M.P., Hong, S.J., Kim, S.G., Baeg, E. (2021). Mapping functional gradients of the striatal circuit using simultaneous microelectric stimulation and ultrahigh-field fMRI in non-human primates. Neuroimage
- Ortiz-Rios, M., Balezeau, F., Haag, M., Kaiser, M., Schmid, M.C. (2021). Dynamic reconfiguration of macaque brain networks during free-viewing of natural scenes. biorXiv
- Liu, X., Eickhoff, S.B., Caspers, S., Wu, J., Genon, S., Hoffstaedter, F., Mars, R.B., Sommer, I.E., Eickhoff, C.R., Chen, J., Jardri, R., Reetz, K., Dogan, I., Aleman, A., Kogler, L., Gruber, O., Caspers, J., Mathys, C., & Patil, K.R. (2021). Functional parcellation of human and macaque striatum reveals human-specific connectivity in the dorsal caudate. Neuroimage
- Kagan, I., Gibson, L., Spanou, E., & Wilke, M. (2021). Effective connectivity and spatial selectivity-dependent fMRI changes elicited by microstimulation of pulvinar and LIP. biorXiv
- Becker, Y., Sein, J., Velly, L., Giacomino, L., Renaud, L., Lacoste, R., Anton, J.-L., Nazarian, B., Berne, C., & Meguerditchian, A. (2021). Early Left-Planum Temporale Asymmetry in Newborn Monkeys: A Longitudinal Structural MRI Study Across Two Age Classes Neuroimage
- Ji, Jie Lisa, Jure Demšar, Clara Fonteneau, Zailyn Tamayo, Lining Pan, Aleksij Kraljič, Andraž Matkovič, et al. (2023). QuNex—An Integrative Platform for Reproducible Neuroimaging Analytics. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics
- Warrington, Shaun, Katherine L. Bryant, Alexandr A. Khrapitchev, Jerome Sallet, Marina Charquero-Ballester, Gwenaëlle Douaud, Saad Jbabdi, Rogier B. Mars, and Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos. (2020). XTRACT - Standardised Protocols for Automated Tractography in the Human and Macaque Brain. NeuroImage
- DeCasien, Alex R., Robert A. Barton, and James P. Higham. (2022). Understanding the Human Brain: Insights from Comparative Biology. Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
- Yokoyama, Chihiro, Joonas A. Autio, Takuro Ikeda, Jérôme Sallet, Rogier B. Mars, David C. Van Essen, Matthew F. Glasser, Norihiro Sadato, and Takuya Hayashi. (2021). Comparative Connectomics of the Primate Social Brain. NeuroImage
- Amiez, Céline, Jérôme Sallet, William D. Hopkins, Adrien Meguerditchian, Fadila Hadj-Bouziane, Suliann Ben Hamed, Charles R. E. Wilson, Emmanuel Procyk, and Michael Petrides. (2019). Sulcal Organization in the Medial Frontal Cortex Provides Insights into Primate Brain Evolution. Nature Communications
- Demirci, Nagehan, Mia E. Hoffman, and Maria A. Holland. (2023). Systematic Cortical Thickness and Curvature Patterns in Primates. NeuroImage
- Eichert, Nicole, Emma C Robinson, Katherine L Bryant, Saad Jbabdi, Mark Jenkinson, Longchuan Li, Kristine Krug, Kate E Watkins, and Rogier B Mars. Cross-Species Cortical Alignment Identifies Different Types of Anatomical Reorganization in the Primate Temporal Lobe. eLife
- Froudist-Walsh, Sean, Ting Xu, Meiqi Niu, Lucija Rapan, Ling Zhao, Daniel S. Margulies, Karl Zilles, Xiao-Jing Wang, and Nicola Palomero-Gallagher. (2023). Gradients of Neurotransmitter Receptor Expression in the Macaque Cortex. Nature Neuroscience
- Gordon, Evan M., Roselyne J. Chauvin, Andrew N. Van, Aishwarya Rajesh, Ashley Nielsen, Dillan J. Newbold, Charles J. Lynch, et al. (2023). A Somato-Cognitive Action Network Alternates with Effector Regions in Motor Cortex. Nature
- Griffa, Alessandra, Mathieu Mach, Julien Dedelley, Daniel Gutierrez-Barragan, Alessandro Gozzi, Gilles Allali, Joanes Grandjean, Dimitri Van De Ville, and Enrico Amico. (2023). Evidence for Increased Parallel Information Transmission in Human Brain Networks Compared to Macaques and Male Mice. Nature Communications
- Liu, Xiaojin, Simon B. Eickhoff, Svenja Caspers, Jianxiao Wu, Sarah Genon, Felix Hoffstaedter, Rogier B. Mars, et al. (2021). Functional Parcellation of Human and Macaque Striatum Reveals Human-Specific Connectivity in the Dorsal Caudate. NeuroImage
- Luppi, Andrea I., Pedro A. M. Mediano, Fernando E. Rosas, Negin Holland, Tim D. Fryer, John T. O’Brien, James B. Rowe, David K. Menon, Daniel Bor, and Emmanuel A. Stamatakis. (2022). A Synergistic Core for Human Brain Evolution and Cognition. Nature Neuroscience
- Roumazeilles, Lea, Nicole Eichert, Katherine L. Bryant, Davide Folloni, Jerome Sallet, Suhas Vijayakumar, Sean Foxley, et al.(2020). Longitudinal Connections and the Organization of the Temporal Cortex in Macaques, Great Apes, and Humans. PLOS Biology
- Trambaiolli, Lucas R, Xiaolong Peng, Julia F Lehman, Gary Linn, Brian E Russ, Charles E Schroeder, Hesheng Liu, and Suzanne N Haber. (2022). Anatomical and Functional Connectivity Support the Existence of a Salience Network Node within the Caudal Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex. eLife
- Valk, Sofie L., Ting Xu, Daniel S. Margulies, Shahrzad Kharabian Masouleh, Casey Paquola, Alexandros Goulas, Peter Kochunov, et al. (2020). Shaping Brain Structure: Genetic and Phylogenetic Axes of Macroscale Organization of Cortical Thickness. Science Advances
- Valk, Sofie L., Ting Xu, Casey Paquola, Bo-yong Park, Richard A. I. Bethlehem, Reinder Vos de Wael, Jessica Royer, et al. (2022). Genetic and Phylogenetic Uncoupling of Structure and Function in Human Transmodal Cortex. Nature Communications
- Vickery, S., Hopkins, W.D., Sherwood, C.C., Schapiro, S.J., Latzman, R.D., Caspers, S., Gaser, C., Eickhoff, S.B., Dahnke, R., & Hoffstaedter, F. (2020). Chimpanzee brain morphometry utilizing standardized MRI preprocessing and macroanatomical annotations. eLife
- Wan, Bin, Şeyma Bayrak, Ting Xu, H Lina Schaare, Richard AI Bethlehem, Boris C Bernhardt, and Sofie L Valk. (2022). Heritability and Cross-Species Comparisons of Human Cortical Functional Organization Asymmetry. eLife
- Xu, Ting, Karl-Heinz Nenning, Ernst Schwartz, Seok-Jun Hong, Joshua T. Vogelstein, Alexandros Goulas, Damien A. Fair, et al. (2020). Cross-Species Functional Alignment Reveals Evolutionary Hierarchy within the Connectome. NeuroImage
- Xu, Ting, Darrick Sturgeon, Julian S. B. Ramirez, Seán Froudist-Walsh, Daniel S. Margulies, Charles E. Schroeder, Damien A. Fair, and Michael P. Milham. (2019). Interindividual Variability of Functional Connectivity in Awake and Anesthetized Rhesus Macaque Monkeys. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging
We would be happy to list other useful publications for the NHP neuroimaging community (but have no ambition to recreate Pubmed{:target="_blank"} or Google Scholar{:target="_blank"}). Feel free to get in touch with us if there is a publication that could be added here.