This bundle integrates OVH's offical PHP SDK in the Symfony framework.
Use Composer to install the bundle:
composer require tilleuls/ovh-bundle
Then, update your app/config/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new CoopTilleuls\OvhBundle\CoopTilleulsOvhBundle(),
// ...
return $bundles;
Configure the bundle in app/config/config.yml
endpoint_name: "%ovh_endpoint_name%"
application_key: "%ovh_application_key%"
application_secret: "%ovh_application_secret%"
consumer_key: "%ovh_consumer_key%"
Finally, update your app/config/parameters.yml
file to store your OVH API credentials:
# ...
ovh_endpoint_name: "ovh-eu"
ovh_application_key: "MyOvhApplicationKey"
ovh_application_secret: "MyOvhApplicationSecret"
ovh_consumer_key: "MyOvhConsumerKey"
The bundle automatically registers a ovh
service in the Dependency Injection Container. That service is
an instance of \Ovh\Api
Example usage in a controller:
// ...
public function smsAction()
// Send a SMS
sprintf('/sms/%s/users/%s/jobs', 'my-service-name', 'my-login'),
'message' => 'Si tu veux me parler, envoie-moi un... fax !',
'receivers' => ['+33612345678'],
'sender' => 'my-login',
// ...
// ...
Created by Kévin Dunglas for