extension functions for AppCompat AlertDialog.
Supported platforms: Android.
If you want to use this dependency without using one of the fun packs,
you can use Splitties.alertdialogAppcompatCoroutines
, provided you have refreshVersions added to the project.
For reference, the maven coordinates of this module are com.louiscad.splitties:splitties-alertdialog-appcompat-coroutines
import splitties.alertdialog.appcompat.alertDialog
import splitties.alertdialog.appcompat.messageResource
import splitties.alertdialog.appcompat.coroutines.showAndAwait
import splitties.resources.txt
suspend fun shouldWeReallyDeleteFromTrash(): Boolean = alertDialog(
message = txt(R.string.dialog_msg_confirm_delete_from_trash)
okValue = true,
cancelValue = false,
dismissValue = false