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Orvibo S20 in Go (golang)

The S20 has been discontinued and it seems the only units available are at high price. For this reason (and the fact that basic on/off functionality has been accomplished) no further effort will be put into this project.


This is my first significant Go project and I'm sure I have much to learn. In particular the file naming and organization (and also package naming) may be unorthodox. Feel free to submit issues suggesting improvement.


At this point my itch has been scratched. What I needed to do with the Orvibo S20 is done (barring any bugs found in testing or reported by others.)

Basic functionality is now complete and an Orvibo S20 can be paired to an Access Point and turned on and off as desired (albeit with a lot of debug output.) Support for timer functions is not presently planned. For personal use it is easier to provide timed operations via a host PC.

  • Pairing with a real S20 just accomplished!
  • Discover() working.
  • Subscribe() seems to be working.
  • Command() now working. It requires retries to 'sink in.'
  • Milestone: The application can now turn a switch off/on at will.


  • Do something about the excessive debug output!
  • Use the primitives to build useful commands to turn S20 devices on/off using IP address or host name.
  • Check to see if pairing works with already paired device.
  • Rework error handling to do something more useful than print error and exit.
  • Implement on ON/OFF commands.
  • Implement alternate pairing method. Present only works for hosts with WiFi and when associated with the Orvibo S20.
  • Revisit testing and avoid the use of the environment variables.
  • Test to see if pairing can be performed while the S20 is already paired. (e.g. will the S20 respond to the AT commands if it is not in AP mode)
  • Skip resend of Control when the Control message is echoed back. The S20 will probably send the expected reply shortly and resending the Control message will just add extra traffic.


`go build cmd/command/s20_cmd.go`

This will leave the executable s20_cmd in the current directory (executed in the base directory for the repository.)




Provide a reason to write some Go code. Provide capability to manage the Orvibo S20 WiFi switch. Support comes in two phases. Initially the Orvibo must 'pair' with the local WiFi network. Second, a program is required to turn the switch on and off.

The switch supports additional functionality (timed on/off.)

Pairing options

  • One method is for another host on the network to send out various length messages where the password is encoded in the length of the messages (or something like that.) This is probably more appropriate for Android/IOS apps. This method is described at
  • Press the button on the S20 for longer than 5 seconds to put the S20 into (open) Access Point mode. (In this mode a blue indicator will flash at about 5 Hz. If a red indicator is flashing at that frequency, press he button about 4 seconds.) A PC can then associate with the S20 and exchange messages that share the desired SSID and password. Described at (Note: This page states that communications with the S20 are via the UDP broadcast address. In this code the address 1 less the broadcast address - .e.g .254 - was found to work.) Maybe I have more to learn about networking.


Both pairing strategies expose the local WiFi password to snooping. Hopefully no one is trying to get your credentials when this process is performed. (TODO: see if a new SSID/password can be provided once paired.)

In normal operation it seems likely that the S20 communicates with a cloud server to provide remote control of the switch. This exposes the network to ongoing security risk. To mitigate that, the S20 can be blocked from access int the Internet. Local operation still works.


Test files are presently separate from project sources and broken into two groups. First are those that do not require particular environmental configuration and can be expected to run without error. The second group require an S20 on the network and will not pass without a properly configured S20 on the LAN.

Stand alone test

hbarta@olive:~/Documents/go-work/src/$ go test -v
=== RUN   TestIsThisHost
--- PASS: TestIsThisHost (0.00s)
=== RUN   ExampleInit
--- PASS: ExampleInit (0.00s)
ok	0.002s

Test with S20


This first test exercises the pairing code that is used when the S20 is operating as an AP. To achieve this, power the S20 and long press the button twice until the indicator LED is flashing blue rapidly. The PC needs a WiFi interface associated with WiWo-S20 (or access to a network that is connected to this AP.) Without environment variables the code will provide likely useless setup parameters. At the completion of the test the S20 will reset and shut down AP operation. Test output looks like:

hbarta@olive:~/Documents/go-work/src/$ go test -v
=== RUN   TestPair
S20 S/W Version '+ok=08 (2015-04-28 16:57 16B)

S20 MID '+ok=HF-LPB100

S20 send MID +ok


--- PASS: TestPair (0.38s)
ok	0.386s

If the test is performed without an S20 connected the results will look like:

hbarta@olive:~/Documents/go-work/src/$ go test -v
=== RUN   TestPair
Error:  dial udp> bind: cannot assign requested address
exit status 1
FAIL	0.003s

If the following environment variables are set before running this test, the S20 will be configured accordingly.

    export SSID=<your SSID>
    export PASSWORD="<password-for-your-AP"
    export MODULE_ID="hostname-for-S20"

The MODULE_ID will be sent to the S20 and it will use it when it uses DHCP to request an IP address after associating with your WiFi AP. Some routers will display this name and resolve DNS requests to allow access to the S20 using that name.


Identify the S20 devices on the network.

hbarta@olive:~/Documents/go-work/src/$ go run cmd/command/s20_cmd.go -d
Sent 6 bytes
adding count 1 on 1
00000000  68 64 00 2a 71 61 00 ac  cf 23 55 fe 22 20 20 20  |hd.*qa...#U."   |
00000010  20 20 20 22 fe 55 23 cf  ac 20 20 20 20 20 20 53  |   ".U#..      S|
00000020  4f 43 30 30 35 5e a5 19  bc 01                    |OC005^....|
adding count 2 on 0
00000000  68 64 00 2a 71 61 00 ac  cf 23 36 02 0e 20 20 20  |hd.*qa...#6..   |
00000010  20 20 20 0e 02 36 23 cf  ac 20 20 20 20 20 20 53  |   ..6#..      S|
00000020  4f 43 30 30 35 52 ff 9b  dc 00                    |OC005R....|
{{ 10000 } ac:cf:23:36:02:0e 0e:02:36:23:cf:ac true}
{{ 10000 } ac:cf:23:36:02:0e 0e:02:36:23:cf:ac false}

(Note: Spot the bug - now fixed - in the output above! Hint MAC addresses)


This test exercises an actual S20 device that has been given the name s20n01. Run the following command to turn it on.

go run cmd/command/s20_cmd.go -c s20n01 on

and expect the following result

hbarta@olive:~/Documents/go-work/src/$ go run cmd/command/s20_cmd.go -c s20n01 on
resolved as
Sent Discover 6 bytes
unpacked {{ 10000 } ac:cf:23:55:fe:22 22:fe:55:23:cf:ac false {0 0 <nil>}}
adding count 1 on 0 mac ac:cf:23:55:fe:22
00000000  68 64 00 2a 71 61 00 ac  cf 23 55 fe 22 20 20 20  |hd.*qa...#U."   |
00000010  20 20 20 22 fe 55 23 cf  ac 20 20 20 20 20 20 53  |   ".U#..      S|
00000020  4f 43 30 30 35 b8 38 21  bc 00                    |OC005.8!..|
unpacked {{ 10000 } ac:cf:23:36:02:0e 0e:02:36:23:cf:ac false {0 0 <nil>}}
adding count 2 on 0 mac ac:cf:23:36:02:0e
00000000  68 64 00 2a 71 61 00 ac  cf 23 36 02 0e 20 20 20  |hd.*qa...#6..   |
00000010  20 20 20 0e 02 36 23 cf  ac 20 20 20 20 20 20 53  |   ..6#..      S|
00000020  4f 43 30 30 35 af 92 a3  dc 00                    |OC005.....|

building subscription
00000000  68 64 00 1e 63 6c ac cf  23 55 fe 22 20 20 20 20  |"    |
00000010  20 20 22 fe 55 23 cf ac  20 20 20 20 20 20        |  ".U#..      |
Sent Subscribe 30 bytes
Subscribe Reply 24 bytes from
00000000  68 64 00 18 63 6c ac cf  23 55 fe 22 20 20 20 20  |"    |
00000010  20 20 00 00 00 00 00 00                           |  ......|
subscribed and currently off

building command
00000000  68 64 00 17 64 63 ac cf  23 55 fe 22 20 20 20 20  |hd..dc..#U."    |
00000010  20 20 00 00 00 00 01                              |  .....|
Sent Control 23 bytes
Control Reply 23 bytes from
unexpected Control reply [0 23 100 99]
Control Reply 23 bytes from
00000000  68 64 00 17 73 66 ac cf  23 55 fe 22 20 20 20 20  |hd..sf..#U."    |
00000010  20 20 00 00 00 00 01                              |  .....|
commanded and currently on

If within earshot, the S20 emits an audible click when turned on or off.


See details at (Now part of project at orvibo_wifi_socket.txt)


The command sequence requires the following steps:

  • Discovery Identify the devices available. The S20 replies ten times with the discovery response. (This might be eliminated if a database is kept that holds the information cleaned from Discovery.)
  • Subscription - According to the Python variants a Control message must follow a Subscribe message within 60 seconds. The current application doesn't retain this state and just Subscribes before sending the Control message.
  • Control - Typical interchange is that the S20 does not reply the first time this is sent. The second time it echoes the message back and then sends the expected message. This app resends the


Returning to the project after 4 months of not working on it, I don't recall what the different files are for. I do recall that I was grappling with package names, testing, commands that use a 'library package' and my general ignorance of these things WRT Go. Following is a list of the files and what I think they do.

  • cmd/ contains the programs that use the package to do things with the Orvibo S20.
  • cmd/commands/s20_cmd.go Program to interact with an already paired S20.
  • cmd/pair/s20_pair.go Program to pair an S20 (e.g. configure it for the local WiFi access point.)
  • s20/ contains the files that provide the s20 package.
  • s20/cmd.go Various functions used for interacting with a paired S20.
  • s20/pair.go Functions used to pair with an S20 which is operating as an AP.
  • s20/s20.go Predefined variables and utility functions such as Init() and Get().
  • s20/s20_test.go provides tests that do not require a configured S20
  • s20_pair_test/ contains test that requires a configured S20
  • s20_pair_test/s20_pair.go Test pairing with a real S20.


  • Protocol description kindly provided at and copied here should the original ever be deleted.
  • Python implementation
  • Partial Python implementation