wizardmc.fr is the official website of the WizardMC minecraft server. It is composed of 3 distinct applications: the frontend, the api and finally the admin dashboard.
- Node.js >= 12.0.0
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
> cd wizardmc.fr/frontend
> npm install
> cp .env.example .env # and edit the values
> npm run dev
> cd wizardmc.fr/api
> npm install
> cp .env.example .env # and edit the values
> node ace build
> node ace generate:key # and copy the value to the .env file (APP_KEY field)
> node ace migration:run
> node ace seed:db # optional: if you want fake data to test the app
> npm run dev
> cd wizardmc.fr/admin
> npm install
> cp .env.example .env
> npm run dev
> cd frontend
> npm run build
> cd api
> node ace build
> cd admin
> npm run build
Do not hesitate to contribute to the project by adapting or adding features ! Bug reports or pull requests are welcome.
This project is using the GPLv3 License. Feel free to create an issue for any question regarding your rights to use this project.