This file gives information about the documentation structure that each SDK should strive to adhere.
- It outlines the major titles and subtitles
- It shows the order in which the content should be presented
- It clarifies the header tags for titles
All feature sections (h1s in the document) should have:
- an introduction about that feature
- a link to it's relevant 'User Guides' article
All bold titles are h1 header tags. Ex: H1 Title
Some information about a title or a text that should be added to the documentation but it is not a title is provided inside parentheses. Ex: (information) or (Other things)
All subtitles presented in an orderly fashion. Ex:
Main Title
First Subtitle
- Second Subtitle
This represents:
h1: Main Title
h2: First Subtitle
h3: Second Subtitle
Each SDK document starts with an introductory text that includes: the current SDK major version, SDK name, link to the archived doc page, link to the example integration section.
The template for the first paragraph should be: "This documentation is for the Countly [SDK name] SDK version [SDK version]. The SDK source code repository can be found here [this links to the repo].
Then there should be a informative callout with: "Click here [link to specific archive section], to access the documentation for older SDK versions."
Then there should be a single of multiple paragraphs (depending on the SDK) describing the minimum version requirements for the SDK.
And finally there should be:
"To examine the example integrations please have a look here [link to the example app explaining section]."
SDK Integration This should contain the core integration information about the SDK, including a short MVP setup
Adding the SDK to the Project
- (How should that be done, where can the library be found, how is the dependency added to their project)
- other things to note (like what is they should know prior to implementation)
Minimal Setup (mandatory fields and other useful information)
Required App Permissions (if needed)
Required Callbacks (if needed)
(Other things if needed. This should cover rare platform specific topics)
Countly Code Generator
SDK Logging / Debug Mode (this should mention also where the SDK logs can be found)
- (general description on how to do it)
- Log Listener
Crash Reporting
- (Intro)
- Automatic Crash Handling (how do we enable it, what needs to be done)
- Handled Exceptions
- Crash Breadcrumbs
- Automatic Crash Report Segmentation
- Crash Filtering
- Consent
- Native C++ Crash Reporting
- (platform specific information regarding crashes)
- Symbolication
- (Overview)
- (Symbol extraction)
- (Automatic upload script)
- (Intro with event field overview (sum, count, duration, segmentation). Mention allowed data types for segmentation)
- Recording Events
- Timed Events
- Past Events
- Consent
- (Intro)
- Automatic Session Tracking
- Manual Sessions
- Hybrid Mode
- Consent
View Tracking
- (Intro)
- Automatic Views (if applicable)(Including info of how the automatic view name is acquired)
- Automatic View Segmentation
- Automatic View Exceptions
- Manual View Recording (should include information about manual view segmentation)
- Auto Stopped Views
- Regular Views
- Stopping Views
- Pausing and Resuming Views
- Adding Segmentation to Started Views
- Global View Segmentation
- Consent
Device ID Management
- (Intro)
- Retrieving Current Device ID (should include also a way to retrieve the current ID type)
- Changing Device ID (should describe ways to do it with and without merge)
- Temporary Device ID
- Device ID Generation (should describe all the ways the ID is generated (when no custom id is provided by the dev) and what platform information is used to do that)
- Consent
Push Notifications
- (Intro)
- Integration (steps required to integrate and setup push for the project)
- Enabling Push (describes how to enable and configure push in the SDK)
- Removing Push and It’s Dependencies
- Customizing Push Messages
- Deep Links
- Rich Media
- Receiving Data Only Notifications
- Handling Push Callbacks
- Handling ‘onClick’ Events
- Handling ‘onReceive’ Events
- Setting up Credentials
- Acquiring Credentials
- Setting up the Dashboard
- Consent
User Location
- (intro of used location values and location tracking)
- Setting Location (during init and after init)
- Disabling Location (during init and after init)
- Consent
- (Intro)
- Tracking Clicks
- Tracking Scrolls
- Consent
Remote Config
- (Intro (slightly note AB testing), small overview of the flow)
- Downloading values
- Automatic Remote Config Triggers (what they are and how to disable them)
- Manual Calls
- (Update “all”)
- (Update “except keys”)
- (Update “for keys only”)
- Accessing values (We don't mention the 'GetAndEnroll' call)
- Clearing Stored Values
- Global Download Callbacks (how to register and unregister)
- A/B Testing
- Enrollment on Download
- Enrollment on Access (we mention the 'GetAndEnroll' call)
- Enrollment on Action (the explicit call)
- Exiting A/B Tests
- Consent
User Feedback
- (Intro)
- Star Rating Dialog
- Feedback Widget
- (NPS)
- (Surveys)
- (Rating)
- Getting Available Widgets
- Presenting A Widget
- Manual Reporting
- (link to advanced article)
- Getting Feedback Widget Data
- Reporting Widget Result Manually
- Consent
User Profiles
- (Intro, expected flow (save))
- Setting User Properties
- Custom Values
- Predefined Values
- Setting User Picture
- (picture upload)
- (setting picture url)
- User Property Modificators
- Orientation Tracking
- Consent
Application Performance Monitoring
- (Intro)
- (setup / enabling)
- Custom Traces
- Network Traces
- (Automatic network traces)
- (Manual network traces)
- Automatic Device Traces
- App Time in Background / Foreground
- Consent
User Consent
- (Intro about consent in general)
- Feature Names
- Setup During Init (including give all)
- Changing Consent (including give, remove all)
- Feature Groups
Security and Privacy
- Parameter Tamper Protection
- SSL Certificate Pinning
- Using a Self-Signed Server Certificate
- (Tamper protection tools, if needed for the platform)
Other Features and Notes
- SDK Config Parameters Explained (should explain all init time SDK parameters)
- Example Integrations
- SDK storage and Requests
- Setting Event Queue Threshold
- Setting Maximum Request Queue Size
- Forcing HTTP POST
- Custom HTTP Header Values
- Interacting with the Internal Request Queue
- Direct Request
- Explicit Storage Mode
- Checking If the SDK Has Been Initialized
- SDK Internal Limits
- Key Length
- Value Size
- Segmentation Values
- Breadcrumb Count
- Stack Trace Lines Per Thread
- Stack Trace Line Length
- Attribution
- Direct Attribution
- Indirect Attribution
- Multi Instancing (if the SDK supports it)
- Custom Metrics
- Server Configuration
- A/B Experiment Testing
- Variant Level Control
- Downloading
- Accessing
- Experiment Level Control
- Downloading
- Accessing
- Enrolling / Exiting
- Variant Level Control
- Changing Server URL and App Key
- Testing
- Backend Mode
- (Intro, what is it for, what is it supports, multi apps?)
- Enabling Backend Mode (Give an example of how to enable it and most needed config things should be mentioned)
- Recording Data (On each sub-functionality explain how the methods work and give examples of the method calls, if needed give further information)
- Crash Reporting
- Events
- Sessions
- View Tracking
- Device ID Management
- (Change Device ID With Merge)
- (Change Device ID Without Merge)
- User Profiles
- Direct Requests (If supported by the SDK)
- (Other features, platform related things)
- Configuring Backend Mode (if backend mode related config params exist)
- (Other features, configuration options)
Where Does the SDK Store the Data? (where is it stored and what mechanism is it using)
How can I tell what SDK version I am Using?
What Information Is Collected by the SDK? (should mention every user and device related information that is collected by the SDK during its operation. Data should be described at a high granularity so that it can be used for GDPR reports.)
(Other potential questions depending on the SDK)