Date & Time: Friday July 21st, 2017 6-9 pm
Location: NextSpace Coworking Berkeley 2081 Center St, Berkeley, CA 94704
It is recommended that attendees install Python, Anaconda, Jupyter Notebook, Scikit Learn, and TensorFlow on their laptops prior to attending.
We created a slack channel for easy communication and mentoring during the event.
-Join Accel.AI Slack
-Join #demystify-ai-workshop
We have prepared Docker images (Python 2.7 & 3.6) with instructions as a quick install method.
Package Documentation:
Download & install Anaconda.
(We strongly recommend using python 3.6.1 version) -
Open a terminal and
to your home directory (cd ~/
) -
Customzie & paste the following into the terminal and press [Enter] to start the environment installation:
conda create --prefix ~/anaconda3/envs/[name of your environment] python=[version of python you want installed] scipy scikit-learn nose readline pandas seaborn jupyter tk graphviz requests pyyaml ipywidgets tensorflow pytorch theano
For example: conda create --prefix ~/anaconda3/envs/myTFenv python=3.6.1 scipy scikit-learn nose readline pandas seaborn jupyter tk graphviz requests pyyaml ipywidgets tensorflow pytorch theano
Once the above has run successfully, there will be a message about activating the environment
source activate [name of your environment]
For example: source activate myTFenv
your command-line prompt should change to reflect that you are in and active environment.
For example: (myTFenv) My-MacBook-Pro: ~ myusername$
Once the environment is active and you are at the command prompt again, type:
pip install keras
You should now be up and running and able to code, run examples, or launch a Jupyter Notebook.
Download & install Anaconda. We strongly recommend using python 3.6 - TensorFlow for python 2.7.x on is not available for Windows
Open a command prompt (NOT PowerShell!) and
to your home directory:cd C:\Users\[your user name]
Customize & Paste the following into the terminal and press [Enter] to start the environment installation:
conda create --prefix ~\anaconda3\envs\[name of your environment] python=[version of python you want installed] scipy scikit-learn nose readline pandas seaborn jupyter tk graphviz requests pyyaml ipywidgets tensorflow pytorch theano
For example: conda create --prefix ~\anaconda3\envs\ myTFenv python= 3.6.1 scipy scikit-learn nose readline pandas seaborn jupyter tk graphviz requests pyyaml ipywidgets tensorflow pytorch theano
Once the above has run successfully, there will be a message about activating the environment
activate [name of your environment]
For example: activate myTFenv
your command-line prompt should change to reflect that you are in and active environment.
For example: $(myTFenv) C:\Users\ [your username]
Once the environment is active and you are at the command prompt again, type:
pip install keras
-Fork & Clone Github repo:
-Fork & Clone Github repo:
-Fork & Clone Github repo:
-Fork & Clone Github repo:
-Install the latest version of NodeJS (
-Create Facebook Developer Account (
-Create Sample Facebook Page (
-Create Microsoft Account (
-Fork & Clone Github repo: