middleware-shell-exporter (中文版)
Middleware Shell Exporter can execute all types of scripts and push them to Prometheus (Victoriametrics).
This is a solution specifically provided for DBAs and operations personnel (DB type middleware can only be checked for health by performing a read and write once), and supports custom inspection modules.
- Mongo-replicaset Mongo replica deployment mode
- Mongo_shard mongo replica sharding mode
- Mongo_standalone Mongo standalone mode
- Redis_master slave redis master-slave mode
- Redis_standalone Redis standalone mode
- MySQL standalone mode、
- Curl_check curl checks the health of API interfaces
- Aliyun_ecs Convert Alibaba Cloud's disk and ECS details into metrics
- kafka_cluster supports versions 2.x to 3.x.
- Customized version of the client, as long as you put the corresponding official client into the bin directory, it can be adapted to different clusters.
- Support custom shell generation metrics
- Support customized inspection modules
- Support monitoring, such as the number of executions, success or failure, etc
- No need for SDK to operate the database, use the official native client
- Support custom output conversion metrics