💼 Complete every classeviva course
ClassevivaCourses is a static web page built with TypeScript that runs on the spaggiari electronic register and allows you to complete almost every course on it. It modifies the DOM, creating an HTML dashboard, and can be injected with the following snippet:
javascript:(async function () {eval(await (await fetch('{your static host}/dist/loader.js')).text());})();
Most of the courses were extract from these pages:
• https://media.spaggiari.eu/bianco/www/img/brochure_sicurezza_2016.pdf
• https://safetyforschool.spaggiari.eu/col/app/default/index.php
You can add or modify courses by creating a file in the courses folder named [courseId].ts, refer to the security course sicstu as an example.
You can modify the configuration in the config.ts file.
"debug": false, //logs info to the console
"staticHost": "{static_host}", //host where the static files (dashboard.html, ...) are located
"dashboardPath": "src/dashboard.html", //FileSystem path of the html dashboard file
//optional config
"DS_HOOK": "{discord_webhook}", //Discord webhook to recive notifications
"pinger": { //Ping the provided websites every x ms
"domains": [
"url": '/',
"timeout": 10*1000,
In order to load the configuration file using hidden properties (placeholders in the config file) such as the discord webhook, you need to create a .env file or pass the right github secrets to the action. see more